Mrs. B is a third grade teacher. She is the inclusion teacher and is self-contained. She has 18 students with 6 students being SPED students. Writing is a huge initiative at her school this year and she is ready to jump on the task. Each day at writing time, her six SPED students struggle to write. She has them sit at the back table and assists them in a small group, she showed them how to use a graphic organizer to organize their ideas, etc Despite these many efforts, Mrs. B's students still struggle to write. How can Mrs. B help these students become better writers?
I also feel that changing the routine of writing time will assist all of the students. Discussing the topics ahead of time, creating partners or groups will help students succeed.
I agree that the method she is using is not working, and it would be beneficial to try other methods. I think the idea of pairing up is a good first strategy to use.
I like this solution about classroom discussion. This gives the students a chance to hear ideas from their peers. I also believe that music may encourage writing.