Constructed Response Summative Assessment

Mr. Johnson is part of a county initiative to vary assessment practices. He wants to include more constructed response questions in his assessments. His first test was 3 essay questions covering assessing one unit. He felt that the assessment did not measure all of the material he covered. What can he do to vary assessment and ensure that he is testing most of what was taught?

Solution #1
While essay questions and constructive response questions are excellent ways to test students, it is perfectly fine to include multiple choice questions, matching and essay in order to fully cover the content area being tested.
Solution #2
Mr. Johnson should consider making a table of specifications. This way he would know if his questions are covering everything he is required to teach for that unit.
Solution #3
Mr. Johnson's first step is to determine what it is he is trying to assess. Then, Mr. Johnson can start by using the standards to create his assessments. By reviewing each standard he has taught he can determine what would be the appropriate way to assess each standard. Mr. Johnson vary the assessment depending on what his students were required to learn. If they were required to learn a skill then his assessment should be some type of performance task where students are asked to apply what they have learned. If they were required to memorize or learn information then a creative paper test may be more fitting.
Solution #4
Mr. Johnson should ensure that his constructed response questions are a reflection of the standards he has taught. For instance, if the standard he is teaching reflects explaining the concept, then the constructed response question created should require students to explain the concepts. Each standard has a set of specific skills and content the students should master, so the questions should be an extension of what is taught in the standard.