Assessment Results

Ms. Jones knows assessment is a vital part of instruction and she assesses her students on a regular basis. When she grades their tests, she records the scores into her grade book and sends them home. Recently her principal suggested that her classroom needs to be more data driven. Now, Ms. Jones is trying to figure out what to do in order to improve her instruction using data and assessment. What can she do?

Solution #1
For good or bad, we are all in a data driven education world. Ms. Jones needs to begin by creating assessments that have test questions that are directly tied to a specific standard. All questions should be related to a standard. By creating standardized tests that are related to standards, Ms. Jones can now link learning and methods directly to assessment results.
Solution #2
Dada from assessments is good information to use when making small groups for remediation, enrichment, and acceleration. This is a good way to start using the dada for instruction.
Solution #3
Data does not have to always mean graded tests. It could be formative assessments in the form of ticket-out-the-doors or even thumbs-up, thumbs-down. If you are creating graded assessment, make sure each item is alligned to a standard. It is time consuming, but make data analysis much easier.

I like this solution. There are different ways to collect data.

Solution #4
Ms. Jones can create charts and allow each homeroom class to chart their assessment progress throughout the year. She can also complete data analysis and group the students based on the standards or skills they are weak in. If more than 50 percent of students missed questions pertaining to one concept, then she should go back and reteach those concepts.