Code of Ethics...really?

Mr. John was interviewed by three principals for his current job. While in the interview he was questioned about what he would do if a female student wanted an inappropriate relationship. Mr. John was troubled with this because the principal asking the question was involved in an inappropriate relationship with a student before he became principal. What should Mr. John's answer have been?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Mr. John should act as appropriately as any educator would and give an answer that follows the code of ethics for his state. Before any interviews a teacher should be familiar with their state's code of ethics.

I agree with this solution. I would want to know the code of ethics before becoming a teacher, and I would not sweat the question because that is expected behavior.

This statement is very true. Knowing the code of ethics is extremely important.

The code of ethics is the code of ethics, not someone else's behavior.

Knowing Code of Ethics prior to an interview is smart.

I agree with this solution. Make sure to know the ends and out of the code of ethics prior to interview.

Solution #2
"I am a professional and will keep all my relationships with students professional. These students' parents have temporarily placed them in my care, and I wouldn't think of doing anything to jeopardize the well being of my students or my job."

Stay professional. Good advice.

Solution #3
My thought would be why this man is a principal then? But I would not ask the principal this, I would instead state that as a teacher I will maintain professional standards and appropriateness. This means not getting into any inappropriate relationships with students. I would also report this to the guidance counselor to keep everything open so that nothing can be said against me later. As well as to ask how to go about this in discussing the instance with the parents.
Solution #4
Mr. John should follow and be consistant with what the code of ethics says. Aknowliging that it is wrong and should not happen under any circumstances is the correct response, althogh the principle had been involved with one before.
Solution #5
Mr. John should act appropriately as any educator and respond to the question and remember that if that was indeed a fact about the principal he or she has a job and he needs one.
Solution #6
As these situations have arise, Mr. John should be understanding of the interviewer question and answer appropriately, noteing the school conduct.
Solution #7
I think he should answer the question to what he believes, he should not try to change his morals to match the principal just to get the job.
Solution #8
The advance should be reported to the counselor and grade level assistant principal.

The person being interviewed might not have all of the facts to report the situation.