I was recently assigned to the middle school in the Warren School District. The district serves a community that had once been an all-white middle-class enclave, but has recently become more diverse in its ethnic makeup. I am very interested in multicultural education. I instituted the use of dialog journals in my adviser group, telling the students that they can write anything they want. Some journal entries cause me concern. Warren Jackson, an African American, complains that my emphasis on African American culture embarrasses him. Gail Smith, a white girl, writes that her parents object strongly to her affection for Warren Jackson and that she is considering suicide. My problems come to a head in my first meeting with the principal. The principal suggests that I decrease his use of small groups, that I abandon my dialogue journals, and that I de-emphasize the multicultural aspects of my classes. He suggests that I emphasize similarities, not differences. I don't know what to do. I do think that my methods have some value but I cannot go against my principal.
I also think that the dialogue journals are a great way for students to privately express their thoughts, ideas, or feelings. I believe that we should teach both similarities and differences within our classroom in all areas, including multicultural education. We need students to understand how our world as evolved and how people from all cultures bring something unique to our country and our classroom.
I agree that we need to teach similarities and differences among students in our classroom. They need to know that everyone can have the same feelings. They also need to know that not everyone has the same opinions. It's important for students to start learning this at a young age so they don't grow up thinking they are better than another race.
I also believe this is a great way to talk to Warren and maybe find a delivery method that is comfortable for all students.
I had a very similar post to yours. I think the dialogue journals are extremely effective and Gail probably wouldn't have expressed those feelings verbally so kudos for having her trust. How you use these materials though are what is going to make the difference. It's important that students are able to respect one another without feeling like they are being singled out or highlighted for being difference.
Colleen, I also like the journals, and the opportunity they provide students to be open and honest with the teacher. I agree that most of the students are probably uncomfortable because of the controversial nature of the topic. However, some embarrassment may also come from lack of understanding, and unwillingness to be open minded. The use of the journals needs to continue to address these issues.
I really liked how you included turning some of these ideas over to counselor. Without this opportunity your students would be keeping this information inside which is not a good thing. We should always encourage students to express their ideas and themselves. This will also help you get to know your students. I definitely think you are correct with creating an action plan in case hot topics of concerns come up.
I totally agree with you! The journals are an awesome idea to get kids to open up about what they are dealing with and a pathway for us to be able to help them!
Great post! I agree with your suggestion to continue using the dialogue journals and to seek guidance counseling for the student in crisis. I would take it one step further by team teaching a lesson or two with the guidance counselor on cultural diversity topics and social emotional topics that are specific to ideas students are concerned about in their journals. Doing so would help children come up with socially emotionally helpful ways to solve diversity problems.
I think it is also great that you use these journals to allow students to express themselves. This is a great way to have them think culturally and work out issue they are having. It does become concern when health is being tampered with.
This is a great idea. This helps the students get their thoughts on paper. Students are able to speak their minds. The student that is having a serious issue needs to speak with someone else, such as a counselor. I like the idea of talking to the other student about how he feels.
I too felt that the journals are a good way for middle school students to express their inner thoughts and feelings as it is such a transitional period in their lives. I also agree that Gail's journal entry needs to be dealt with right away and that Warren may have some great input as to how to teach multicultural education. Hearing his reasoning on what and why his is embarrassed could be very eye opening for you and shed light on how to be a better teacher.
I agree that the dialogue journals are a great aspect to the classroom and should not be eliminated. I think that the young girl should definitely see a counselor about her suicidal thoughts and the young man would benefit from speaking to a counselor as well. I do agree with the principal that issues of similarities should be more addressed than differences.
The dialog journals are great but everything changes when a student threatens suicide. Teachers are mandated reporters. The student cannot be left alone until she has seen the guidance counselor and she follows her protocol for dealing with such issues.
That is a good idea just to deal with the two students independently. The journals are a good way to let the students write down their ideas without having to feel like they are being judged.
I agree that the dialog journals are obviously a powerful tool! We need our students to be open and honest with them, so that we can meet their needs. For example, using the information from these journals, we can tailor our instruction to help Warren feel more comfortable, while also getting Gail the help she so clearly needs. Facing these things can be difficult, but we must embrace the important role we play in our students' lives and utilize any tools we have to help them.
Talking with Warren to see what would be a better approach to the lesson for him not to feel uncomfortable is a great idea. I do believe the journals are a great idea. It's a private section of the classroom or school, for that matter, for the students to express themselves freely and openly. It also allows you, as the teacher, information to better understand your students and make accommodations that may be necessary to provoke their full academic potential.
I love dialogue journals and believe they provide students some freedom and choice in the classroom. I would hate for the teacher to have to remove these from the classroom. I agree, some facts are controversial but not everyone is going to have the same beliefs about everything. I would encourage the principal to allow you to continue with the journals and teach about both similarities and differences. In the real world, people aren't just going to focus on things that are the same. We must prepare these students for the real world and not coddle them. I also agree that you could talk with both students discussed in this post to see what deeper feelings they have regarding the subject. I would also bring the suicide comment to the attention of the counselor.
I like the idea of the openness of dialog journals. I think it gives the students the opportunity to speak clearly without judgement. I would continue these journals.
I agree that a counselor must come in and speak to the student who wanted to harm herself and also that the journals provide the students with opportunities to express themselves.
I agree with several of the points in your post. The counselor does need to be contacted. Moreover, I think the dialogue journals would be a great way for students to communicate their feelings as well as maybe how the teacher should modify his or her instruction to make it more meaningful for the students. Dialogue journals would also help the students feel more invested in the instruction since they would have an opinion in regards to how and what material is being taught.
I think a counselor is the way to effectively deal with the Gail situation. I also think that I would speak to the other student one on one to see what I was doing that was embarrassing him. That was you can get a dialogue going between you and that student.
I think that we should talk about the differences and not settle to show similarities. The talk of suicide is extremely important and should be addressed immediately with the student and counselor. Maybe stepping back from the lessons and teaching them a different way may be more appropriate, but I think the dialogue journals are absolutely perfect for the situation and allow for the teacher to recognize how the students feel in response to the prompts.
I might use this if i come across this problem
I agree with you that the journals are a great way for the students to express themselves privately. The comment that Gail wrote should be shown to both the principal and a guidance counselor. I would not decrease the use of these journals because they help the students speak their minds. I would have a talk with Warren to understand why he is feeling embarrassed.
I agree! Somebody needs to be notified about Gail. Remember that you are a mandated reporter and you could be in trouble if it is not reported and something happens to her. Warren being uncomfortable with the information being presented is a great reason as to why multicultural education is needed at the school. In my opinion, students need to be uncomfortable at times because all topics are not comforting...
I also think that dialogue journals are a great way for students to get their thoughts down on paper. Dialogue journals also let the teachers know what they are thinking.
I agree that the dialogue journals are a great way to make sure that students get a chance to express themselves. This could be the only way that they are getting their thoughts out.
This is a very thoughtful solution. It is very helpful.
I agree that the first step needs to be contacting the counselor about the student who has expressed an intent to harm themselves. I also wonder what about these lessons in causing embarrassment for the student. Focusing too much on injustices and differences can make students uncomfortable so I think that there needs to be a balance between discussing these and teaching the many positives of cultural diversity.
I agree that there is something not being told about why he is embarrassed. If he would say he does not like it just because is one reason but being embarrassed is not normal. Is he biracial? If so, this could be the cause especially if race is not discussed in his household. You can discuss multiculturalism in different ways such as discussing personalities or family traditions. This can then bring about other conversations. Then discover different activities instead of journal writing.
I would also be curious to know how the lessons are embarrassing the African American student. I think explaining to him (and maybe the class) that was not the intention, may be helpful.
Since the school district was restructured, it is possible Warren may be the only or one of the few African Americans in the classroom. If so, it is important to understand that this change in the demographics of the school affects him as well. It is quite possible he has never been in a classroom with whites and this may actually be the cause for this embarrassment and not just the topic of multiculturalism. Regardless of the reason for embarrassment, it is important to hold a conversation with Warren to discuss the reasons for his embarrassment.
I think the African American student is feeling embarrass because he may be outnumbered, and thus made more aware of his cultural difference. Not one likes to feel singled out. However, it is important that this student develops a positive self-concept so that he does not have to feel embarrass or inferior to the dominant culture represented in the classroom.
Definitely report the student contemplating suicide immediately to the guidance counselor. Then I would re- evaluate my delivery of information and definitely focus more on similiarities. But history is history and everything cannot be peaches and cream all of the time because that's just not the way things happened. A medium must be found.
I agree that the first step in this situation would be to contact the counselor to get help for Gail. Once that is done, the next step would be to talk with Warren and find out why he is embarrassed. I agree that it is important not to focus on one specific ethnic group but great people from various groups.
I agree, as a mandated reporter it is the teacher's job to report Gail's problem to the counselor and get her the attention that is needed. It is also great that your pointed out that Warren's problem may be how the information in presented to the class that makes him embarrassed. I think that the teacher needs to pull Warren to the side to find out exactly why he's embarrassed.
I totally agree that with a situation like Gail's, you need to go directly to the counselor. If the teacher did not do dialogue journals then it is a good possibility that no one would have found out about Gail's feelings. I think I would go to the principle and tell him the possitives about incorporating this journals into the curriculum, but if he/she is still against it you need to do what they recommend.
You must bring the student who threatened suicide to the guidance counselor immediately according to the law. It is possible you are embarrassing the African American student because you are constantly bring up this subject when he wants to be treated the same as everyone else. It would be impossible for him to just fit in when you keep telling everyone how different his people have been treated in the past.
You had a great point when mentioning that the teacher may be targeting the African American culture more than any others. I can see a student becoming embarrassed as well if they are the only student of a different culture in a class of students all from the same culture. I imagine myself in a class full of African Americans and could become embarrassed when talking about the white culture. You said it best when saying you do not want to single any one student out and talking more about the culture as group and the good/positive things they accomplished.
I agree with you that Warren's embarrassment is most likely caused by an disproportionate focus on one ethnicity or even just ethnicity in general. We are all shaped by many aspects of our being, including our age, sex/gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status. These are things that should also be included in multicultural education to ensure that our students are getting the "bigger picture" of the world and factors that influence one's worldview.
You made a great point in stating that the teacher should consider the racial and cultural demographics of the classroom. The teacher does not need to single out any one of the students. I think a great way around this issue is to provide instruction to the students involving different cultures, not just the ones that are in the classroom.
I agree multicultural education should be taught as facts and as not to cause bias among groups. When just the facts are presented students can form their own opinions of the information.
I think your solution was right on point, what I suggested was very similar. I too said that the mention of suicide was the top priority and then move on from there. Also, I like that you suggest that the journaling be analyzed more before throwing it all away. It seems n depth research of practice is the suggestion you are getting at as you also suggesting not looking at the lessons to ensure that you aren't singling out one student (the embarrassed Black student). Sound advice.
Great idea
You have a wonderful and well-worded perspective on the matter. Thank you for being so thorough. As little people should be involved in this issue as possible, but protection must be provided and a counselor can help.
I like your response to the situation and agree that there must be more to the matter on why Warren is feeling embarrassed. I would also consider and ask if he is out-numbered in the classroom. Putting that much attention on him may make him feel alienated. In response to Gail, I completely agree that it should be reported. If something were to happen to her and you knew about it, I know that it would not go over well. I would re-evaluate the assignments and possibly adjust them to make all students feel comfortable.
It is absolutely necessary to report the information about Gail because he is a mandated reporter. Also, I agree that one student does not need to be singled out. It is imperative that you take multiple cultures and present these within class and not just African American (if that is what is happening).
I also agree that the first step would be to contact the counselor. I would also like to find out why he would be embarrassed.
I also agree that the first step in this case is discussing the journals with the counselors. But also figure out what is making the young boy feel embarrassed during the discussion. I also think that this would be done best in private.
I agree. My first step would definitely be to contact the counselor or principal to talk to Gail. I also agree that it is best to not try to single anyone out. Maybe it would help to talk about a variety of ethnic groups and cultures and also bring up positive aspects about them.
I agree that any time a student suggests suicide, a counselor should get involved. As far as the African American student is concerned, examining why the student is embarrassed by this is the first step.
Providing evidence is certainly the route I would take when trying to convince the principal that my methods are valuable. You must present your perspective and back it up in order to get the principal to consider your approach.
Providing evidence for the principal could definitely help since he seems to be thinking completely negative right now.
I agree that the principal is basing his suggestions off of the one incident and that it would be a good idea to bring positive evidence to him/her of your teaching. Also, it is important to remind him/her that the issue with Gail has nothing to do with the way you are teacher rather her home life.
Before listening entirely to the principal or yourself, I would reach out to Warren and any other students who are feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable with the content being taught. They can probably suggest better alternatives and find a happy medium between your view and that of your principal. Also, it is important to address Gail's entry.
I agree that the teacher should speak with the principal about the positive effects of multicultural education in the classroom. Perhaps once the principal as a better understanding for the teacher is trying to accomplish, they then may be able to work more as a team to reach their goal. I'm sure the principal has some great advice and strategies he/she can share to make multicultural education successful in the teacher's classroom.
I also suggested providing evidence to the principal. I think it would be helpful if there were some clear evidence that the teacher's multicultural approach is improving student performance and/or engagement.
i think having an adult conversation with your principal with supporting evidence as to why your teaching methods are beneficial will shed some light. It seems like the principal may not have been in a situation like this before and he or she needs to be enlightened into the benefits. At this point it is the only thing you can do as teachers do not have much authority over their principal.
I agree to you to an extent. I feel like there is a lot more pertinent information that we need to know for this problem, and there is no clear cut solution. This sounds like a very beneficial activity for students. Maybe it just needs some minor tweaking to please all parties involved.
I really like your idea of presenting evidence to the principal. I do not think teachers should live in fear of teaching. It is our job to teach and to teach different perspectives within every classroom. Therefore, own up to what you are doing if it is benefiting the students. If there is still trouble after evidence is presented then try to present the information differently or find a school system that will support your teaching.
I really like the idea of taking your progress to the principal. Having a positive impact of these students and teaching them things that matter in the real world are sometimes more important than learning multiplication facts.
I agree with your solution. I think it would be good to invite the principal and let the students know that their dialogue journal entry for the day would be shared with the principal. This may help give evidence to support the teachings of multiculturalism in class. The point is there is always going to be those who have a problem and try to ruin it for everyone else. I do feel that it is important for the teacher to continue his lessons but maybe modifying them if needed.
Great idea.
I, also, don't think there is a great solution to this situation. I disagree with the principal, and I think he/she is only thinking about how things will look to outsiders. Multicultural education is important to all students, and although some situations are difficult, letting students learn to deal with situations in the classroom where there is a responsible adult is preparing them for the real world of inequalities.
I also agree that presenting your findings to the principal is a great way to get him on your side. If the class in questions demands this type of discussion, there is no question that the journals should continue.
I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about discovering Gail's feelings. This could be used as evidence for a time when the teacher re-approaches the principal as to the validity of using the program that is in place. In reality though, if the principal has asked the teacher to stop and the teacher continues, that could be grounds for whatever discipline the principal wishes to lay on for disregarding their request.
I agree with your suggestions on getting aid for Gail. Had her feelings not come out in the journals intervention possibly would not have been available until it was too late. I also agree that the teacher should apologize to students who may have been offended in the cultural diversity discussions. By acknowledging that the teacher may have spent too much time or offended students in some other way he/she will demonstrate a willingness to communicate with students in a supportive way. Hopefully that will encourage the students to continue participating in the diversity discussions.
The ideas that you suggested for other ways to use the dialog journals are thought provoking, and I definitely plan on using these ideas in my classroom. Thanks for the ideas. I like your idea of free writing one day a week but then provide them with real world scenarios to collaborate and discuss with peers on the other days. This is a great way to encourage students from differing cultures to share similarities and differences as to how they would solve different problems. I do think that it should be noted that if some students do not want to speak aloud, they should not be forced to. The collaboration piece while in small groups is very helpful and beneficial for all students though.
I agree with your solution because I also feel that the journals are a great way for the kids to embrace their feelings. I think multicultural education should play a part in the classroom curriculum. It is also important that the counselor should be contacted about suicidal thoughts from one student. If they had not been writing their thoughts in their journal it would not have came out about their suicidal thoughts.
I do like the journals as well for the students to express themselves in a way they can not do verbally. I like your idea about giving them a problem that may be going on in the world and coming up with solutions to the problems. The students can really dig deep to find solutions to others problems while making their problems seem less chaotic.
The journals are such a great way for them to express themselves. I also wouldn't abandon them.
I like your idea of writing about topics going on around the world and having them come up with a solution. This explores multiculturalism without you directly teaching it to them. Students need to be writing and when they have a chance to free write then we can find out a lot more about them. Students don't always want to directly tell you about what it going on in their life, but they will write about it with no problems. Definitely keep that part of the lesson going in your class.
I think you bring up a good point, if this type of instruction is not part of the required curriculum, it should still have its place but this may not be the optimal method. Perhaps doing some research on multicultural lesson plans and using collaboration with other teachers and the principle can build support for these ideas in this school that is still adjusting.
I agree Carrel. Is the content based on state standards? The state has done a good job of setting the standards up so that they can be taught a variety of ways. I think integration of multiculturalism is important here. We can use the journals but mix up the topics so they all aren't race related.
I think your thoughts and comments are well advised. As teachers, our first job is to teach. Certainly we can incorporate some additional life lessons and values. I would think that journal entries could easily be justified through the increased emphasis on literacy. However, you could have students write on specified content related topics. Even if this does not address the exact area you were initially after, it still allows students the opportunity to write and express their ideas on paper.
I agree that incorporating too much extra material into the curriculum may lead to the important content being left behind. Also, the emotional issues that are being brought into the classroom might hinder the students ability to learn the required material. I think the journals are a great way to allow students to express their feeling however, their focus in writing needs to somehow relate to the content of the class.
I agree with you. Letting students write about their thoughts is a great idea. I agree that the girl needs to seek help from a counselor. I like how you said that if it is not necessary to teach this skill, then maybe it would be a good idea to stop because it is putting so much at risk. The learning environment needs to stay positive.
"If a teacher is teaching something that is not part of the required curriculum and it causes conflicts, then that will also cause problem for the learning environment and the students will begin not to learn what they are actually in that class to learn. Doing that would be hurting the students because when it comes time for state testing they may not know the material." I see your point, but are we really benefitting our students if all we care about is how they do on a state test? I don't think so. There is plenty to be learned within the content. While teaching content you can also discuss relevant and meaningful information that will cause conflict and discussion, but why does that have to be a bad thing? There are way too many students who will one day become adults who don't value the people around them who are different. I see no valid problem with what this teacher is doing.
Like many others I do think that allowing students to write down their thoughts and feelings about life is extremely important. If someone is writing suicidal thoughts then it needs to be brought to the attention of administration as soon as possible. Agreed if the teacher is teaching things that are not required then he or she needs to stop but if you want to teach your students about multicultural education then I agree that a different approach needs to be taken.
I do not think stopping the cultural diversity teaching is too bad of an idea. If it is causing more problems than it is doing good, then I would consider changing the journal writing topics for the students.
The state standards are a good point you brought up. During certain state holidays that observed in the U.S. throughout the school year give an opportunity to incorporate multiculturalism to be taught and discussed. Race, gender, and religious beliefs are a few examples of details of certain U. S. holidays. Diversity has to be addressed because its all around us. I believe meeting and discussing with the principal about a different approach and process may help in having his/her support. As long as you present the best interest of the students first, a solution will present itself.
I agree that you do not necessarily have to teach multicultural topics if it is causing issues within the classroom, but that does not mean that you cannot encourage the diversity within your own classroom.
I agree with you that if the teacher is not suppose to be teaching the concepts they are teaching then they do need to stop, but if they are suppose to be teaching diversity among the different cultures they may want to tone it down and bring other cultures that are not represented in the classroom.
I agree. If multicultural education is not a required standard to be taught in class it should not be focused on. Stick to the standard and use methods that are less controversial and more appropriate for the class. You should also listen to the principal.
I totally agree with you. I do not think that you should discontinue the use of the dialogue. It is obvious to me that the students are confiding in the teacher. Gail may have kept her feelings to herself and could have potentially hurt herself. Once the teacher had knowledge of how Gail was feeling, he/she should have immediately contacted the counselor and let her take it from there. I don't think that I would contact the parent personally. I think that the counselor would contact the parent and take it from there. It was obvious that her journal was a cry for help. It is evident that she wanted to cry out for help, and this was her way of doing it. Interest inventories of what students likes and dislikes are would definitely give the teacher a better idea of what they would like to learn about. I feel that with this knowledge the teacher could then take the opportunity to teach the students about various cultures that exist within the classroom and across the world. Then at the end of the cultural activities they could compose a journal and/or conduct a forum about what they just learned. That way no one feels left out or singled out. Great post Stormye. Jamydu
I agree that the use of the journals should be continued. The student with suicidal thoughts may not have told anyone else except her journal writing. I think it is a good way to release emotions for the students, plus it is private. I also agree that the counselor needs to be contacted first because the suicidal situation takes priority. I like your idea about the survey. It gives the students a voice in their learning.
I agree, the dialogue journals seem to really be working in the classroom. They are giving the students the freedom to discuss things they may not discuss out aloud or with their parents. I would not discontinue these. I also agree that the counselor should be contacted to discuss Gail's comments regarding suicide. I would not change my teaching and strictly teach about the similarities between everyone because that is not the real world. There will always be differences and they need to be embraced.
I really like your idea about the survey and think that would work. I don't think you need to focus on one culture such as African Americans, or maybe focus on one culture at a time. I also agree that you must report the suicide to a counselor. I think you must talk to the principal before you continue.
Maybe you could sit down with your principal and show him or her the good things that are coming from these journals. We heard two negative examples, but what are the other students sharing? Are they showing connection to their own lives from the content and standards you are teaching? Maybe there have been some amazing understandings from the material? I would highlight those things and continue using the journals unless the principal was adamant that you stop and had strong reasoning for why.
I definitely agree with you! I believe it is important to discuss similarities and differences. I believe this because all cultures are different any many ways and if you teach the students only the similarities could make them confused in the long run. I love the ideas of the journals because the students will open up to the teacher, where as before, they would have never said anything. I think discussing how to tweak the lesson with the administration would be a great idea because it involves multiple ideas and in the long run, help the students understand the content being taught.
I completely agree with you. It is extremely important to have an understanding of similarities and differences. Everyone is different and their cultures are different as well, but you have to teach them to be understanding of others. It is also important to teach the similarities because they need to have something they can relate to and know that they have in common with people from other cultures.
I agree that tweaking your teaching methods can be done, just make sure you have permission from your principal. It isn't worth losing your job over. But what is important is that you are learning about your students on such a deep level, and that is amazing as a teacher. You should definitely praise yourself for using these methods, just changing them a little would not hurt.
I like your idea of tweaking your lessons. I think that is what we do with all of our lessons, because some things work with some groups of students, and some things don't. We are constantly seeking the best way to reach the group of students that we have in our class that particular year. I also think that the journals have merit, and should be continued. However, if you were told to stop, unless you are able to change your principal's mind by asking him to observe the benefits and lessons himself, you will need to change the way that you are doing them. I like renaming them and structuring them a little differently, but still allowing the students to write freely their thoughts and feelings. Please get help for Gail. This is a situation that can escalate quickly.
Agreed. I would also refer that child to the school's counselor. I also believe that allowing students to freewrite without any restrictions or questions allows them to be themselves. Yes, questions and guidance are great, but we also need to teach students to be comfortable in the skin they are in.
I agree that structured writing to begin with will benefit the students. After each lesson, the teacher could give the students a list of about 5 questions to choose to respond to. The questions can consist of thought and emotion provoking questions regarding cultural issues. The students could also help create the questions that will be presented to the class.
I also think the dialogue journals should not be stopped, but instead more focused. You make a good point about the importance of student expression through writing. I also think it would be a good idea to focus more on all different types of cultures, not just African American culture. And I definitely agree that writing related to a student thinking about suicide should be reported and addressed by a school counselor.
I agree that giving students a specific topic to write on will help to focus the writing and could keep students away from more controversial topics. If your primary objective is writing, this should be a viable alternative. If a student feels uncomfortable, you need to re evaluate what your objectives are, no matter how pure you feel they might be. If what you are trying to do is not effective, then it is time to rethink and retool.
It would be awkward to be of a different culture and be the only one pointed out. Teaching about other cultures will help Warren feel more comfortable while opening the eyes of all the students to different cultures. I appreciate that you mentioned that multiple cultures should be addressed, whether they are present in the classroom or not. Students will likely have contact with other cultures eventually and should be taught how to be accepting and gracious.
I agree with you in that journals are very useful and should be used to reflect the lessons that the students have learned. I also think that their responses should be limited, but these responses also help alert the teacher to any problems that might be going on in a student's home, so I also think there should be some self-reflection and expression in these journals. Taking them away completely would hinder the students.
Great point about the journals. These can be an effective way to check for writing abilities and even to find out student interest. However, using them as diary type journals can be very dangerous/inappropriate. I think by keeping the journals but giving topics that relate to topic within the school would be more beneficial.
I definitely see your point with the journals being a little invasive when they are able to write anything. There may be things that parents don't want the teacher knowing that a student may write in them. I originally said I wouldn't change the journal thing, but I change my mind. I like your idea about the reflection.
Great strategy for the use of journals. The journal could also be used to know how the students are feeling about the content that is being taught.
I like the idea of journals being used for reflection purposes. Using what the students have learned to form an opinion or state their own idea would be beneficial. I would recommend reflecting on the entire use of the journals on how they are being used now in the classroom and think if it is helping or hurting the students.
Absolutely, the counselor should be contacted right away. I also agree that the journal topics should be clear rather than students writing about whatever they want. This could lead to very uncomfortable circumstances should students write about something thinking it is private but which the teacher is obligated to report to the administration (such as romantic affections).
I agree. The teacher should inform the counselor about Gail's response in her journal. I wouldn't stop using them either. I think they are great tools to allow students to share their feelings with someone they trust. Those journals could save lives and reduce tension that young adolescents have built up. I disagree on recognizing similarities instead of differences though. I feel as if a teacher should highlight on both. A person's differences makes them who they are, and we need to make students feel proud of their differences.
I can't agree more. Gail's comments are absolutely the most urgent part of this situation. There are a lot of false alarms, but we must always err on the side of caution.
I agree that the most important thing do is contact the counselor about Gail's situation. I also agree that the journals are a great way for the students to express themselves, but that it may be benefical to assign them a topic to write about.
Gail's parents also need to be brought in on the situation. I firmly believe that they could help here by showing Gail that racism isn't that big of an issue in their home--so much as for her to contemplate taking her own life. The counselor definitely needs to be brought in; as well.
I agree I think it's a good idea to emphasize similarities, while not ignoring the past, our history and reality. I think teaching on multicultural aspects can be tricky and should be handled with care to avoid injuring student's perceptions of themselves and others.
The suicide note should certainly be referred to a counselor. I also agree that the journals should not be stopped. If they were never started how would the teacher have known about the struggles within the classroom?
I definitely agree that talking about more than just the African American culture would be the best idea for Warren. I wonder if Warren is thinking about this because his love interest is white and her parents disapprove. I wonder if he doesn't want it emphasized because it reminds him of this. We will never know the reasoning, but I definitely like your suggestion about talking about more than one culture. :)
I agree that maybe some things should be modified in order to not ruffle too many feathers. I do think the lessons have value, but should maybe be approached more carefully.
I agree, maybe he should reconsider the way he is presenting the multicultural aspects in his classroom. You don't want to be demeaning to any of the cultures you are blending. I suggest before discussing a specific culture as a whole class, discuss the topics with the students of the that culture first. This way the students can lead the discussion and be comfortable while doing so.
I completely agree that he should reconsider how he is presenting the multicultural aspects in the classroom. You want to be accepting of all cultures and make everyone feel comfortable. I think that there also needs to be guidelines of how things are discussed in order to eliminate future issues.
"Cease and desist" of the multicultural education is also what I think. The reactions in the journals are some really strong student reactions to the lessons and I cannot help but wonder if the teacher is doing something incorrectly. Seeking the help of the supervisor or other teachers for lesson planning that could take place next year to include the multicultural lessons is a great idea. Working with other teacher on this would help in getting more appropriate ideas on how teachers can present this in the classroom and could even get other teachers to use multicultural lessons as well.
The lessons did not bring on the suicidal thoughts. I feel the only problems that would be here are: A student is uncomfortable with the lessons (which these journals may lead to a different approach to these lessons) and someone else mentioned maybe these journals are a little too personal and not on topic with what he is trying to teach.
I agree that journals and free-writing are a great way for students to be able to express themselves. Journals can help the teacher to monitor and help accommodate students needs. Journals can allow students to ask questions about cultural differences and stereotypes. These journals can be so beneficial and I would hate to see them eliminated all the way because of one bad occurrence.
I agree that the journals are very beneficial; especially to students at this age- they all need someone they can talk to. I also like your suggestion of discussing the topics more in-depth so that students become more familiar with them.
I agree with you. I think that we need to keep in mind that this school was and has been predominantly white for a long time and that 'multicultural education' is something very new to them. I think that giving them more structure in their writing by giving them prompts may be a good idea. Perhaps they are given an scenario about people from different parts of the world each week and they learn about that culture for a week. That way students don't feel like you are singling them out in any way. I believe that Warren feels singled out because he is at a predominantly white school and is probably a a part of the minority. He needs to be encouraged and supported so he can develop that positive self-concept so that he does not feel like he is being singled out when his culture is discussed in his class anymore. I believe that the journals potentially saved a girls life. Gail was seriously crying out for help. Hopefully the counselor was notified and they were able to get her back on track. Great Post!
I agree with you about the journals. They are a great way to express feelings. Also, I like your idea about discussing more in depth what multicultural education means so that the students would have a better understanding.
My students have never been old enough to write out their feeling, but next year I had hoped to use something similar to the journals in my classroom. Journaling is a great outlet for students. The teacher might have given Gail a way to cry out for help without directly saying she needed it.
I definitely think that the teacher's strategy should be reconsidered. He may be emphasizing certain aspects of culture that make the students feel uncomfortable, and while it is important for students to understand cultural differences, there are other ways of teaching from a multicultural perspective without causing these types of problems.
I agree that students should probably be given broad topics to focus their journaling. I also agree that focusing too much on the "tough" aspects of cultural injustices can be uncomfortable. There needs to be a balance between positive and negative.
I agree with Harmon. Students are uncomfortable and sometimes that's not a bad thing. But we do not want to overdo it so that we end up "losing them" in the process.
I think what the teacher has is a good thing. However, I do agree that it may be too much for the students to process without being overwhelmed. Maybe reevaluating what he already has and using the principals advice will help his class to move forward from this.
The teacher has a good lesson but, the safety of the student is the first and foremost issue. Any mention of suicide and it must be reported and handle immediately. Halting the lesson in class is the only right thing to do.
I agree that he should reevaluate his approach to teaching multicultural education. I really like the idea of keeping the journals but providing a topic or prompt to direct the students in the appropriate direction.
I think you have a good point about the principle having everyone's best interest in mind-- but do you? The first thing all of us should be concerned with is Gail's note that mentioned suicide! Be sure that you aren't overlooking MORE important cries for helps while sifting through the other.
I like your suggestion of giving the students topic or situations to write about. When students' writing is narrowed down to a response type journal, they are likely to have more similarities than they realized. It might even be that the people who used to write about fundamentally different things start to realize that they have more in common than they initially realized!
I agree with this solution. I actually think it's a very good idea because instead of free write the teacher has more control over what the students write. The teacher could give the students choices for topics so the learning is still student-based. Each day in class could have a different focus or theme.
I really like the idea of having a box in your room that students can use to place letters in. I think that students sometimes feel more comfortable writing the thoughts or concerns down, instead of saying them out loud to someone. I also thought that the dialogue journals should stay and you can inform the counselor of theses not so happy entries.
The box is a good idea. I hated the idea of taking away an outlet for them to express their inner feelings. This way the journals can be more guided and focused.
I totally agree with your idea to add topics to the dialogue journals. Middle School age kids need some guidance with writing and by adding the topics, it helps the kids focus on a specific thing.
I agree with giving different topics to discuss in their journals. Then what if she would have never opened up abotu her feelings toward suicide. I think the journals are a great way for students to feel comfortable enough to express their ideas and feelings.
I agree that these journals could have potentially saved a child's life, but I don't think having journals that usually turn to personal diary entries is appropriate in a school setting. Many parents would probably agree with this and feel that the teacher may in some way be invading student's privacy by reading such entries. I think these types of journals are better used as tools to allow students to creatively write about assigned topics. And I do agree that it might be a good idea to seek advice from the administrator about how these issues should be addressed.
It is very hard to know what to do about Warren. It is possible that this teacher is not showing enough strong images of African Americans fighting against oppression and this is why he is embarrassed. I agree that this girl is crying out for help, and the teacher could potentially help avert a horrible tragedy.
You make a good point about how the journals are a way of expression. Like you said, it could have saved that young girl's life. You must also actively work with the administration to find ways of addressing cultural diversity in the class. I do not think that it is necessary to do away with addressing this topic, however, it might be useful to decrease the talk of differences and focus more on similarities.
I agree it is important to do as requested by the principal. However, your idea of asking his advise or opinion on strategies to use in the place of those he is requesting you to stop is a very good suggestion. It may also be helpful if he comes into your classroom and model other instructional strategies he feels may be more appropriate. I think it is important administrators be involved within the classrooms of the buildings they supervise.
I would also like to talk to Warren in a private setting to figure out why he feels I am overemphasizing and causing him issues. Maybe the teacher is placing too much emphasis on certain aspects or possibly the student is very sensitive to discussing race or culture due to some issues in his past. Without a conversation in which the student feels OK with opening up with the whole truth, one can only speculate to the validity of his journal writings and your teaching methods.
I agree with wanting to meet with Warren. He may have had a bad experience related to his culture or the education of his culture. The last thing a teacher wants to do is single out or oestrasize a student.
I agree with you and I disagree. I think that every culture should be celebrated. Something that is "different" about someone could make them more attractive. Focusing on the similarities and the differences could be the best route to take.
I agree that pointing out similarities can unite a diverse group. Also by pointing out the similarities students how feel uncomfortable about their differences may become more at ease. I would explain to the principal the importance of the dialog journals and try to focus on different topics instead of just allowing free writes.
I agree that it would be beneficial to talk to the principal about the value of the journals. They are a form of self expression the students need, and I agree they should not be taken away. I also agree that focusing on similarities between cultures can help students celebrate all cultures, but I do think the differences need to be taught as well.
I agree with your assessment of this issue. One of the most important things to consider in this situation is if you are teaching cultural differences in a way that is dividing the class. In this situation, it seems like the teacher has good intentions but may not be focusing on the similarities enough. I also like your idea about talking with the students about what is working and what may make them uncomfortable, like in the case of Warrenn.
I feel that it is important to focus on similarities, but we should not avoid looking at differences. Students are fully aware that they differ from one another, so why not discuss it?
I think it is difficult to talk about similarities or differences without talking about the other. I think that in discussing differences the teacher will also discuss the similarities between different groups of people.
If this school has a majority white population than focusing on the differences of a select few students may have the opposite effect of what the teacher is wanting. Focusing on differences, may make some students feel singled out or alienated from the group which would not be the purpose of the lesson. I think that focusing on similarities may help to unify the class and bring these students into the fold of the others.
I also think it is a good idea to really emphasized similarities the students share and to make sure I am not singling out one culture over another to often to make students feel uncomfortable.
I think the principal is correct about emphasizing similarities over differences. While everyone is different and teachers should strive to celebrate cultural diversity, there is more benefit in showing the students their similarities to one another over their differences. Emphasizing differences can cause contention among different groups, but the similarities will help them. I think you should discuss the value of the dialogue journals with your principal. These are effective modes of communication and self-expression that should not be taken away from the students. As far as decreasing the multicultural aspect of education, I think you should talk to the students who feel uncomfortable about why they feel this way, and then you can modify your teaching to fit these needs. If you see successful results in the new method, inform your principal and see if he will allow you to continue with the multicultural aspects of your lessons. I agree that emphasizing the similarities between the students is the better way to join the students together. Showcasing all the differences will put a larger divide between the students. Also, talking to the students who are feeling uncomfortable will help you better understand their standpoint. You need to make sure that you are also following your principals directions in what they want you to do, they can make it bad for you if you don't.
Your suggestion of giving the students choices between three or four prompts is a good one. Students love to have the freedom to choose, but giving them complete freedom to write anything doesn't seem to provide must academic value. I also think that balancing the curriculum with similarities would go a long way in appeasing the principal and building relationships within your class.
I agree that journal writing allows for a sense of community in the classroom. I think this is also the risk you take as a teacher when you assign writing assignments like this. Some kids may need help, and they don't want to express it verbally, but they do want someone to know about it. This is the best way for them to reach out for help.
I agree that talking with Warren could lead to some insight, and asking for his input could possibly help repair the rift that may have been caused by his embarrassment.
You are exactly right! We must stand up for what we believe even if it is in direct opposition to our principal. How we approach our disagreements can make all the difference in the world.
Yes the dialogue journals should stay and I also agree with your stand point on similarities and differences. We should not pick one or the other to teach. It should be a combination of both to really teach the entire truth.
I agree totally. You should stand up for what is right. It just may take a different approach and a little more emphasis or help from another source. But, not providing the differences is not doing justice for the students. Warren should be taught that it is usually things he does not like that are the things that matter more in life. There will be other things he does not like but he will have to deal with it. Also, having the students write on a particular topic usually produces more results and better results because they actually have to think about what is written. This may be a better approach to the writing than writing what they want.
Abandoning journals definitely will not solve anything. That sounds like trying to pretend these issues don't exist. But at the same time the right balance needs to be found when looking at similarities and differences. It sounds to me like this teacher needs to re-evaluate the way she is presenting the multicultural topics and the journals are a good way to see how she is doing reaching her multicultural goals. The principal is definitely not comfortable dealing with these issues and I think that makes it more important for her to continue what she is doing because it sounds like the people in that community are struggling with cultural issues.
I would completely agree that the reason so many issues aren't being dealt with are because they're being brushed off by adults, or because these issues make people uncomfortable. However, how should the teacher deal with their superior not supporting them?
I would also have to agree with you--banning the journals simply does not make sense. It provides an outlet for these students about very serious issues. Furthermore, these journals are private. What happens in Gail never wrote this and you, as the teacher, were never able to help her? To have written this down could have ultimately saved her life. Of course, I hope that the purpose of these journals isn't for such serious issues, but it is great for students. Would administration ever ban journals in an ELA classroom for the use of a daily writing activity? Absolutely not. The problem here isn't the journals, so those shouldn't be eliminated.
Journals are probably helping the children more than anything. They are able to release and I think banning them definitely be wrong. Banning the journals is really taking away the students method of expressing how they truly feel. Such a difficult situation.
I agree that free writing is a good idea. It allows students to write down their thoughts and feelings. Most of the time they feel more comfortable writing down their thoughts then going to someone and telling them how they are feeling. I think this would be a great opportunity for the teacher to incorporate teacher-student conferences. But at the end of the day, the teacher needs to listen to their principle and do what he wants them to do.
I agree. Teaching about multiculturalism requires tact and sensitivity. Creating a classroom that is supportive and safe should help teach the students to become colorblind.
I think that when you discuss similarities between cultures the differences are bound to come up also. I think that beginning by talking about similarities is a good way to lead into discussing the differences and may be more accepted by the students. Like you said, I think that students need to understand that they are all different and unique and various ways and when they do begin to understand this they will actually become closer as a class because they are accepting each other for their differences.
I agree that guided journaling might be more helpful than allowing the students to write about anything at all. This would probably eliminate some of the unwanted discussion as well as increasing the instructional value of the exercise.
I agree that the teacher should continue to use the dialogue journals as the students obviously feel comfortable expressing themselves through writing. However, if it is too much of a problem with the principal I like your suggestion of limiting the topics students are able to write about. I also agree that there could be a compromise of teaching about similarities and differences between different cultures.
I agree very strongly with your solution. I think that the situation should be reported to the counselor immediately as well. I think giving the students a topic to discuss is a good way to structure the dialogue journals more while still allowing the students to express their feelings and reflect. I also agree that other cultures should be focused on as well so that it doesn't seem like there is a one-or-the-other type of cultural picture being painted in the classroom.
I agree with all of your suggestions, and I included them in mine. In addition, the teacher could use the students' dialogue journals to identify the issues students are struggling with and to pick supplemental texts focused on these issues to use in the classroom.
I personally like the I idea of the journal, but I wouldn't go against my principal. I would look for ways or guidance on working together with the principal.
I agree that the principal seems to be a bit out of touch with reality here. I am confused as to why he is not for multicultural lessons. Does he not want to prepare his students for the real world? Is he really that scared of some controversy and dealing with parents? I think that it is a good idea to approach him with some information and research about the topic. Clearly he is already worried about something so you have to be careful and approach him respectfully about your issues and concerns.
I like your point of the students being a part of the school. I think a great writing prompt would be, "What makes up the culture and traditions of this school?" This would help bring the students together. Also, I would explain the salad metaphor opposed to the melting pot metaphor.
You make a good point in showing that even though the students have many difference, they also have similarities that need to be pointed out and appreciated. Many time people focus on the acceptance of different cultures, but rarely say anything about trying to highlight the similarities among culture groups. Also your comment on how they all make up the school is a great intro to pointing out their similarities.
This is a good way to look at teaching multicultural education. Definitely pointing out the positives will help the students to not feel embarrassed.
I agree that teaching about a variety of cultures, and not overemphasizing one, will help make all students feel comfortable and celebrated.
I agree the journals are a helpful tool. If the young suicidal girl had confessed this in an essay or other scholastic format, would the principle want to forgo essays as well? Suppressing the children's ideas is not the answer.
I think you're right. Journals can have a way of allowing students to express themselves in a private matter. I also believe that it's important that the teacher not only focus on the differences of student's culture but also on the similarities. Students typically see positive things when understanding how we're alike but yet different. Otherwise, I would get the impression that these students are single minded and live under a rock. Knowledge is power!
I do agree with your point of view that the journals may have saved this young girl's life. However, I do think it is important for the teacher to speak with a guidance counselor. I think that Gail could benefit from speaking with someone about the issues she is going through.
Great point! You could definitely use Warren's comment as a point in the right direction. He may not be the only student feeling embarrassed, so you can teach more about cultural acceptance and diversity based on what he wrote. This will make him feel more comfortable, and all students can get a wider perspective on multicultural education. Ask your principal for advice on how you can incorporate more multicultural education without using the journals.
I think focusing on the similarities of the students, rather than the differences is important. Great idea! I also agree that the journals may be a good idea that should not be completely discontinued.
I agree that journals are important and you should not stop them. Also, focusing on the similarities and differences is a great idea and the more time spent in class discussing this the more comfortable they will be. This will help them to learn to respect everyone and understand that we are all different in some way.
I agree. Middle school is a very difficult time. I think the dialogue journals are important because it helps the teacher understand what is going on in the mind of the student. Who knows-- he could have prevented a suicide!
I do not think the dialog journals should be done away with, but I do like your idea of narrowing down the journals to a variety of topics.
Good point about Warren. My initial thought was that the teacher is putting too much focus on differences but I'm now thinking more about the history of this community and how it has historically been white. I'm sure this plays a large role in his feelings of embarrassment. We don't know, but IF he knows how Gail feels about him and the feelings are mutual and if he knows how her parents feel, that could be what is really behind his feelings of embarrassment more than anything the teacher is saying. So many possibilities and complexities.
I agree that students should have the right to express themselves, but remember, we live in a very politically correct world. No where is this more prevalent than in schools. I would have the students develop their own topic of conversation to write about in their journals. Then, I would provide guidelines or borders for which they must stay within.
Well said Jordyn. I think we need to see the major positive in this situation and that is that we can get Gail some help. The dialogue journals are effective and are clearly serving their purpose. By tweaking our instructional practices to better accommodate the different needs of our students like Warren who is uncomfortable should be our first priority. Students won't reap the benefits of the instruction if they are too busy feeling like they are being singled out.
First and foremost I think Gail's comments warrant further attention. You should notify the counsel or the school psychologist in reference to her wanting to commit suicide. In reference to the dialogue journals, I would explain to the students what your intentions were and how you might have missed the mark in your efforts. I would consult with the student and ask THEM what they would like to write about. I would ask them what matters most in their life. Too often, what teachers think is important in students' lives, actually have little relevance.
I agree. You can defend the journaling in light of the new literacy standards. Providing prompts at first and gradually releasing responsibility t the students for journal topics might work to greater effect with regard to simply promoting literacy. This would also allow you to honor your principal's request until you figure out where you went wrong. Once you have a solid stance and curriculum plan in place you can sit down with your principal and reevaluate the situation. I also agree with reporting Gail's suicidal ideation and talking to Warren. Perhaps it isn't the curriculum he has a problem with but how you are teaching it. How many other African American students do you have? If he is the only one are you calling on him more frequently than other students? Are you drawing special attention to him or seeking approval with body language or your own unconscious expectations? Is it you and not the lesson that is making him feel embarrassed? I know these sound like tough questions but self-reflection is one of the most critical and difficult tasks we as teachers must undertake when a student is not responding positively to a lesson or teaching style. At some point it would be great if you could sit down with this young man and find out what is not working for him and then try to restructure to accommodate his needs.
I agree. To often administrators want to "throw the baby out with the bath water" because of a few complaints. Sure, there are some things that might need tweaking as far as content, but look at the good that came out of the journals. A possible suicide was prevented. Certainly, that should be taken into consideration.
I totally agree with you hear. There could be a more balanced approach to make Warren feel more comfortable. I think that the principal should reconsider the dialogue journals. The environment the teacher has created is obviously one where the students feel comfortable enough to share their true feelings. Only until then can we really help students.
Reconstruction the lesson may be an option but, the safety of the young lady is vital. The young man I would advise to write down his reason of discomfort and perhaps you and him could discuss it further or you could provide some reading material. Most time the discomfort is due to the "unknown" facts and this could be a good experience for the student.
I would be wary of starting an e-mail club. That seems too private. Perhaps if you want an electronic medium for student communication a class webpage that parents can also access would be more appropriate. An added bonus of this is that it might encourage some parent participation as well, which is sometimes difficult to get. Some students who are suffering emotionally might be inclined to try and become too personal with you over one to one e-mails. I'm not saying we can't care for and support our student but there is this fine line between supportive and too close that we all have to figure out.
I agree that focusing on the similarities as well as the differences would be more beneficial. Understanding our similarities can help bring us together; whereas, focusing solely on differences could lead to divisiveness. We need certainly do not want to go against what our principals want, but we must also do what we think is best for our students.
I agree that the girl writing about suicide should be handled immediately. Pass the information on to the counselors and let them determine the next course of action. I also agree that the principal is in charge and we are to do what s/he says. I would do as you suggested and meet with the principal and discuss your views on multicultural education and see if a middle ground can be found. Most principals want what is best for the students, but they also want to keep the parents/community happy. Surely a discussion could result in a compromise.
These journals are not the kind of thing that I would do. I would not want students sharing information of a personal nature with me. However, if a teacher wants to do journals about cultural issues, the journals should be more structure. The teacher should give students a particular question or subject to write about. That way the teacher has more control of the journals.
I agree, counselor guidance is extremely important for this situation. I also think parent involvement would be best.
I liked the journal idea. If it was more of a suggestion from the principal than the journals should continue in my opinion. They are a great resource for teachers to learn what their students understand in the class. They are also a way for students to cry out for help, which Gail seems to be doing. Having her feelings documented is important. He might alter what topics they can write about, but it doesn't hurt to have free writes.
I will agree that the counselor should be involved especially with a situation as serious as that. However, as far as the journals....what if the teacher never started with them? He would have never known about the student and her thoughts of suicide. So I think that the journals could be helpful, even life saving.
I really like the idea of a selective topic for the writing. I think that by you giving the students a topic to write about you may force them to think more deeply on what they are writing than with just a simple free write. It also allows for more control and direct in the writing.
I agree Middle School is a difficult stage in life. For that reason, I would encourage the children to make it a habit to talk to someone they trust regularly. Students need to know that we all have feelings and it's best to express them. If not, we will all be ticking time bombs! I would also encourage the students to journal their innermost thoughts at home. I would not do away with journaling at school altogether, however. I would implement journal topics that are more specific. Lastly, I would not want to make students feel uncomfortable. I would reevaluate what my objective is when teaching multiculturalism and try to deliver the content in a less offensive manner.
Kimberly, I like how your response speaks to the professional issues of this situation. As a teacher, you must balance the requests of your principal with your role responsibilities. A second meeting with new ideas and alternatives solutions is a great idea. What alternatives do you suggest?
I agree that you should respect and follow your principal's advice. I would also respectfully ask him to come and observe a lesson, to give you advice on how to make it better, but also to give him a better idea of what you are trying to accomplish. Sometimes, this can help broaden the perspective and bring a more clear picture of what you would like to see happen.
I agree with discussing options for different teaching methods with the principal right after I discussed what Gail wrote in her journal with counselor.
I would definitely have a conversation with the principal about the benefits of journaling in your class. For example, you might not have known that Gail was having these thoughts if it wasn't for her writing it in her journal. I think you can come to a solution together if there is a mutual understanding.
I agree. The journals seem like a great idea, but there needs to be a specific topic idea to write about each time the students write in the journals. Also the teacher can provide examples of his/her own writings on similar topics might be a good strategy.
I mentioned similar solutions. Referring Gail to the school counselor will be helpful to address her emotional needs. Weaving multicultural references into class texts and content is a great way to speak to both the similarities and differences among students. How would you organize a more structured journal assignment?
Great solution Laura! Focusing on the similarities that connect us through multicultural education is a great way to find a balance instead of students feeling singled out.
I definitely agree that a counselor should be brought in to help this girl through. It is time to take a step back and put the students' well being emotionally and physically first, then put some thought into adjusting the approach.
I really like your ideas about this situation. It is very important to intervene with the young girl and work hard to help her overcome her thoughts. Also, I agree that the journals probably saved her life. Keeping a strong emphasis on similarities, while celebrating differences is very important in the classroom.
I like what you said about getting the students help and using the journal to help the students out. I also agree that the similarities and differences may not be the best things to write about. I thought about giving the students a page with certain writing choices that would not allow the students to express negative suicide thoughts.
I agree that the situation where the student mentioned suicide is important and that that information must be shared. It is too important to keep to yourself. I agree that the journals seem to be an effective way to encourage students to write, but you have to do what your principal tells you. I think adding more structure, such as giving the students writing prompts, will help satisfy your orders and keep the students writing.
I agree that focusing on differences between cultures can be seen as negative if not presented in the proper way. Maybe focusing on the many different achievements that cultures have made or the many famous people from different cultures would be a good direction. This way the focus is on the positive contributions rather than negative differences.
I like the word you used: balance. I think that's important here. A balance between racial issues and non-racial issues could be used. You also mentioned a balance of differences and similarities. That's also good.
I agree. You have a powerful thing going and you should continue your work! Always make sure to report anything troublesome to a counselor and/or principal.
I agree that it is important to focus on both our similarities and differences. In Pre-K, we teach our students that life would be BORING if we were all the same. It's our differences that make us special and unique. Yet, it is our similarities that bring us together. Students, especially middle school students, need to know that we all have feelings and that we need one another to lean on.
I completely agree with your solution. Examining different cultures is important, in my opinion and shouldn't be thwarted. I think it may be better to put more focus on similarities of cultures than pointing out differences. Differences shouldn't be overlooked, but it seems like this area has had limited "multicultural interaction" and identifying differences may lead to more problems.
I agree with your solutions- mine were very similar. Perhaps toning down the lessons would work as well--focus more on content.
Great idea! A compromise is made by focusing on similarities and differences and it will make everyone involved happy.
I agree with your ideas. The journals have been an effective learning tool that students feel comfortable with to express their innermost feelings.
I agree with your assessment. Based on the principal's comments I wonder if the teacher is unknowingly presenting the information as divisive rather than just as multicultural.
Great post! I immediately thought the principal was making a rash decision as well. I also said he shouldn't abandon his methods as I feel they can pave the way for understanding of different cultures.
A pros and cons list would definitely be beneficial. Administrators like to base most of the content being taught off of data. So, if you could prove that your methods are working through data, then your small groups and journals would be more credible.
I agree that if the principal continues to push De-emphasizing differences and banning the use of the journals then something must be altered in the curriculum and methodology.
I agree that to go against your administration would be a difficult, and I think that it makes a big difference in how the situation would be handled if the principal is telling the teacher to take away the journals.
I agree with seeking approval from the principal before doing anything more in the class with culture.
I like how you would follow up with the kids individually. It is important to know that they are heard and valued in their opinions. I also like like how you can focus the journals on specific lessons. That way there response can be whatever they want it to be on--similarities or differences.
The suggestions you present for this teacher are great. I like the idea of allowing the students to respond to a prompt by the teacher about the multicultural lessons being taught. This will allow feedback and reflection for both the students and the teacher. I also like the idea of meeting with the students individually to discuss the problems at hand. The teacher should also address the school counselor concerning Gloria's issue.
I agree with you that the differences should not be the primary focus. Students seem to understand the differences more easily than they seem to notice similarities. If we expect students to practice empathy, they must understand the ways that they are the same as others.
I really like the idea of having conferences with your students. This is a great opportunity to follow up with students about their writing. They can explain themselves further, and you can address some concerns. These journals do seem to be a necessary outlet for the students. They needed to share these thoughts somewhere. Hopefully, you will be able to continue them. I also think this is a great opportunity to teach your students to be gracious towards people of different cultures.
I really like the idea of setting up conferences with students. Not only do you get to see their writing mechanics, but you can dialogue with them on what it is they are feeling. This is a great way to connect with students. Also, by doing this you get a better idea if your lesson was a success, or if you need to go back and reteach, or rethink the process entirely.
Thank you for sharing about your own experience with a similar situation. It really helped give some more perspective to the situation. You make an enlightening point in that students' cultural worlds are changing rapidly and as such students need to be taught how to interact with persons of another culture. You are absolutely right in suggesting that the teacher request a meeting with the principal to make a case for the journals. Without their use, the teacher wouldn't have known about Gail's suicidal thoughts or Warren's discomfort. They are beneficial in this way, yes, but like you said they provide students with a safe place to express themselves without judgement. This is so crucial for middle school young adolescents that feel they are constantly 'under the microscope'.
I too see the importance of the dialog journals. It seems to be a good outlet for the students and a great way for the teacher to reflect on his teaching by what the students write about. I agree as well the the teacher should not directly speak to the child. You do not want to intimidate the student and want them to continue to write about meaningful topic in their journals. Seeking advice from the school counselor and finding a way to be discreet in talking to Gail would be beneficial to all. But the teacher MUST report the information he read.
I agree that the teacher should share his thoughts and opinions about the impact the dialogue journals have on the students. I would even suggest taking a few journals to the principal to show the positive effects they have for students to express themselves. As for the two negative situations presented, I would definitely have the school counselor involved to ensure the proper measures are taken for both students. I do not think that the journals should be completely extinct, but the principal must be on board to continue.
I agree that the teacher needs to focus on more similarities between cultures. Focusing solely on differences could alienate the students. However, I think that this is only a small look at the activity and that there may be many students who are responding positively to the activity. Sometimes activities like this provide the students with a chance to ask for help, and these two journal entries are just that.
You had a similar solution to mine but I like how you mentioned discussing the positive impact each culture has/had on our society today. I think that's a great idea and can allow for multicultural students to see how far back their culture goes and how much it has grown. I think in doing so, they can become a little less embarrassed and possibly have a better understanding of it.
You address several points in your response that I think are excellent next steps for the teacher in this situation. One concern that does arise from your solution is that the continued use of the dialogue journals, even after the principal has said otherwise, may appear as direct insubordination. I do agree that the journals are extremely beneficial to the teacher and therefore the class as a whole, however I think that there needs to be a conversation with the principal about such. While we may not like how principals tell us to teach, they are still in a position of authority and as such must be respected.
I agree with your two main points. I think for younger students it is important to emphasize the similarities before tackling the differences in race. This brings students together before the differences have a chance to pull them apart. I also agree that further precautions need to be taken with the student that mentioned suicide. Once that is brought to your attention, I think you have to share that information with the appropriate people.
I also do not feel that the teacher should stop using dialogue journals. If the students weren't allowed the freedom to write what they want, the teacher may have never known how his/her students felt. I just read another solution that suggested presenting research behind the use of journals to the principal. I think this is a great idea. The differences among cultures must be addressed and I think if this student is talked to individually he may feel more comfortable in the classroom. I also feel that the thoughts of suicide need to be addressed immediately.
That is a good idea to address the research behind the methods being used in the classroom. I like the idea of choices to write about, but I do think having time to write whatever they would like is a good thing. Some children need an outlet to express themselves. If they had not written this in their journals the teacher may have not known how they were feeling. I think the thoughts of suicide are something that needs to be addressed right away.
I agree that the suicide issue needs to be addressed first and it might be a good idea to discuss with Warren his feelings. It would be good for the teacher to also evaluate what multi-cultural connections he is making. If he is only addressing those of the students in the class it might make some of them feel like they are being put on the spot.
I agree, he shouldn't stop doing the dialogue journals, because after all students need to have that outlet to express their ideas, opinions, and feelings. However, he can't go against his principal. Plus, at the moment he has an even bigger problem. I agree with your solution, first and foremost he needs to have address the suicide issue. As a teacher we are all mandated reporters. If he doesn't address this issue first, he could have an even bigger problem on his hands.
To be honest, I don't know how a writing prompt and journal would be different but maybe a change in names would ease the minds of some parents.
I think reporting what Gail has written to the counselor is a very good idea. I think they would be better and knowing what to do in these types of situations. At least I know they would be better at it than I am. I think having rubrics may be a good idea as well. At least then you can show your principal that you are willing to change things in your class.
I think following up with each of the students on a one-on-one basis is a great idea to have the students open up in a non-threatening environment. Often times when they are in a smaller setting they will tell you what their concerns are.
I agree with your points for both students involved. I also thought it might be a good idea to invite the principal in during dialogue journal time and have the students write a response for him/her about multicultural teaching going on in class and how they feel about it. This may give some positive to outweigh the negatives. Usually it is only the people who have something negative to say that speaks up and complains. This would a way to get other perspectives on the topic. Regardless, I do feel that it is something that needs to be discussed.
I like the idea of getting the principal more involved in the dialogue journals.
I do not think that the dialog journals is causing the student to want to commit suicide but because of how her parents are feeling about her crush on Warren. I think the journal was her cry for help. I agree with you that most times it is best to follow what the principal says and just move forward.
I don't think it is the journals that are causing suicidal thoughts. Instead, I think it is the situation that the student is experiencing, and I think, by including activities in the classroom like you are, students are learning to deal with situations of inequality.
Maybe talking about cultural differences in a larger group would be more effective. Sometimes a few people "lead" the conversation in a small group and others feel threatened and don't get the opportunity to share their ideas.
I also agree to an extent. We should also incorporate some similarities so biases aren't formed.
I believe as long as the lessons are positive that it is important to explain to students their similarities and differences. I believe these journals were a fantastic idea because he would have never known the degree in which these students felt about these multicultural subjects. Now the teacher can help the girl get the help that she needs, because as you read, she was upset about how her parents felt about her feelings, not how the teacher felt about her feelings. The teacher just insisted the students write about how they felt. I agree with the part that the teacher should listen to the administration, but I also believe that the administration should help come up with a solution to what the teacher should do next.
If you only emphasize similarities, how will you get at some of the concepts of privilege and oppression that need to be discussed? You cannot have a classroom focused on multicultural education that only focuses on similarities. Students need to learn how to think critically about race, gender, and social class.
I think you make a good point that it is important for teachers to "cover" themselves in any situation just in case something were to happen.
I agree with doing what the principal ask him to do, but I would also get the parents to sign a consent form.
I think it is important for students to learn the similarities and differences. I understand where you are coming from, but we can't shelter our students from everything. They are going to learn about inequalities and things from home and other classmates, so to me, it is better to address they things they hear in class to make sure the things they are learning are true. If the principal is adamant that the teacher change his lesson, then perhaps they can come up with a comprise to get the best of both worlds.
Perhaps a more balanced approach would be better where both difference and similarities are examined.
I'm not sure if just focusing on the similarities is the best way to go about this. I do agree that when parents are more opposed to the teachings of awareness of differing cultures, it complicates things in the classroom. How do we go about educating parents of our youth, as we are educating our students? Can we, or should we just settle and continue down the same path we have been going for years? I feel like the only way we can bring peach and acceptance of other cultures is to shine the light on both similarities, as well as differences. Teachers can play a fundamental role in this. By carefully planning and crafting lessons that integrate multicultural education on an on-going basis, I feel that we can begin moving into a more accepting society. It will take a while, but I say we take it one step at a time.
I would definitely do what the principal said but try to come up with a way to incorporate what you mention. I would take the plan to the principal before incorporating it into my classroom. I would seek approval.
I agree that in this day in age it is critical to take into account the way that parents are now. You have to be sensitive to students and their needs. I agree that keeping small group is important because I am a strong believer that students learn more from each other than adults at times.
I do not think that only emphasizing similarities is a good thing. America is a land of freedom. Students should learn to individualize themselves and realize that everyone is different. Only focusing on similarities seems like you are telling the kids to be a certain way. What if one of the students in the class did not feel they could relate to any of the similarities? Then you would make them feel like an outcast. Therefore, show how each culture is similar and different but that people within those cultures also are individuals as well.
I don't agree with only discussing the similarities. Each person/student is different and it is important that all students realize and understand that differences are a good thing! As for covering yourself, I think it is more important to discuss with the student why she is feeling that way. Perhaps even letting the parents know that she is feeling this way might be able to help her. If she is writing these feelings in her secret journal, then she might not be telling her parents and this is her cry for help. I would be less worried about covering yourself and more worried about the safety and wellbeing of your students.
I do not agree that you should disregard discussing any differences. Yes, this is very touchy information revealed through the journals. Her feelings of suicide have nothing to do with what they teacher taught. The student obviously felt comfortable enough with the teacher to express these feelings in the journal. I don't think that it does our students justice to focus only on similarities. It is setting them up for failure! We aren't all the same. We have to find a balance in addressing this. yes, it's a touchy subject, but the last thing we need to do is just to ignore. If this student was going to submit suicide because of her parent's pressure, this journal was a cry for help. In my opinion, it's a good thing.
I agree that we cannot let someone tell us the students feelings are our problems, but now that we know, it is our responsibility to keep the students safe and share their feelings with those in needs.
I agree! I do not think the suicide notice was influenced at all by the journals. It is apparent that the student has deeper problems rooted from home. This is very obvious simply by referencing the parents' poor regard of the student's classmate, just as a result of the color of his skin. Outright rebellion for the Principal's suggestion would not be a wise way to handle the situation either though. The child's "cry for help" needs to be referred to a Social Worker.
@ Kaitlin Stringer- I would be hesitant of contacting the parents about the suicide statement, especially since the parents seems to be the source of the student's frustration. I think it would be more appropriate to contact a Social Worker or the School Counselor. These are trained professionals that are skilled for handling such sensitive cases.
I said the same thing about referring the female student to the counselor. We all need to know the limits of our relationships with the kids.
I agree. This should definitely be reported to the counselor because it needs to be handled immediately by the appropriate people.
I agree about contacting the counselor for the female student. I think that the journals should be kept. The teacher would not have been able to find out about the girls feelings without these journals. It is hard to go against what your principal says even when you know they are wrong.
Getting more people involved can complicate and spread information the students may not want getting out. A counselor should be involved yes for protection, but it should be handled quietly and safely.
I'm with Nydyra on this one. Really the only person that you need to involve is a counselor and maybe an administrator after that. There really is no need to get any other teachers involved. They cannot do anything about the situation except give you advice and their advice should be "go talk to a counselor immediately." From there you have done you duties under the law while keeping Gail's privacy. If you do not tell a counselor your principal's "suggestions" about your teaching will be the least of your worries.
I agree with this solution. The journals could just cause more problems. It would be a good idea for documentation in case anything happened but they seem to be causing more harm than good.
I do not think that the journals are the problem. Sometimes it takes a free writing activity to really allow students to feel the freedom to express themselves. Whether these students wrote these words on paper or not, they are still thinking them. By allowing them the chance to write them down, the teacher could be helping these students and potentially be saving ones life!
I think the journals are bringing great insight to who the students are and problems the students are facing. As effective teachers, we need to know this information. One positive thing that came from the journals already is that a suicidal student has been identified. By knowing this, these journals may have just saved a life. The differences in cultures and races is a lot easier to see than the similarities and I agree that similarities should be the focus but we also need to teach the differences to show the true background.
I also think that it would be a good idea to start focusing more on emphasizing the similarities between students rather than the differences. And maybe once the students feel comfortable discussing similarities you could ease into discussing the differences in culture. I think you could either get rid of the dialogue journals or make them more focused instead of about anything. You could ask them to write about things such as family traditions.
Yes, I agree correlations should be made on each end of the spectrum.
I agree that the journals would decrease some of the issues in this scenario. However, the journals also allow students to share things that they would not say aloud for fear or rejection or embarrassment. I guess the pros and cons would have to be carefully considered here.
I do not agree with your statement. I think far too often people focus on the similarities of people as opposed to the differences. Some students are afraid to be different because they think it is wrong. I think it is very important to approach this situation in a better way instead of getting rid of it all together. This is not going to teach the students anything. Adding the idea of similarities can be useful but it should by no means be the only thing you focus on as a teacher.
Good point ezasyp! That's a perspective I had not considered - social conformity.
I think differences should still be discussed! I think the journaling is a great idea, but the teacher should write some of the students back and talk to them about their problems through writing!
I think that it is important for the students to discuss both the differences and similarities. While I think it is important for the teacher to keep in mind the types of things a student may reveal to him/her in the dialogue journals, I don't necessarily think getting rid of them is a good idea. I think that teachers have to simply be prepared to receive any and all types of thoughts when they decide to use the dialogue journals. It is important to discuss both because it's important for students to be able to hear the positive and negative things that are surrounded his/her culture early on.
I wouldn't scrap the journals so quickly. Have you ever read the book The Freedom Writers? It's a true story of a teacher and her students in a rough inner city neighborhood. She allows them to write in their journals about anything and it opens them up. She is able to make an incredible difference in their lives by allowing them to express their minds and hearts. These students were completely transformed. I would suggest reading this book, or watching the movie. This won't work for everyone, I know, but it would be interesting to see how this unfolds if the teacher continues to allow them to write.