Student Growth

When looking at previous testing scores, Mrs. B sees that almost all of the children in her last period class did not meet the standards for passing Social Studies last year. When Mrs. B made her concerns about the previous scores known to her administrators she was told that the main goal was to work towards "student growth." As Mrs. B has been teaching this year she has yet to see any growth in her students. She feels as if this may be a result of the fact that the students in the class are grouped by ability. As a result, there are lots of behavior problems and not a lot of student motivation. What should Mrs. B do to help her students realize the importance of their education and assessments?

Solution #1
Mrs. B needs to start celebrating small successes with her students. They need to be taught to self assess and track their own data so that they can see that they are growing. The students should be encouraged often until those small successes become bigger ones that show true growth.

I like this solution the best. The teacher should always document data.

Solution #2
Mrs. B has to make Social Studies fun and real for these students. Dress up as the historical figure for reading, and offer an interview period for the students to interview your character to ask any question they want to know after a several day lesson on the events of the era. For instance: The War of 1812, incorporate all content areas into learning about the key events and times of the war. You can tie in math by introducing the students to what sailors were forced to eat and drink on board the battle ships. Use measurement to have students measure out all the ingredients; have a prepared already baked product for the students to taste. Reading/ELA: Readers Theater; have student sign up for parts in a quick skit to have them engage in actual events of the time. For example: the circumstances and events that Francis Scott Key was under going when he wrote the Star Spangled Banner durinng the Battle of Fort McHenry. Science: old 45mm camera film cases using pepto bismol to show how cannons were fired from the ships. Utilize the internet for virtual activities in the actual historical battles and locations; like Google Maps. You can compose a rap to remember the battles in order that they occured, etc. The options are limitless, it is just a matter of the teacher inviting the enthusiasm by inspiring the enthusiasm!
Solution #3
Allow students to create a portfolio of their work to showcase growth and take responsibility for assessments. The honest conversation only happens when students realize they have a voice in their education. The middle school students I work with make goals in each subject area and they are held accountable for these goals. The students are also given many strategies to make their goals. I always tell them it more about the process to get the grades you want rather than the actual number itself. Celebrate the successes and give students a chance to reflect after their assignments. Menus are a great way to get students excited about an assessment they choose. I also recommend the use of learning targets and having students reflect throughout the lesson if they are meeting their target. It is possible the students start off excited but get lost in the middle. (Thereby giving up by the time the assessment rolls around.)
Solution #4
Find what motivates each and every student. Student surveys may be a god way to start this process. Valuing the student opinion and desires is important.