A child comes in dirty and smelly. He is depressive. He is very slow, like a snail. He does not complete tasks independently and has zero confidence. The teacher has spoken with his mother and she disclosed he has seen a lot of paternal violence. However, mom isn't top notch and always plays the "single mom" card. However, it is no excuse to have an un-bathed child. How does the teacher approach this with the mother?
Bathing the child might make a difference in how he feels during the day.
I'll look into this. Thanks!
I think this is a great solution and I would use this in my classroom.
Excellent suggestion!
This is very informative! Many people may not know that this is available.
Great advice!
Excellent suggestion!
The teacher may not know what is really going on and confronting the parent about this may not be ok.
This solution is an okay one. I would open my door to the student and let them know that I am here for them, but I am not sure I would sent the mother under investigation right away. Maybe make a parent teacher conference and have the school nurse examine the hygiene situation and explain it to the mother, and have the counselor talk to the student about their performance. Documentation is important.
Excellent suggestion!
This would be the most appropriate way to handle this situation.