Writing in Math

Mr. Smith is a 6th grade math teacher. His school has recently adopted a policy that requires every summative assessment, in every subject, to have a written response section. The Language Arts lead teacher for the school created a rubric that must be used, school wide, to grade the written response. The rubric is not math friendly and Mr. Smith is having a difficult time grading grading the written responses according to the rubric. Mr. Smith feels as though he should be grading his students on the math content, not whether or not they used correct grammar or spelling. He has noticed a drop in his math test scores. He has suggested to create a rubric just for math; however, administration wants the same rubric for all subjects. What should he do?

Solution #1
If the rubric must be used in all subjects, the rubric needs to be rewritten to meet criteria for all subjects not just Language Arts or Math. The rubric should be compatible to all subject areas required to use it. If it is not working, administration should get input form all subject areas to see how it would need to be revised.

I like this solution the best because it gets an idea from all the parties involved. With all the different teachers putting in their input, the rubric should become a success.

Solution #2
Mr. Smith could give math constructed response questions that aligns to the rubric. Instead of changing the rubric, change the written responses.
Solution #3
Mr. Smith should grade the student's understanding of the Math content only. It is the ELA's teachers job to grade and correct and grammar and spelling. I think he should go to the administration and give his input on the rubric and see if they can male it applicable to Math.