Ms. Butler was told by administration to bump up any report card grades that ended in a 9. For example, if a student received an 89, she was told to bump it to a 90. She was also told to bump any grades below a 60 up to a 60. For example, if a student had a 52 average, she was told to bump it to a 60. Ms. Butler does not feel comfortable doing this. What should she do?
That's a great idea, or I would encourage my student to improve their grade by turning in an extra assignment to boost their grade where they are comfortable with what they have earned.
This is a good strategy because you are doing what is asked of you, and you are allowing the parents to see the true grade that the student received.
I agree with this solution. The students earn their grades. I would offer extra credit or a makeup day so students can achieve the grades that administration wants.