I have been having a difficult time with one of my students. He is the child of a migrant family. Before my classroom, he attended two other schools this year. Although his grades are pretty decent, his behavior has been unbearable. He is disruptive, he bullies other children, he hurts others on the playground, and he uses profanity. I tried many different strategies with him including rewards for good behavior, creating behavior contracts, time outs, and talking, I have not been successful. A few times I tried to call his parents to have him talk to the parents about his behavior, I could not reach them. This week I sent two notes to his parents asking them to meet with me to discuss his behavior; they refused to meet with me. They told their son to tell me that they have to work during day time and they had no time to meet. I understand that they are hard working people but shouldn't they make an effort help me with their child's education? Do they not care? What should I do?