Disruptive student

A student in a 2nd grade classroom continues to climb up under the table and bark like a dog. This student refuses to come out from under the table and is very disruptive to the other students in the classroom. When the event is taking place the teacher stops teaching to deal with this one student. What should this teacher do?

Solution #1
I hope that parent contact has been made before involving administration. A behavior contract might be beneficial to use with the student which involves the parent as well. I agree that instruction should not be disrupted for the other students in the classroom, and that the child may need to be removed. I just hope that all other avenues have been taken ahead of time.
Solution #2
I agree with the previous solution about getting administration involved. I would also suggest documenting. This will allow you to see if there is a pattern with this behavior and see if there is a trigger. It will also allow administration and parents to be aware of the seriousness of the issue.

I completely agree with this solution. You want to give exact examples when talking to parents.

Solution #3
Definitely call for help but also print out frequency charts to document every minute of everyday. Color coding behaviors on this daily chart will show what the child is doing but also show the frequency and duration of the behaviors which is what will get this child moved to a more restricted environment, such as EBD or GNETS, which is what I teach.
Solution #4
Rather than interrupt the learning of the remainder of the students in the classroom, the teacher should call for an administrator to come and remove the student from the classroom. Also, a meeting with the student, his or her parents, and an administrator would be in order to come up with a behavior plan for the student.