Development Delays??

Kimberly is a Pre-K student that is showing delays in areas of language/literacy and mathematics. She is unable to answer WH questions. For example, when you ask her, "What do you cut paper with?" and you show her pictures of a pair of scissors and glue: She points to the glue or you ask her, "What makes a spider web?" and she says a book. In mathematics, she is unable to match simple pictures of a cat, dog and mouse. This same assessment has been done over and over for the past month with the same results. Her teacher states that she does not talk at all during large group and when asked a question Kimberly just nods her head. What do you suggest the next step should be?

Solution #1
I wonder if Kimberly has had a hearing and vision screening recently? I would suggest a hearing and vision screening. I am a middle school teacher so I am not aware of the protocol for early elementary students; however, can you request testing from the school psychologist or do you have to follow the process of using research based interventions and record progress monitoring like we do in middle school before you can suggest testing? I would also set up a meeting with the parent to discuss possible interventions.

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Solution #2
If Kimberly's teacher had the data to show that she has consistently made the same score (not passing/not correct) on the same test for the past month or so or documentation on the questions asked and responses Kimberly has given, I would recommend talking to the school psychologist about testing. Her teacher should show the psychologist the data she has been collecting on Kimberly so the psychologist can make suggestions on what steps to take next. To rule out hearing and sight issues, Kimberly will need to visit the school clinic or her doctor and have the results sent back to the pre-k director, psychologist, and her teacher. If that seems to not be the problem, then further testing may need to take place. If this happens, she may be identified as having specific developmental delays, and this can get her set up in the special needs program where she works with an educator in the special needs field who can focus on specific needs for her.
Solution #3
Making notes of theses interactions and observances to provide proof to the students parents and other school staff is one of the first things. You can only suggest testing to the parents, it does not mean they will take you up on it. In which case they do not, you will have to work with the student to the best of your ability implementing different strategies. If the student is not making academic gains, then she will be looked at for ESE.