Ade and Elsa are two 7th grade girls from Indonesia who joined our school couple months ago. I teach them Physical Science. They have well-developed English skills. Although they have an accent, they can communicate with teachers and fellow students. I am very sensitive to the needs of newly-arrived immigrant students, so I paid close attention when I heard rumors from other students about them. Students started spreading that Ade and Elsa were in a lesbian relationship. Apparently Ade and Elsa heard about the rumors; they came to me in tears. I asked them to tell me what was going on. What I found out was very interesting. Ade and Elsa have known each other since they were small children and they have always been best friends. Their families decided to move to the US together. Their fathers applied for jobs in the same company. They both received offers and moved together. Ade and Elsa were excited about going to the same school in US and continuing their friendship. In Indonesia, same-gender friends holding hands is very common and indicates friendship. When children at our school saw Ade and Elsa holding hands they thought that Ade and Elsa were in a lesbian relationship. I have to do something about this. I see two options before me: I will explain to the children in my classes that friends holding hands in some cultures is completely normal, or I will tell Ade and Elsa to not hold hands to avoid these rumors. The second option seems culturally insensitive, but if Ade and Elsa continue holding hands, rumors will continue even if I explain to my students the cultural side of their friendship. What should I do? If you have an original solution to this issue, please advice.
I agree with you. I thought this would be a great opportunity to work in a lesson about how other cultures express friendships, it may even be helpful to show a few videos on this and have students complete an assignment about where they did a little research and made a presentation on a culture besides their own and how they expressed friendship. I also like the suggestion about telling the students about some of our own traditions and how other cultures disapprove of them in different ways.
Showing the students how other countries view us, and some of the things we do would be a great wake up call. I visited China for a month and the people asked many question about our fashion, hair, school systems, and everything imaginable. Hearing people question your culture really makes you think about yourself and the way you do things and wonder is there a right or wrong?
I agree that a learning opportunity is here. Also, your suggestion of telling students things that we do that other countries may judge or laugh at is a great idea! Great post!
I think it is a great idea to talk with the class about the things we do in America that other cultures would look down upon. Help students to put themselves in the girls' shoes.
I agree. This solution was spot on. I would also include in my explanation to my students that in Arabic countries it is also common for adult men who are friends to hold hands.
That is what I would do as well.
I like the idea of having students think about things we do as Americans that are normal to us that seem strange and foreign to people in other parts of the world. I live in Africa for a year and when a woman came up to hold my hand, initially it made me really uncomfortable, but then when I realized it was a sign of trust and friendship, I welcomed it and even initiated it sometimes. I think having them do exercises to prove that holding hands, hugging or other forms of physical contact does not mean you are gay would be beneficial.
I too think you should address both sides of the situation. Both groups of students need to know why the picking and picking on is occurring. They both need to be educated as to why picking on others is not the solution and understand why the girls are holding hands and what it means to them.
I like your solution quite a bit. I didn't really consider the confusion the girls might experience, and the necessity to explain that to them. The girls are new to the American culture, and they are unfamiliar with what that culture associates with romantic feeling. Therefore, strictly from an education standpoint, it makes sense to explain it to them, without any kind of judgement being attached to it.
I like the idea of incorporating it into a lesson. I think it would be a great learning opportunity to teach students different cultures and their belief. I think the students would enjoy comparing and contrasting the different cultural beliefs. This would also explain to the girls why other assumed they were lesbians.
I thought this solution had several positive features to it. First, the teachers would be facilitating discussion and critical thinking over different cultures. These discussions could invite how different cultures express such common ideas a friendship and respect. Moreover, I think that these discussions should incorporate conversation regarding why there is so much discrimination against homosexuality. Whether the students disagree with it or not does not give them a reason to possibly ridicule individuals who may identify themselves as homosexual.
I completely agree with your suggestion. I think it is equally important to educate the two girls on US culture as it is to educate the other students on different world cultures. I think not explaining to the girls why the other students were reacting the way they were would just allow them to be blindsided by this reaction again in the future. I think that not educating the rest of the students of different cultural interpretations of actions would be doing the rest of the students a disservice as well.
Considering that this is a cultural issues class, I believe your solution is a good one. In this case, all parties are unsure of each other's culture. Having a lesson on the various types of gestures from cultures is effective. Once given the information as to WHY the rumors started, as well as having the other students who started the rumors understand why the girls were holding hands, students can make their choice from there. Many schools in our county band holding hand all together. That could always be an option.
I really like the idea of incorporating this into a lesson about different cultures. The idea of telling the students that other countries laugh or judge us for some of the things we do is a great idea.
I really like putting the culture into the lesson. Great idea
I really like the idea of teaching BOTH cultures, the Americans and the two girls, the reasons why or why not holding hands is good/bad.
I agree with teaching both cultures!
This is definitely a different type of solution that many would not think of on the fly. I like the idea of creating a game or lesson where the students hold hands. This shows that it's really not that scary to hold someone's hand when you aren't in a relationship with him/her. I would also have a few things that we do in our culture that seems uncomfortable in other cultures.
I did not think about having the students hold hands and learn about the process of communicating with someone through social interactions. During this activity you can explain that various cultures interact in various ways. This can be through touch, eye contact, movements etc. It does not have to be through vocal communication. It would also help to incorporate a lesson where the students research cultures and identify different ways of communication. -Kayla Mullins
That is a great solution.
I really like this idea of using the gestures in a class lesson. This made me think of other ideas and ways of using your suggestion which will help me come up with a solution to piggyback off of what you said. :)
I like the idea of using gestures in a lesson to explain different cultures. This provides a visual for all students, as well as, social interactions among students. This would allow for other students to understand the differences among cultures and why it is important to be sensitive to them.
I think it's a good idea to have them do an activity where they have to hold hands and then explain to them that just because they are holding hands doesn't mean they "like" each other. Students can be very cruel and trying to fix this problem without offending the two girls is the best way to handle the situation.
You could even explore other cultures' ways of showing romantic affection and draw parallels between those and what "just friends" do in America. I think that could be a very interesting way to have students explore not only other cultures, but develop a deeper understanding of their own. Many people (even adults) don't really have an accurate idea of what their culture is. They view their culture as being the "right" or "main" one in the world, and all others as being "wrong" or, at the very least, somehow inferior to theirs. Therefore, I think teaching students how to view their own culture from a different perspective could be a powerful tool.
I also think that a lesson incorporating gestures would be an appropriate solution. Perhaps students would be more understanding if they had this type of concrete example of the meaning of physical interactions. It would also show the girls American and other cultural gestures that might be perceived as inappropriate in their culture are accepted here.
I think it is a great activity to have the students hold hands and explain how they feel and what holding hands means to them. I think having a conversation about communication and how spreading rumors can really hurt others. Maybe the students could play a game of telephone, where one rumor is spread, and the students could see how that one rumor turns into a slightly different rumor. Then as a class they could discuss how spreading rumors can change, how they can be hurtful, and how they could be mistaken for something that isn't true.
I think having the other students hold each other's hands would be a great anticipatory activity to help facilitate discussion about the issue. Also, I do feel that it is warranted for the teacher to explain to the two immigrant students why so many of the other students are taking their actions a certain way. This issue invites discussions about different cultures. I like how it was previously mentioned that the teacher could utilize hugging as a familiar example to illustrate this difference in culture to the students. The teacher could explain how just because two individuals of the same sex engage in hugging, does not mean that everyone assumes that they are homosexual. Moreover, the discussion could invite conversation regarding discrimination towards individuals who identify themselves as homosexual.
I really like the comparison you made with hugging. Doesn't everyone hug each other now? Years ago, it may have been strange to see two unrelated men hug in public, but most don't think anything of it now. I think that is interesting to point out to students and could be incorporated into a lesson about culture and how culture changes over time.
I really like this solution, especially incorporating hugging. This allows students to break stereotypes of holding hands and compare it to something else. It would also be beneficial to tie the lesson into other cultures around the world.
I really like this solutions and think I maybe use it if i come across this problem.
Teaching about cultures is a great and safe way to open up the minds of students.
Great idea!
I also stated that there should be some information given on what other cultures do as well. I really like the idea of it being student centered. If the girls are not too shy I thought it would be a great idea to share something else their culture does with the students. This also could work both ways because a student from America could also share something their culture does and is accepted.
I love the idea of having it be student centered. If the girls themselves could somehow be involved and allow the other students to get to know them (and their culture) I believe some of the rumors would stop and the students would be more sensitive of the girls cultural differences.
I like the suggestion of initiating a group project among the students to research other cultures' views and practices of friendship. It would be a huge learning opportunity and allowing a team effort to be demonstrated. If the girls continue to hold hands it will be by their choice. The group project will show the students that they should not judge anyone.
Great idea
I really like how this solution is respectful towards the girls, so they know they are not doing anything wrong, and I like that the students can see how friendship works in different cultures. This is a strong project to see things from a different point of view and accept people who do not act exactly like them.
I think this is a great solution!
I think this is a great solution!
I like that you did not want for the girls to stop being who they are. I also thought the solutions of bringing it back to the student who were saying unkind things was a fabulous idea. It always makes people second guess themselves if the shoe was on the other foot, and as teachers it is very important for us to do this on a regular basis in order to teach them empathy.
I also agree that telling the girls to stop holding hands is inappropriate. They obviously understand that their action is what is causing the rumors, and if they continue to do so they are making the decision for themselves. Even if it would temporally stop the rumors, it would not remedy that lack of understanding being demonstrated by the other students. Instead, it would stifle an innocent act of friendship and encourage halting behaviors that may indicate homosexuality (which would then put a negative connotation on that as well). Education would be the best appropriate solution.
That is a great way to look at it. Pointing out how you express your friendship will bring into consideration that we all have different things that make us comfortable and are apart of our culture. Comparing different cultures and how they express their love and friendship is a great learning opportunity and may help someone to think before they act.
I agree with you, Mallory. A "culture day" would be a great way not only Ade and Elsa the opportunity to discuss/explain the norms of their culture but other students could be involved as well. As you stated that this is not closely related to content I feel that this could be tied to a Social Studies standard. This is a wonderful idea!
The high school I attended had a cultural day where students came together to share aspects of their culture- food, music, dance, etc. It was a great ways for students to learn about one another and how great their differences are!
I really like the idea of "Culture Day." It would be an easy way to have conversations about things that might be uncomfortable to have in a face to face conversation.
I really like how you handled this situation. It was respectful and understanding towards your students and at the end of the day they went home with a valued lesson. You have some great ideas on how to incorporate different cultures into the classroom.
You are correct because there could be more cultures than just one. Having a cultural diverse discussion could bring about many questions and would help with other questions students may have. I would open the discussion up to questions on other topics and we would research them together to understand and learn together.
I worry that educating the classmates alone will not stop the abuse. I think that eventually the two students will stop simply because the mean comments won't stop. We can try and educate our students, but at the same time, it will do very little.
I think educating the students is a necessary thing to do. Certainly some students may not stop their mean comments because those are the type of people they are. However, some students who passed judgement may truly not have known this was a cultural norm in Indonesia. Once students are educated they can decide what to do with their new found knowledge and I think most will acceptance in varying cultural norms.
Certainly it is important to help the American students understand about the culture of the new students Ade and Elsa. However, I believe it is also helpful to discuss appropriate cultural displays of affection to Ade and Elsa. They are new to America and will need help navigating the culture they are now a part of.
Educating other students is vital in this situation as a way to understand the traditions in various cultures. I believe that the teacher should also explain to the Ade and Elsa why the other students are beginning rumors about them, not necessarily make them stop if that is comforting/normal in their culture.
I like the idea of teaching a lesson about cultures and how they differ across the world. The best way to fight ignorance is with education. If the teacher teaches about how cultures differ, they will hopefully be able to look at their own cultures and self reflect about how their actions could be perceived.
I totally agree that there are better ways to fix the problem then just telling the girls to stop holding hands. I believe the best solution is to educate the students on different cultural beliefs. I also think the students would enjoy researching and discussing the differences in different beliefs.
I really like your point about Spanish culture and how they interact with their friends. I think it is wise to try to educate the students about multiple cultures so that they can see that there are many different ways that people interact around the world. Making the students culturally aware is a much better option than to encourage conformity.
I agree that involving the counselor is a great idea. The counselor and the teacher can explain to the girls that this behavior is not something the other students are used to. I also completely agree that the girls need to be reassured that they have not done anything wrong, and that it is not right that the other students are making fun of them.
I think involving the school guidance counselor is a great idea! Every student would be able to discuss their own actions and feelings in a safe environment. I think the counselor would be presented with a great opportunity to discuss characters traits, such as respect for others and acceptance for different cultures. The students could brainstorm various ways to solve problems from cultural differences. With the presence of school personnel, I think students would be asked to share apologies with the two girls after the discussion concluded.
I agree that getting the counselor involved is a great option for this problem. Maybe simply sitting down with the girls and explaining that their holding hands sends out a different message here in the states then what they are used to back home. I think you also need to be careful to not make the issue too big of a deal. Drawing too much attention to this issue could only make matters worse and subject them to more criticism and ridicule from other students.
I agree with this solution. Talking to a counselor would be the thing to do because this would be in a private setting and the girls could get educated on some things that are "accepted" in this country, while at the same time if they had an questions they could ask the counselor in private. The counselor is also the one to provide comfort and support for them.
I think it is a great idea to involve a counselor. I also think it would be a great idea to involve a counselor when talking to the girls who started the rumor. The counselor might be able to explain to the girls why these rumors are hurtful and are definitely not acceptable at school.
Approaching the students who were making the assumptions could be helpful by explaining to them one-to-one about the different cultures and maybe suggest some research on the topic to these students. Also let them know that rumors are wrong to initiate.
I think keeping the issue between the girls and those who started the rumors (if you find out) will be harmful in the long run. Introducing different cultural aspects between American culture and other cultures around the globe will be useful the sooner students are exposed to it. Talking to all the students in the school about the differences in cultures will enrich their lives and prevent a similar situation from happening again.
I agree that most issues like this is from a lack of understanding. I think it is so important to create an effective classroom management plan that creates a safe and respectful environment for students of all backgrounds.
One of the things that I enjoy most about teaching social studies is the ability to teach about different cultures. Many students do not understand cultures that differ from their own, but it is important to always add a way to build a community in your class that understands different cultures.
I agree that the bullying topic should be addressed and students should be explained to that this will not be tolerated. However, incorportating multiple cultures into a lesson will also help each side understand where the other is coming from and that is a great equalizer. Great post!
I like that you included other examples of cultural diversity (such as the practice of kissing as a greeting). I definitely think that the teacher should not point out that Ade and Elsa are being bullied, but that he should hold some kind of diversity day where the entire class shares their personal cultural practices. I would also privately counsel the two girls before and help them to understand that U.S. culture sees hand-holding as a romantic gesture. This would help them to understand why they are being teased and would enable them to explain during the diversity day in class what hand-holding means in Indonesia.
I agree. Middle school students can be brutal. A lesson would be great. Students could really benefit. I wonder if some type of interdisciplinary lesson could be done. That way students across the school could be better educated.
I agree that kids can be brutal! But I would explain to the girls that this is a natural reaction to this symbol. I suggested doing an activity to show all the students that they should be ore open-minded to other cultures. This would help them see that different symbols and actions represent different feeling and affection across the world.
You are so right about how mean and brutal middle school students can be. I think that your solution is a great one so that students will understand that we do come from other cultures and we must respect others differences.
I like the idea of a lesson on different cultures and their traditions, but I think you would have to be careful to not point out why you are giving the lesson.
I agree students can be awful to one another.The lesson will be beneficial for everyone.
I agree that giving all students a lesson on different cultures would be appropriate. While I would not prevent the two girls from holding hands, I think it would be important for them to understand why students in the United States might think this was "weird" or "inappropriate" because they need to be taught about other cultures, too. To me, this would be a good opportunity to make sure students understand that cultural perspectives are different around the world and give a lesson on practices that might seem "weird" to people of outside cultures.
I agree with your idea and think its a great one.
You make excellent points. You are right that the root of the problem is that the students think being a lesbian is a reason to pick on another student. This is definitely a cultural issue at the school. Students are often beginning to realize their sexual orientation during or even before middle school. For example, today at my school's middle school graduation a student reflected on coming out to her middle school teacher. Our school's culture does not find picking on other students for sexual orientation acceptable. Nor do I ever hear, "That's so gay." Which is one of my pet peeves. However, this is sadly not the culture of many schools. And this incident does not only impact Ade and Elsa but also affects gay students at the school who would feel prejudice, harassment, and fear as a result of the harassment that the two girls are experiencing.
This is a reason to pick on other students and should not be accepted. This is harrassment and bullying and should be rectified immediately. Culture education is very pertinent in this situation and hopefully would bring understanding.
You make an excellent point. The problem is not that the girls are viewed as lesbians. The problem is that people are closed minded and not willing to accept people for who they are. This is something that as adults we need to set a better example for the students in our classes. If we are accepting and open-minded, then are students are going to be more willing to be accepting and open-minded towards their peers.
I really like your solution, a mix of talking to the two girls about the differences between Indonesian and American culture, school-wide cultural project, school and region-wide collaboration about how certain relationships are viewed and bullying issues.
I kind of did both as well. I think that it is important to educate our students about the differences between what is acceptable here and what is acceptable other places in the world. I think that students should be encouraged to ask questions about what they do not know/understand to help cut down on the misunderstandings.
I agree with both of you. I also thought that it would be beneficial to do both and let the students decide if they wanted to continue holding hands. I think the two girls should know that Americans think that it is "their way or the highway," so no matter what is said, some still may judge them holding hands. Therefore, it is a cultural lesson for both parties. Then as a teacher, you have done your part in the situation and can let the students decide how to view the situation.
I agree. Letting both cultures know is what's best for this situation I believe. Also, leaving the decision to Ade and Elsa as to do what to do in the future would also be a good idea. That way, the ball is in their court. At least they will be aware as to WHY the kids are saying what they are saying.
I think you hit all the main issues of this scenario. 1. American students not understanding foreign cultures. 2. Foreign students not understanding American cultures. 3. Bullying. Bullying should not be over-looked in this scenario. I think this should definitely be a topic of conversation as well.
Just to add to your comment, I think it would be really neat if after the fact (say, introducing the Indonesian culture to your students), have your students actually do some research and get to know other cultures. Show your students that life isn't white or black--it doesn't have to be THEIR culture versus your own. We are all from an array of cultures, so why not enable students to learn about many of them? Doing so might also take the pressure or the social stigma off of these two very young girls.
I really enjoyed your solution. This is indeed bullying, and the teacher should put a stop to it by enlightening the students. I never thought about Ade and Elsa sharing their culture with the rest of the class, but I really think that would be a creative way to share cultural differences among all students. The teacher could possibly have a cultural diversity day so that the two girls are not the only ones addressing this situation, which could be even more embarrassing for them. However, if all the students were to share the cultural practices within their families, Ade and Elsa would not be singled out and the rest of the students would learn about diversity.
I do think that it is a good idea to speak to the two girls personally and explain to them why the students are saying the things that they are. That said, I do not think that they should be told to stop holding hands because this expression of friendship is likely a source of comfort for them after uprooting from one country to another. I like the idea of having them share aspects of their culture with the class to enlighten them and I also think that it is important to make sure that the students making the assumptions and spreading the rumors understand that they are being culturally insensitive. I think a discussion about bullying also needs to occur because the spreading of rumors is absolutely inappropriate.
I also had not considered the option of allowing the girls to present about their culture to their classmates.By giving them the opportunity to provide a voice to the bodies that have been picked on they may can show their classmates that they are human as well and very similar to their peers once all of the cultural layers are peeled back.
I agree with this solution. It is important for Ade and Elsa to understand what holding hands means in our culture and what message they are unintentionally sending to their peers. It is also just as important for their peers to understand what holding hands meanings in their culture in order to develop a better understanding of why they are holding hands. Of course, simply explaining the meaning of holding hands will not make the rumors stop, but at least all parties will have gained the understanding of the various meanings and then can make their own choices from then on.
I agree with you. It will not be worth anyone's time if the teacher lets them continue to hold hands without letting them know that the handholding is the reason for the rumors. If the girls decide to continue, that is on them, but at least they will have an understanding of why the rumors are going around and can make an informed decision rather than being in the dark.
I agree that using a little of both strategies would be very beneficial. Middle school girls do often hug in the hallway and lock arms as they walk together. This could be used to help students identify with what the girls are doing. If we show students the habits of other cultures they would be more likely to understand why these girls are so close. In addition by explaining to the two girls why they are hearing rumors will better understand our culture as well.
Excellent point, 7th grade students often still lack the maturity to be culturally respectful, and explaining this to the girls may help soften their dismay. In even a year or so, the understanding of the students will increase (one would hope) with age.
This is an excellent way to look at it. Holding hands to them could be a comforting way to help each other adjust to the new culture and if it is explained to them that holding hands in America represents something besides friendship, then once they get comfortable with where they are they may stop.
I like the idea of utilizing the other subject areas, since as a physical science teacher it would be difficult to bring it up without embarrassing the young ladies, but this subject certainly fits into the English and History based subjects.
Your solution and mine were very similar. I agree its important to let the girls know why other students are making these comments, though you don't have to require them to stop. In addition, having S.S., E/La or Art incorporate cultural projects is also a great idea to enlighten the other students.
I agree the teacher should not necessarily tell the two young ladies to stop but that they should be made aware of the cultural meaning that their actions have in the United States and that it is causing the rumors. The idea of collaborating with the Social Studies and English teacher to create projects about cultural differences and judgement and stereotype would create awareness of other cultures and their norms. However, I would keep in mind that this is middle school a time when students can be viscous and judgmental, and not as open nor receiving of differences. These projects might not produce the desired outcome of making them more aware and may actually cause them to spread more rumors or pick on them.
I agree that we do not want to tell the girls to stop holding hands, because that can be culturally insensitive and that could cause them to withdraw more and become even more upset with the matter. I feel that we should explain to the girls that the reason the students were making remarks about them holding hands is because here in there culture it is not common for friends to hold hands like that. I would make sure I provide the girls who were making fun of them for holding hands aware of the fact that different cultures do things differently and we should accept everyone no matter what.
This is a great response. I also agree that it is a good idea to inform the girls of the situation. Everyone deserves to know when someone is talking about them--a very common issue in education unfortunately. I enjoyed reading your post.
I agree that the girls should not be forced to stop holding hands. They feel comfortable with eachother and they are so lucky to have the other in this new environment. I agree that the teacher should express to the girls why it is such a shock for the other students to see this. The girls may decide themselves that they won't hold hands anymore. Not that they should change, but they might want to do things like Americans do.
I agree that a mix of both solutions would be most effective. Incorporating how other cultures treat physical interactions (holding hands, kissing on the cheek to greet one another) can be very eye opening for the students. Ignorance of other cultures practices is what created this problem in the first place. I think that holding hands is their choice and telling them not to would be culturally insensitive.
I agree that it is important that BOTH parties understand the other's culture. A lot of people commented that he should explain to the girls what holding hands symbolizes in the US, but it is also important for the other students to understand the girls' backgrounds.
It is definitely important to share the understanding and education about both cultures.
I agree that both groups should understand the other's views. Then let the girls decide if they want to continue to hold hands or not.
A multicultural lesson about how different cultures express friendships could help the students to see different cultural perspectives. Ade and Elsa's classmates, as well as Ade and Elsa themselves, would be informed of various cultural norms that are present around the world. This can be accomplished through reading stories, watching videos, or having rolep-laying activities that center on different aspects of how individuals express friendship. Ultimately, if there is no policy in place that prohibits students from touching one another (such as a zero tolerance no touching rule), the decision should be left up to Ade and Elsa as to whether or not they still want to continue to hold hands at school.
I believe a multicultural lesson would be an appropriate way to help the children understand there are different customs around the world.
I agree that the best thing to do would be to have a talk with the two girls, but to also educate the other students about the different, various cultures. As you mentioned, middle school is a tough age. Girls, in particular, can be mean. If the teacher could "get through" to the general school population, maybe they would be willing to see the world through other, various perspectives.
I too, think I would explain the situation to the girls since they came to the teacher for help. By explaining to them that holding hands is just not common among American friends of that age, maybe that would help shed some light on the situation. I would also explain to them that 7th graders can be very mean and just say nasty things. And I agree, that something should also be said to the American students to help them understand why the girls were holding hands. Great idea!
I agree that the teacher should lecture, but not about bullying. The lecture should be on different cultures and ideas. Yes, students can be harsh, but what if they do not understand why the girls are holding hands? It is the teachers job to help the students understand and embrace other cultures.
I think that the students are acting out of a sense of discomfort in seeing the two girls holding hands. Having an adult lecture them on the inappropriateness of their comments may aggravate the situation instead of improving it. Some students simply may not realize the true reason the two girls are holding hands and only need to be presented with an explanation concerning their culture to understand that their actions are not appropriate.
I also agree about the students being uncomfortable with what they see. As a result, the natural tendency is to pick on it or call it out for being different. Especially at this age where kids are very uncomfortable with their bodies anyway students will find anyway possible to shift focus off of themselves and project it on to someone else.
We all remember middle school and the rumors that can be started. I think it is important to remind students why bullying is unacceptable, but I think it is also important that we educate the students on different cultures. This way, the class would be able to understand why other cultures act the way they do.
I did not even think of this as part of the solution. In additon to a culture lesson I think the students need a lesson on bullying.
I think it would be possible to incorporate some Social Studies into Physical Science. Cross-circulum teaching is so good for students. I would still let the other teachers what is going on; perhaps they too can incorporate culturally understanding in their classes too.
I agree with you! I also suggested an activity that will help students understand different cultures. I feel that this could benefit all the students and allow them to see that the natural reaction of the American people is not the reaction from others around the world! I would also explain to the girls that the other students do not view this as a symbol of friendship. Then, allow them to decide of they wanted to continue to show their affection toward each other this way.
Incorporating this information into the content would be the best way to go about explaining differences. That way, the girls do not feel like they have a spotlight on them, and the students will learn to respect other cultures from around the world for future instances such as this scenario.
I think doing a lesson on friendships in other countries would be a great way for students to realize that the way some people show friendship is different from the way we show friendship in the United States. Hopefully, this will be an eye opener to students. Also, talking to the girls is a great idea. That way your giving them the choice to continue holding hands or not.
I agree with you. I thought this would be a great opportunity to work in a lesson about how other cultures express friendships, it may even be helpful to show a few videos on this and have students complete an assignment about where they did a little research and made a presentation on a culture besides their own and how they expressed friendship.
It is important for us to inform our students that when they are laughing at someone because their culutre is diffferent that that is stereotyping and bulleying. We need to teach our students that this behavior is wrong.
L. C., I'm glad that you mentioned bullying, since it is such a huge issue. I mentor seven fifth grade girls, and the majority of our time is spent dealing with bullying (whether they are the victim or the perpetrator). Many schools are adopting a zero tolerance policy regarding bullying, and I think that this situation definitely falls into that category.
Bullying is mentioned, but I think it stems more from the lack of knowledge. When something is different even as adults we stare. I think we are in a day and time that honesty is the best remedy for course of action.
Yes all these topics should be discussed. I also think that if we discuss Indonesian and American cultures of friendship we should also talk about other cultures as well. Maybe European cultures where kissing on the check is the normal hello. Just to show that just because we don't do it in the American culture doesn't mean that no one is that affectionate.
I think you make a good point that, unfortunately, in middle school kids are going to find things to tease each other about so part of what needs to be discussed with the girls is the reasons why some kids spread rumors and the reasons why some kids are bullies. The behavior of the other kids cannot be dismissed as "no big deal" but rather needs to be seen as unacceptable. Help the girls to understand that sometimes kids are mean just to be mean and it is not personal. But also acknowledge that it is still just as hurtful and it is still wrong for those students to spread those rumors.
I agree that this isn't an either or situation. Middle School students can be particularly unkind. It is just a hard age. This also means that you as a teacher really have to be on the spot about keeping kids from being unkind to one another. I personally do not allow students to call each other "gay" as an insult in my class. I point out how ugly it is. Also, I have gay people in my family. Usually when one student says to another student something like "ugh, that is so gay" I can just point out then and there that I don't think that behavior is acceptable. If they persist by saying something defamatory about homosexuals I usually tell them something about my family and that it isn't a big deal. Students making fun of other kids about being gay is one of the last places we as a culture seem to still tolerate discrimination. We do need to tell the girls why they are being perceived as they are and to educate our classes about cultural norms but we also need to remove the stigma from homosexuality so that it is not a basis for ridicule.
Another point to be made is that if these two girls were a boy and a girl, holding hands for them would be inappropriate in school as well. Maybe the angle to take is that PDA of any kind in school is inappropriate, regardless of who is doing it. Explaining it this way may take the pressure off the issue that they are two girls and focus more on the broader issue of what is and is not appropriate at school.
Even if the school had a "no touching" plan, this is their cultural beleif. I think that their should always be an execption to the rule. In this case, I would educate and encourage the students to ask questions about this new culture!
I agree somewhat with what Nicki mentioned about school rules. If there is a rule about students touching one another then it should be enforced across the board. I do not view the enforcement of this rule as being culturally insensitive, rather enforcing the rules on all students. If there needs to be a rule change then it should apply to all students.
If the school does have a "no touch" policy then the girls should adhere to these rules. Although hand holding is a part of their culture, not holding hands in school will certainly not break a "mandatory" cultural belief. After all, the hand holding is merely a sign of their friendship, not a rule.
I agree. The girls should not have to stop participating in their cultures acts of friendship. However, it is extremely important that the teacher incorporate a lesson about cultural differences. I think this would greatly help the situation and make the students feel more comfortable being in a new place!
I like you comment! I think this would be a great learning opportunity for students in the entire school to learn more about the culture where the two girls moved. I'm sure everyone will find similarities and differences when comparing and contrasting their own believers to those of the girls. Teachers need to take teachable moments like these to address students about other social self expression.
I agree that both the American and Indonesian cultures need to be taught and respected within the class room I also think students, particullarly the American students need a lesson on bullying.
I really like your idea of using a classroom contract. Middle schoolers can be so self-centered. They don't often realize how their behavior affects others. Stopping to think if their treatment of others is the way they would like to be treated should help them to make better decisions. Allowing them to be a part of the discussion should help.
I really like your idea of community building within the classroom so the other students can get to know their peers better, and begin to understand them in a different way than as a student from another culture!
I think that community building exercises will help strengthen the class. If the class becomes stronger together, the bullies will see on how their rumors are hurting their "friends". I agree that the class should participate in learning about new and other cultures. Middle school can be a hard age because they can often be unaccepting of anything it seems like. Opening their eyes that these two girls are people, just like them, may help put the rumors to end. Also, I see that hand holding is harmless and the girls should be able to continue it to show their friendship. It is what makes them happy.
Before I would discuss this topic in too much detail with the girls,I would have a discussion with the parents before proceeding forward with the students. This way you do not get your facts mixed up or mis-communicated. Once you go to the students, you want to have as many solutions as possible without having to put them off until you find more information. Teens are curious and want to know as much as possible. But your activities with the teens are good suggestions to get the message across the school.
I agree that the students should be informed of various cultures. I think if you point out something that we do on a regular basis as taboo in another country, the students may realize that the girls have no intention of being lesbians, but rather, are doing what is typical in their culture.
I agree students in America need to realize that we live in a "melting pot society" and the norm for us is not the norm for everybody. Hopefully this discussion will stop some of the rumors that these girls are facing and people will see that in other countries this is normal.
I really like you idea of presenting cultural differences to all students. I especially like your idea of incorporating some practices that Americans do that are different or unusual to other cultures. What a great way to put the shoe on the other foot.
I agree in that it's not only important to actually implement BOTH options, but to also include the parents in on the conversation as well. Parents are crucial, especially at the middle school level, for students' success. The more parents know, the better. A lot of the times, parents have influence that we, as teachers, do not--especially in this situation. Since both students are new, chances are that they haven't really gotten to know the school and really understand and get to know you as the teacher. Again, bringing in the parents would show these two girls that not only are you really working to alleviate the situation, but you have a genuine concern for them.
I agree that involving the girls' parents may be a good idea. They are undoubtedly learning to adjust to life in America as well, and hopefully showing an interest in their daughters' lives will help establish a trustful relationship between them and you, the teacher. They can help their daughters decide how to proceed.
I really like your idea about letting all students share unique aspects of their cultures. That may help take some of the attention off of the two girls. I also think that bullying education is important, I hadn't thought about that. Especially for students in this age range, there can be a lot of immaturity and bullying regarding differences. However, no matter what students consider different, they should never be allowed to make-fun of or start hurtful rumors.
I think that including a discussion about bullying is a great idea! Sometimes students make fun of others and they don't really see how it is actually bullying. It would be an eye opener for many of the students that had made comments in the past about the girls. The teacher could also ask students about times when they have been the victim of bullying and how they felt. This would help the students realize the implications of their actions.
I like your stance on explaining diversity. In this education world, teachers have to be very careful about what we say. In some courses, you can have discussions like that. In my course, mathematics, discussions like that never seem appropriate.
I agree that one of the primary issues to address in this situation is the rumor itself. This is something typical in the school environment and we as teachers need to take opportunities to help students understand that spread rumors is wrong and hurtful. However, I also think it is a good opportunity to help Elsa and Ade become aware of the new culture they are a part of. As newcomers to America, I am sure they would appreciate help in becoming more well acquainted with the culture of their new country and their classmates.
I like your top down approach and I think it would be beneficial to speak with the faculty members first. However, it is likely that you will meet resistance there. How would you ensure that all teachers would actually "incorporate the teaching of cultural differences in their instruction to increase the students' awareness of minority cultures"? Would you offered some training for the teachers so that they are aware of strategies they can use to make their students more culturally aware?
I like the idea you had about speaking with all of the faculty at the school and not just Ade and Elsa's teachers. It could help to raise awareness throughout the school, because issues similar to this one could be happening in other grades as well. It would also alleviate any pressure that the girls could be feeling by having only their teachers presenting materials about differing cultures and acceptance. We need to acknowledge the diversity in our schools and I think your idea is a great way to do that.
I really like your post! These girls need to be given a lesson in self-esteem and told that people are going to talk about them no matter what as well as they do not need to worry about what others are saying about them! My mom told me that if people are talking about you, that usually means that they are jealous of you!
I like your unique approach to this situation. The PDA rule never crossed my mind here, but it would be an excellent tool for removing the observed behavior of hand holding. In this case, asking the girls to stopping holding hands would not be due to ignorance or cultural bias, but rather school policies and procedures for student safety. I also like that you mentioned education regarding student's ideas of lesbian tendency as a whole (holding hands doesn't equate to homosexuality).
I am not sure if holding hands is crossing any public display of affection rules at most schools. If these two students are holding hands out of friendship, then I don't think it is behavior that needs to be discouraged. Also remember that these girls are seventh graders they are still very young. The teacher should encourage students not to make assumption about others.
You could try the PDA approach, but then you would have to require that all students not hold hands. At the middle school and high school age students' hormones are raging, and they are already not allowed to kiss, make out et cetera at school. Holding hands is a way for students to experience intimacy for most. In the case of these girls, it is a way of security.
Laura, I like your idea of addressing the issue and spreading cultural awareness. It is very important to foster a community of learners in the classroom who can all share a mutual respect for each other and their learning. I also like how you apologized and comforted the girls, a small act of kindness can go a long way in a situation like this.
Laura, I really enjoyed reading your solution and how you would have handled this situation. I agree that people in general are quick to judge the things in life that they do not understand and/or are different from them. I like how you would address the situation with the students by talking about the different cultural customs such as kissing on the check, hugging, etc. I think this kind of cultural awareness is important in establishing so that our students will respect one another.
I like your idea of them sharing about where they came from. Instead of the teacher teaching a lesson on hand holding or all of the sudden talking about other cultures, let they girl share about their backgrounds. This would allow the topic of handholding come up without making it obvious as to why.
LeeAnna, I like how you suggested getting the counselor involved. I didn't think about that in my original post but I do think that would be helpful. Considering the girls are new, I would hope some sort of mentor program would be in place for them to get support as well. I agree that the students need to be brought aware of cultural differences from how people dress, to say hello, to interacting with one another. I don't know if I would tell them that holding hands initiates interest within the same sex like you mentioned right away, but I would let them know that that is not a common practice here between friends.
LeeAnna, It is a good idea to get the counselor involved for the emotional distress the girls may have suffered. I also like how you planned on educating the other students about various cultures that may be different from their own. In my posting, I said something similar as a solution to the situation. Good job!
Getting the counselor or administration involved would be important to ensure that it is at least documented that the girls are potentially being bullied and action is being taken.
Bring in the school counselors is a good idea for sure. I think that whether or not the two girls hold hands or not should be left up to the girls. If holding hands is very important to the girls, it may be worth it to the girls to continue even at the risk of being misidentified as lesbians.
Susan, Excellent stance on the issue. You're right that bullying is an issue that needs to be addressed. What if the girls were lesbians, they would still be bullied and teased. That sort of behavior should not be accepted not matter what the cause (bullying). I support your call for education, not only cultural, but behavioral and relational as well.
Caley, I like how you incorporated the introduction of the mini lesson to address student misconceptions. I think it's vital that the problem be addressed and through an educational discussion makes it even more of an impact. Getting the school counselor involved would also be helpful as he/she could serve as a mentor for the girls.
I agree with your solution to this situation. I think it's important for the girls to understand why people are saying the things they are about them holding hands at school. It is also important that the girls realize that they are not doing anything wrong, but not everyone is familiar with their traditions which is causing the rumors. I believe that all that are involved should be educated on the cultural differences so that the situation can be addressed.
Your solution seems sensible and you literally took the works right out of my mouth. Having the girls stop holding hands would be insensitive. Explaining to them why people are saying what they are saying would be helpful to them and would allow them to decide for themselves whether or not they will continue.
I had not thought about why Ade and Elsa may be holding hands beyond just being friends. I think it was very perceptive to realize this may also be a comfort during transition. Reminding all of the students what it is like to move to something new would be a very good idea. Perhaps this would also be a good opportunity for Ade and Elsa to do a very informal presentation about their culture and history (if they would like to). Before they do this, remind the class that everyone needs to be respectful of each other's culture and beliefs and ask questions accordingly.
I like that you mentioned if may be a way of them transitioning a long with it being accepted in their country. I would also explain to the girls that in America, girls of the same sex holding hands is looked at much differently than their culture and that is why people are talking. I would recommend the counselor coming in and discussing this with the class and teaching them to be more sensitive to the differences of other cultures.
I agree with your solution. As a child I too had a best friend and we held hands to symbolize our friendship. It's very important for the teacher to talk to the students and make them aware of the things they do in their culture.
I agree that the air must be cleared some how. How do you appropriately do this though? Do you address it while they are in the room? I would say it would be better to address it without them in the room; however, that just feel secretive as if you are going behind their backs in order to solve the solution. Perhaps a parents perspective on their end would be nice too.
I think educators should help students understand that there are more cultures in the world, some that may seem strange to us. We need to educate them on the differences; what may appear this way to us maybe been seen totally different by someone of another culture. I wish public school could have a multicultural diversity course. The U.S. has so many different cultures. It is a very unique nation. While we see so many other countries consist of homogeneity, we have a country build on cultural differences. More education on our differences is very much needed.
I agree about how age can make a difference in how students respond. Middle school is a rough time period for all students. If they notice even the slightest thing about another student they are quick to call it out. Had it been at another age level this probably would not have even been an issue.
Good point that they probably wouldn't experience discrimination at the earlier grade levels. Coming to a new culture during middle school will be tough no matter what. I agree that teaching the other students about different cultures is the way to go. Trying to make these girls adapt will only alienate them further. they are already insecure teenagers, in a strange country, and have rumors spread about them. Having the teacher reinforce the other students by essentially inferring that what they were doing is wrong would be very damaging.
Middle school is that age where students are growing, peer pressure is something that affects students. Friends form groups where others may not be accepted. Friends become bullies and bullies become enemies.
I did not think about the case in this way, but that is an interesting way to approach it. Students today are very mean. The students could have approached the girls before talking and spreading rumors. I do feel that the counselor should get involved and an assembly on bullying would be a good idea, but I also feel it is important to address the fact that this is a custom of a different culture. If students are taught to understand the differences in cultures they may not make assumptions as quickly next time.
I love the idea of incorporating the curriculum in to solving this issue. Also, I might give a student a high five in my class and show them that different cultures use different gestures and act different ways to show different things (i.e. friendship). Most kids at this age may not realize that what these two girls are doing is reflecting their culture.
I agree with this solution. Educating both cultures seems to be the best solution in this situation.
I love the idea of a cultural awareness seminar. There are probably parents and community members who would be willing to contribute, and this would benefit the entire school, not just a single class. My school has a character trait that is emphasized and celebrated every month. Perhaps the counselor would have some ideas.
Your idea for a cultural awareness seminar is great. More than just the one class needs to hear about the differences between cultures. It would probably be difficult to include an entire and effective lesson just within a Physical Science class.
I love your idea of a culture seminar. This would particularly be useful in older grades. This would open the eyes of children who do not have knowledge about other groups of people in a positive way.
Middle school students might be more accepting of a cultural day as opposed to a cultural seminar. If the issue were turned into something fun where the students still learn (such as a cultural day) then there is the possibility of them accepting the young ladies' behavior. However, if they are required to sit through a cultural seminar it could create backlash and cause more problems for Ade and Elsa. Also, I would not necessarily tell them to continue holding hands nor to stop holding hands, but I would make them aware of the situation and allow them to make their own decision.
I think creating consequences for the actions of spreading rumors will help the other students see the hurtful feelings that are being experienced by Ade and Elsa. Before the punishment is given to the students that spread the lesbian relationship rumor, the other students should be informed about the customary choice of holding hands in other cultures. The teacher should allow the girls to present information about holding hands is a sign of friendship in their native country. If the rumors continue after the information session, then the consequences should be given to students that continue to make unacceptable choices in the learning environment.
I like your idea of incorporating the girls into the lesson and allowing them to share their story. Sometimes the best remedy for ignorance is allowing someone to her another person's story.
I like your idea about letting the girls share things about themselves with the class, I defiantly think that would be helpful.
I think that involving the girls in the lesson is a great idea. If their teacher was the only one that talked to them, then many of the students would see this as a lecture and not learn from it. The students will probably learn much more form hearing the girls talk about their culture first hand. The girls will probably learn a lot about the way their classmates think if they hear the questions they have for them during the discussion.
I agree that both should be done. The class should be educated on the girls culture and the girls should be educated about our culture. It was a good idea to allow the girls to be a part of the discussion to the class. I also think that they need to understand that even though their classmates may understand after an explanation what about others they come in contact with.
This is a great post. I think that it is a great idea to let them decide on how they handle the situation. I also think that it is a great idea to inform the class of their customs. I enjoyed your response.
I agree with the ideas you shared in your post. It is important to educate the class and let them know the customs in other countries.
I think this is a great idea. It is important to include all cultures in lessons. It makes it interesting and relevant for all students. The teacher should also take the time to explain American culture to the girls and explain why the students are saying the things about them (even if it is inappropriate for the students to do so).
I agree the teacher should create a lesson to enhance their minds on cultural differences. An educator's job does not stop after the standards are meet and assessments are graded. Along with their parents, we are also helping raise the youth of America. As a society we need to teach our students to be more open minded about differences. It is the only way we can continue to prosper as a human being and as a nation.
This is a great idea. Having a lesson on different signs of friendship from around the world would be interesting to the students. I would, however attempt to talk to the Social Studies teacher about implementing this type of lesson so that it is not suspicious or blatant to who the lesson is focusing on.
I think that a lesson on the different ways friendship is expressed in various cultures is a great idea. I feel that this would be a great way to address the situation without calling direct attention to the two students involved, which could embarrass them. Cultural sensitivity begins with awareness and it is up to us to help our students reach this.
I think this is a great idea. The teacher could set aside a day to teach the entire class about friendships in different cultures. He can focus on the differing concepts of friendship in America and Indonesia so everyone can see how and why the girls are acting this way. The students need to be taught how insensitive they are being and need to learn how to accept others and try to get know the reasoning behind others actions rather than start rumors.
I certainly agree with your option for the teacher to use the girls' example to teach a lesson in cultural differences to the students because they are unknowingly displaying a form of ignorance, or should I say they are experiencing a "cultural shock" at the sight of a new cultural expression of friendship.
It is true that the girls are going to have to understand how their actions are perceived by others, but, just as the girls must exist within the dominant culture, the dominant culture will also be changed by the girls' actions. Their presence in the school adds a new dimension to the school culture. They may still hear rumors or see giggles, but they have also changed the way that students around them perceive holding hands, even if only to a minor extent. I hope that a teacher addressing this situation would try to help Ade and Elsa understand that their presence and contribution to the school's culture are important and valuable and make the school culture richer than before they came.
I definitely agree with this solution. I would educate the students on differences in our culture compared to others. I would also mention some of the things we do in our culture that other cultures might find unacceptable.
I agree with your solution, that we should and must educate our students about differences that may exist in cultures around the world and we should be acceptable to learning about these differences. We can provide a mini lesson on cultural differences to our students and then have our students work in small groups to find out more about cultural differences when it comes to how friends show affection. Students can present their findings to the class and hopefully teach them to appreciate differences and be more aware of things next time before they make ugly remarks without being fully educated on what is taking place.
I agree with your solution because I feel the students need to understand that you do not immediately judge others. Differences exist and encouraging the students to ask questions when they are confused is an important lesson for the classroom and life in general. Also, having the girls ask questions will help them to understand the American culture and why the others were assuming their behavior represented homosexuality.
A great book or story is always a good way to get people, especially younger people, to sit back, listen, and think .I too would encourage the girls to continue holding hands. Just because everyone else in the school has come to the agreement that the girls are lesbian because they are holding hand, does not make it different than a rumor that could have been started from a picture an American girls post on the internet. They should be handled the same way. Bullying in bullying!
I agree that telling the girls to stop holding hands would not be the best option. Having mini lessons to increase student knowledge of other cultural habits. We often tend to disagree with things that other cultures find normal for the simple fact we do not understand them. I think have discussions with students and making them more aware of cultures and even allowing the girls to share their experiences from their homeland could help out as well!
I definitely agree that the parents should be involved at this point. You should let the parents know what is going on at school and let them decide if they want to tell their daughters to stop holding hands or not.
I like the idea that you added about talking to the girls and getting more information from them about their culture. I think it's important to get information straight from the mouth of people actually living that culture, so that would be something I would definitely do before speaking to the class.
I fully agree with contacting the parents immediately. It would be great to hear how the parents interpret their culture. Our school also has no tolerance for holding hands in the school so that would be an issue to discuss with the parents and possibly come up with an alternate approach.
I'm torn on this - I had not considered if the school might have a policy against holding hands. On the one hand, it would not be fair to the other students to allow an exception to the rule yet the girls' culture indicates that hand holding is platonic.
I like the idea of the two girls discussing their culture to the class instead of the teacher speaking for them. They should be able to advocate for themselves and speak to the class.
Perhaps a writing assignment or project about culture for all students would be a good idea so the girls would not be singled out but could still express their perspectives about culture and friendship.
I agree. In order for both sides to understand the differences, they must be made aware of how others perceive differing cultural practices.
You make a good point about having students take everyday activities (high five, hand shake, hug, etc.) and view them from the perspective of another culture. This would serve as a true eye opening experience for the students.
The young ladies have a connection that helps the two make it through their school day with some familiarity. I am sure student ask the girls about it and they explain, it is a sign of friendship such as high five or hugs. I think it will work it self out.
I agree that this situation is a great learning experience about cultures and diversity. If the girls are comfortable, they can share about their culture to the class and they will get a better understanding. Still, middle school students are immature and sometimes cannot understand the seriousness of their religion. Therefore, make sure that everyone knows to keep their hands to themselves while at school.
I think it's a great idea to let the girls share about their culture. They can tell their other peers why they hold hands and also tell some other things about what they do in their culture. This will show the students that everybody don't do things the same. It will make them aware of other cultures.
I really like your idea of addressing the matter so that it didn't place the spotlight on the two girls. I also liked that you directly addressed your students' reactions regarding unfamiliar cultural practices. Educating students on the customs of different cultures (coupled with addressing the issues of making fun of differences) would be a great way to quell the rumors circulating about Ade and Elsa.
Yes I agree, expanding the students knowledge about different cultures allows the growth of diversity. In order to understand and accept differences we must have knowledge about the differences to conclude a justified answer.
I agree as well, that students in this age group are quick to make uneducated judgements. Helping them understand how different cultures view things such as showing feelings of friendship by holding hands is acceptable would be a great thing to do. I also like the idea of researching other cultures and how they express feelings of friendship.
I agree that it would be tough for the teacher to address the issue being a science teacher. I think it would be a great opportunity for the social studies teacher or counselor to address the issue. I agree that both strategies should be used in this case. The girls need to understand American culture just as the rest of the class needs to understand their culture. I think it would be a great learning experience for these students.
I like how you would address the entire problem. Counsel the girls help them understand the reasons behind what others are saying, and address the problem with the whole group. Going one way or the other in this case would not lead to a solution and probably allow the situation to linger.
I would thread lightly on the solution to address the issue on a larger scale - school-wide because middle schoolers don't like to be single-out or put on the spot. Nonetheless, I do agree that the issue does make a teachable moment in increasing the students' awareness of cultural differences.
I did not think to include student leaders in the solution. Middle school students are very social and tend to respect and listen to peer leaders. Bringing in a few of the student leaders and explaining the situation may encourage those speaking negatively about the girls to cease in the rumor spreading.
I LOVED your response. The girls are CERTAINLY being bullied and something needs to be done about it. Also, having a counselor speak to them is a great idea I had not considered.
I like the idea of getting others involved. I hadn't thought about bringing in parents to discuss it as well. We don't want students making fun of them.
I see it a little differently. If they are new to the United States, holding hands is their coping mechanism to being "thrown into" a new country, language, etc. If that is helping them "survive" middle school I do not think they should be forced to stop holding hands. Perhaps the other students need a lesson in understanding people from other cultures.
I agree that discussing the rumors with the girls is important and offering an explanation on why they are being viewed in this manner based on American culture is crucial. However, I feel that it needs to also be addressed with the students who are whispering and judging the girls.
I think this would be a great way to build universal acceptance and a great teaching moment. Students need to see firsthand how cultures vary from country to country, and why it is so important to respect one another's culture. The girls can learn from this as well as to understand how American children show affection to their best friend.
Setting aside time for discussion as a class could be very beneficial. Allowing the children to voice their opinions may open many windows for clarification or deeper understanding. I agree that guiding the discussion with cultural differences and ideals that seem strange to others allows the students to stay on task. Hopefully the students being engaged in discussion will allow everyone involved to find respect for differences of all aspects.
It would be a good idea to incorporate a project into this type of multicultural lesson. Students at this age/grade level should be enlightened as to how different cultures interact with each other.
I agree that the older students lack in the area of culture education. Therefore they need to be exposed to more cultural influences and education at an early age. Students of other cultures do not join school only at the middle school level. Many of them begin school at a very young age only being exposed to their culture. If American students knew more about various cultures then they would most likely not make ignorant comments. -Kayla Mullins
I agree that this would be a good opportunity to teach the students about different cultures. Students will still talk about others but I would imagine some of them would stop because they would understand why the girls do what they do.
I agree. I would not tell the girls they had to stop, but I would privately tell them why others are talking about them. How you would incorporate the lesson without making it obvious as to why you are all of the sudden teaching about handholding? Not saying it is a bad idea, but I am just wondering about your thoughts on this.
I feel that your way of handling this is good. The counselor there to help the girls talk in a more private setting and is someone the girls can trust. It's apparent that the kids have no knowledge of outside cultures so it would be imperative that a lesson on other cultures be taught.
I agree with the importance of informing and educating the other students on the different gestures and their meanings across various cultures. Of course, simply educating them will not make the rumors stop, but at least their classmates will have a better understanding of their meaning and the girls will understand why the rumors have started based on the message the US believes holding hands sends.
That is a great idea to allow the girls to decide if they should hold hands after explaining to them what it means in the United States culture.
I think it is very important to help Ade and Elsa understand where the thoughts of the others are coming from culturally but also to make sure they understand that they are not wrong for continuing to represent their friendship by their culture. They should make the decision for themselves rather than having their culture taken away from them when they have done nothing wrong.
I agree is is important to educate the girls on the implications of holding hands and letting them decide for themselves whether they want to continue to do so. Educating other students on cultural differences is important as well. I agree that is students understood the cultural difference then most of them would stop making fun or spreading rumors.
I agree that it's not only important for the two girls to understand, but for the other students to understand the situation as well. This is a huge learning opportunity for the whole class. I think that the school counselor should be involved as well just to advise and help the situation along.
I also agree it is important for awareness to be raised for both sides of the situation. The girls should be given the information and made aware of the differences in American and Indonesian culture, so that they may make the choice to hold hands not at all, or sometimes when in their homes or away from the school setting.
I really think that allowing the girls to share their culture with the class will help some of the students to understand the girls culture. I agree with you, however that some students will continue to be mean simply because the girls are different. We as teachers, need to be aware of these students and find ways to correct this behavior as best we can.
I agree with this solution. I think this mishap is a perfect opportunity to talk about the differences in cultures. It would be helpful to explain to the students the different customs of the girls culture, and explain the American culture to the girls and why their actions may have been misinterpreted. This is a learning opportunity for all the students involved.
I agree that the issue needs to be addressed to both the American cultured students and the young girls. Each group needs to fully understand each others culture and learn to respect it!
Ashley, I approached the situation in the same manner as you. I believe it is important for the girls to understand what holding hands means in the US, but other students also need to understand cultural differences and be respectful of those differences. If the issues continue, then disciplinary action may need to be taken with the students are are making fun of spreading rumors.
Wendy, I agree. I think it would be important to first bring in the parents just so they are made aware of how the situation will be handled and that they are in a safe place. I think it's also crucial that the teacher ask the counselor for help. These situations can be tricky and having a second opinion or someone to advise the situation is very helpful. I feel that the kids that are spreading the rumors could learn a great deal about other cultures through this situation. I do not agree with the option of just telling the girls to stop holding hands, etc. That could come across to the girls as disrespect, anger, etc.
I am glad you thought of the parents. It is always a good idea to let parents know of situations at school, especially when a child is hurt, physically or emotionally. Asking the counselors for help would also be beneficial. They may have lessons already formed which address different cultures. Letting the administration know that this has become an issue may also be wise, in case this type of difficult situation continues to spread.
I agree with your opinion to dedicate a day to teach a lesson on different cultures. This will help the other students get a new perspective on differnt cultures and how they vary from the American culture. You could even tie in how some of the things we do (like shaking hands) are viewed and rude and strange in other cultures. I also do believe that the counselor should be utilzed in this sitution.
I made a comment similar to yours. I stated that the 7th grade classes should do a report on Indonesia and other countries and compare the cultural differences. Pictures along with explanations of the differences would definitely be helpful. Many of our children here have not experienced other cultures so they respond to what they don't understand. Maybe we could definitely do more as educators to help them learn about the various cultures and in turn have respect for them.
I like your idea of providing pictures along with an explanation of different cultures. Some students are so close minded to different cultures simply because they are unfamiliar with them. I think it would be a great teaching moment to show the students how these different cultures behave and it would also be a great opportunity for the girls to share their view on their culture as well. This will bring more a "family" sense into the classroom.
I disagree. I think that it is culturally insensitive to tell the girls not to hold hands. I think that schools are becoming too diverse in the U.S. for others not to accept the cultural differences of other students. Respecting the cultural backgrounds of others needs to be widely enforced in all schools to create a positive learning environment.
I can see both views. But my personal opinion, it would be a little in appropriate asking the girls not to hold hands if we are teaching our children to have a cultural fit mind. I would strongly urge other students to not judge the girls. Matter of fact I would take it a little personally if I saw other students "picking" on the girls. I would let students know that other cultures find traditions we, the USA, do silly. In addition, try very hard to teach students that all cultures have played a heavy part in our society and that they need to accept others different from themselves.
The idea of a school-wide cultural learning day with presentations led by students of differing cultures is a great way to expose students and faculty of existing cultural traditions within their school. It may also be good to assign groups of students a culture that is not being presented on in order to give students a chance to perform research and expose as large of a variety of traditions as possible.
I like your idea of sharing culture within the school. It could be a "culture awareness" type day/week/month.
I also like the cultural awareness idea. This would be a great opportunity for social studies teachers to pull information about the countries they are teaching about and doing mini lessons on the cultures of those countries.
I had not thought to get the entire school involved, but it would be a great way for all of the students (and staff) to learn about different cultures. Also, by bringing the whole school together Ade and Elsa would hopefully not feel singled out.
Assigning various cultures to the class would be an interesting project. I have now been pondering how to incorpate a project similar to this into my math class. I have a few places that I can easily relate to the unit we are on, not to find a couple more.
I would try your first option to try to explain to the students in your class that each culture may do things differently, however, that does not give you the right to jump to conclusions or assume things.
I like the mention of not jumping to conclusions. Teenagers have a tendency to do this too much.
I agree that the students should not be told to not hold hands to avoid rumors. I also really like how you recommend handling the situation. It provides a wonderful educational opportunity without drawing unnecessary attention to the two students.
Oh I really like your idea of letting Ade and Elsa teach the class about why they hold hands. You could have each student teach the class something unique about their culture. That way every student could feel like their culture is being represented and is important. You could have one culture day where all students get to share or allow one student to go once a week to help spread it out.
I really like the idea of having the girls share information to the class about their culture. By doing this I feel that the other students will understand their culture better.
Your solution to the problem is very similar to mine. I think that the problem with Ade and Elsa should open doors for students to learn about different cultures. As long as Ade and Elsa do not invite anyone who is disinterested to be a part of their cultural norm of holding hands, then I don't see a reason to make them stop. Sure, this is the U.S. and we don't necessarily hold hands with ours friends, but what's even more important is that the U.S. has become a VERY diverse country and we must learn to respect and accept other cultural backgrounds.
I agree that the situation should be addressed from both sides. The 7th grade students should be taught about cultural differences and that hand-holding and other signs of affection are common between friends in other cultures. Ade and Elsa should also be told why the other students think they are in a lesbian relationship and then they can decide for themselves if they wish to continue holding hands. After addressing the issue if students continue to spread rumors about the girls then it should be taken up with the administration.
I did not think about mandated school rules being heavily enforced. Per district, I can see that a rule is a rule and that the girls should not hold hands. On the flip side, the parents could counter act with discrimination. Then the school could say we treat all students equal...everyone follows the rules. So, this would be a tough one. I can see both sides. I would not allow my students to talk about the girls. I would teach them that all cultures are important to our world.
I had not heard of a school with no PDA specific rules so that was very interesting. I do feel that rules are put in place for the safety of students and that students should follow the rules. As teachers it is part of our responsibilities to make sure students are following the rules. However, strict no PDA rules in this case may not be fair to the girls because they would go against their cultural views. As a result I would consult with administration to determine if the strict PDA rules should be enforced. If so then I would conference with the girls and their parents to explain the reasoning for the PDA rules.
Good point! Both groups should be talked to by the teachers. An explanation should be given to the girls so they understand that friendship is not expressed that way in America and the other students should be given an explanation as to why they were holding hands in the first place. Taking this route may be the best option because both cultures will be exposed to the other.
You make a very valid point in extending the conversation to include the tips that no matter who or where you are, if you are in a culture that is different from your own, it is your responsibility to learn about that culture and how you might be able to best fit in. I am not saying that if I went to Indonesia that I would have to give up my culture, but I would not want to offend anyone in that culture by accidentally doing something or saying something. I like that you would explain both cultures to the class and try to get them to begin seeing the differences.
I like the idea of talking with the girls first. Allowing them to decide what you do lets them know that you are ultimately looking out for them. Giving the girls the options to decide allows them to see the outcome of both situations and to prepare for any situation. By involving them in a decision that affects them personally, you are showing your support for them.
I like the suggestion of incorporating literature or reading an article about the students culture. By encouraging the whole class to read about the culture of the girls then they will have background information about them. The class may become more accepting of the girls.
It is good to think about school-wide rules with these kinds of situations. I didn't mention it in my solution by that now makes me think that working with administration (concerning the rules) is also a good idea and good practice. I would at least run it past my principle to let her/him know that it is something I'm planning on addressing and how. Good food for thought! :)
I believe it is an excellent idea to flip the situation and have American students analyze their own culture with how people from other cultures may view certain gestures as silly or strange. This take the scope off of Ade and Elsa and expands it to the other students. I think that this would make for an excellent discussion although I doubt a whole day's lesson considering the teacher teaches Physical Science. I am having some trouble connecting the situation to Physical Science.
It would be important to let them know why everyone thinks this action is out of the ordinary. I just think it would be hard to pass up the opportunity to let the girls teach my class about their homeland if this was my class. This will also give the girls an opportunity to decide for themselves what aspects of American culture they want to adopt for themselves.
I discussed this as well. If the girls knew why the students were laughing at them, then I am sure that the girls would limit their hand holding because they would not want to be portrayed in that way in the American culture.
I also discussed about not limiting it to just hand holding in other countries, but to discuss multiple gestures or meanings from around the world.
I think that using this situation as a lead in for a unit is an excellent idea. It also gives Ade and Elsa and opportunity to share their culture with their classmates, most of whom have likely never considered Indonesian culture. The only issue I see here is that the teacher is in a Physical Science classroom so it is unlikely that they can incorporate an entire "social studies" unit into their Physical Science curriculum.
I completely agree with you. I do not think the two girls should have to stop holding hands; nevertheless, I would explain that in America culture they still might be judged for it. Therefore, it would leave it up to the girls to decide whose cultural acceptance they want to abide by. I also liked your option of getting the girls to talk to the class. This might be scary for them, but it would show their honesty in the situation versus a teacher trying to protect them.
I like the idea of getting the school counselors involved too.
I also think explaining to the girls in private why the other students are misunderstanding their handholding may be beneficial for the girls.
I think the research project is a good idea. I think allowing the students to choose the culture they research would help students be open to the project. I didn't think about getting the guidance counselor involved, but that is a good idea to take advantage of internal resources. The girls, if comfortable, should share about their culture. The students can learn so much from each other and could then share with others in the school so the whole school becomes more culturally aware.
I think it would be a great idea to have a cultural diversity day. I think the more we talk about it with our students and the more we model it, the more students will begin to embrace it.
It might also be beneficial if the curriculum allows to introduce different cultures so that the students see that gestures mean different things around the world. It is always fun in older classes to show the students picture/videos of famous faux pas.
I think the teacher should also be cautious that they do not embarrass the girls by drawing further unwanted attention to them, so it is important to discuss with the girls the situation.
You are right. It is important to let the girls know why the other kids are talking about them and help the girls understand that they are not doing anything wrong. I think it is also important for them to know the difference of cultural practices.
You are right. It is important to let the girls know why the other kids are talking about them and help the girls understand that they are not doing anything wrong. I think it is also important for them to know the difference of cultural practices.
Thank you for your post. A film sounds like a good idea. It is important for students to learn about other culture practices, but I would make sure that the girls are ok with the solution.
I think showing videos about friendships in other cultures is a great idea. Students need to know about the culture in other countries so that they are open-minded and that you shouldn't judge people because of what is acceptable in their own culture.
I agree with your solution. I do not think making the girls stop something that is natural to them is right. The main goal of educators is making our students feel apart of the classroom community and like they belong. I feel like asking them to stop something will only being negative feelings from the two girls.
I completely agree that middle school is a hard age and can be a rough time for students. Unfortunately, the rumors are hurting the girls' feelings and it needs to be put to an end. I think that having a talk with the class about their culture should eliminate most of the rude talk. If the students continue to make remarks, then those students should be talked to. The girls should not have to alter or quit their culture just because it is different here in the U.S. The students in the class will have to understand that some students have different cultures.
I agree with you. There's no reason that the girls should have to stop holding hands, and I think it's a great time to teach other students the culture differences.
I also don't think it is necessary to make the girls stop holding hands. We need to teach the rest of the students about other cultures.
I agree with your thoughts. I think that educating both parties (the girls and the other students in the class) is perfectly acceptable in middle school. I am sure that hand holding has not been the only cultural difference the girls have dealt with in this process of moving to a new country and new school. Hopefully educating about various cultures will help to promote acceptance and understanding among all students.
I think you describe a very realistic solution to this issue. Both sets of students are probably uneducated on the cultural differences when it comes to holding hands. I would also make sure that students know the impact of spreading rumors, particularly false rumors.
I think it is a great idea to involve the counselor in this situation. I am sure the girls are having other issues because of their transition to a new culture, so it would be wise to involve both their counselors and parents to ensure that communication is open during this transitional time.
I like the idea of "cultural counseling" but that may be easier said then done. Hypothetically you could do a session everyday for the entire year and you still would not hit the entire gambit of every culture represented at your school. What is not offensive to one group could be offensive to another. It is a very tricky thing. I think we just need to be ready to learn and adapt as situations arise.
I, too, believe a combination of the two options is the best way to handle this situation. The students on both sides need to become better educated about what is and is not considered appropriate within the various cultures. After that, the students will need to make their own decisions on the matter. If problems continue to exist, they can be handled from there.
I agree with the idea of telling the students about similar practices in ours and other cultures.
I agree with you. I think it would be insensitive to just speak of the girls' cultures but instead speak of many cultures.
I agree with your solution. I feel like explaining to the other students about the girls' culture will help them have a better understanding for the girls behavior.
Great post, I agree with you and think this is a great solution
I agree with your approach. Both the girls and the class need to spoken to so that not one feels like they have to be the one that changes. I also agree that the approach is dependent on the age group and how it is brought up. Sensitivity is the key in this situation, you don't want to step on anyone's toes or hurt anyone else's feelings.
I think that is a great idea. Showing students how different things can be in other cultures is key to adjusting their idea of what is normal.
I really like your idea of discussing our culture with the girls and talking about different cultures with the class. I feel like this keeps both cultures in mind.
I would likely not bring up the conversation of lesbianism either. However, I would probably address the differences of behavior from culture to culture. Perhaps I would even allude to how friends display affection for each other, making reference to Americans giving hugs or "dap" or "high fives", to others holding hands. I am sure the students would soon make a connection to the implication.
I really like that solution because it makes the girls feel okay about what they are doing, and it also explains to the other students that they need to use a different choice of words to describe the girls. I like that the girls are made comfortable about the situation, and that the other students are made aware of what they did wrong.
I agree the two girls should not be made to feel they cannot hold hands. However, I wonder why you explain that the word lesbian is inappropriate and shouldn't be discussed. It is not nice for the students to be gossiping and being insensitive. And I understand that it is a sensitive topic; however, the word lesbian is simply a term for sexual orientation. It is not an insulting word or a bad word. At least at my school, I have students whose parents are lesbian and gay. I would not want them to feel that I was disrespecting or disparaging their families as this type of response could unfortunately make some feel.
I agree that they should not be told to stop holding hands. I do believe they should realize what will be thought of them if they continue to hold hands. It will be up to them to determine what they will do. I also agree that we should talk with students about name calling, etc. which could also fall into bullying. The key is to address the situation not ignore it.
Ignorant may be a bit strong. Kids are kids and are naturally uneducated. They need to be enlightened, not taught that they're bad, ignorant, or wrong.
Absolutely I agree! Ignorance is expected of kids, that is the whole reason they are in school to begin with! Instead of blaming them, it is important to guide them in the right direction and teach them how assumptions can be harmful and lead to bullying without them even realizing it.