Two boys who tend to derail the class, any ideas?

I'll be teaching 3rd grade this year and have at lest 2 boys who tend to derail the class and be challenging. Do you have any out-of-the-box ideas on how to connect with them and manage their behavior before it begins? and to keep it consistently managed?

Solution #1
You could give them some class responsibilities, depending on what it is this can really make kids step-up. Assigning classroom jobs gives students opportunities to contribute in meaningful ways and helps teachers feel less stress about having to take responsibility for all of the jobs to run the classroom. Show students appreciation for helping with classroom activities and they get a self-esteem boost as well.

I agree with this solution, students love to know that what they are doing is helping the class and feel as though the spot light is being put on them. I have a student currently that just wants to help with everything and when he can't he throws a fit. That could be what these students are doing.

Solution #2
I would first look for patterns when the negative behaviors occur and try to diagnose a cause from there. It is also very important to figure out what motivates these students. Maybe it is drawing, computers, reading a magazine, etc. and incorporate these personalized rewards following lessons when the students stay on task.
Solution #3
Sit them apart and reinforce positive behavior when it occurs, not only from the two students but also from other students.
Solution #4
First I would make sure that the students are not seated near each other. Next I would reward them with computer time at the end of the day as an incentive for good behavior.

This is a great idea.

Solution #5
I would try to find out what their interests are before i begin teaching so i can gear some of my lessons towards their interest. I wouldn't have those students sit next to each other. I also would create a contract to discuss with the students as soon as they begin to be disruptive, that way they will feel like they have a say in how they behave. Planning ahead will be your biggest advantage.

I really like this idea a lot.

Solution #6
These two students are seeking negative attention and should not be seated near each other and should be separated during group projects. Giving these kids classroom responsibilities making them feel that they are contributing in a positive way. Be sure and give them positive feedback for the good behavior, this a strategy should lesson their need for negative attention.

Great solution!

Solution #7
The students may be eager to get attention or may have a short attention span. As a teacher, you do not want to put all of your focus on them. But you might be able to give them a task that they only get to do under good behavior that they could look forward to in order to encourage better behavior.
Solution #8
Have the students keep a chart to self-monitor their behavior. If they have unacceptable behavior, then have them mark it on their chart and write a short sentence about what they did wrong and how they will change their behavior. For good behavior, I would have them mark their chart and they would not have to write anything. At the end of the week, if their behaviors averages out at about 85% toward the good behavior then they will receive an incentive.

I have many boys in my class who are high energy, I find that hands-on is the way to go! I know that this is not possible for every lesson, but whenever I do have a lesson that involves running around, and peer interaction they are amazing.

Solution #9
I would be paying attention to there patterns and watching to see if there is any triggers that will be discouraging the student.
Solution #10
Well i think that it is important to keep the boys separate during learning times. You can also give them things to distract their minds. Some of these things that you can give them are things like play-doh, squishy balls, or a stress ball. Giving them these things are good because they are small and not noisy so they are not distracting to others. And it keeps the boys mind off of being distracted and will help them focus on the lesson being taught.

I think you have some great ideas, but I worry that giving a student something like a ball, or play dough could have the potential for even more of a distraction.