If you are in front of the entire class trying to correct a pretest so that everyone knows what to do for the test, what do you do if you have one student who is just yelling out all of the answers, sometimes before you even ask the question and the rest of the class is sitting there bored out of their minds. You don't want to ask the student not to answer because he is the type of student who if you did that he would probably find some other way to be disruptive and then he wouldn't be paying attention at all. Plus, chances are that if he were not yelling out the answers, no one else would have.
I agree. Stressing the use of raising their hands should solve the problem. By giving praise to those that follow the classroom procedure it will eventually make that student realize that they should also raise their hand instead of shouting out the answer.
Yes, don't give the shouters any validation.
Ignoring the shouters and praising the students who raise their hands is the best option.
Positive reinforcement works too.
You could try using positive reinforcement when covering the material. If the student raises his/her hand to answer the question, they get a treat such as a snack or homework pass. The student may not participate correctly in the beginning but once they see other students following the correct procedures and being rewarded, they will more than likely also act in the same manner.
That's smart. That would eliminate the yelling.