Tourette's Student

A student within the classroom has Tourette's syndrome. He makes very loud audible noises frequently and constantly throughout class. He has testing accommodations in place for standardized testing so that he does not disturb other students. However, for classroom assessments he remains in class and tests with the rest of the students. How do I prevent this student from disturbing other students in the class during test time without calling attention to his disorder?

Solution #1
Talk with the student's special education case load manager to see if there can be testing accommodations with in the classroom similar to those for a standardized test. There is a possibility that teachers in the past has not addressed this with their case load manager therefore they are not aware that the child needs extra accommodations. It might also help to assess the student after school or during a separate time.

I agree that it would be best to get some help from other people. As said, the student could possibly need further assistance.

Solution #2
I know at my school, students who receive testing accommodations for standardized tests have to use those same testing accommodations for classroom assessments. You might could check the policy on this so that the student could take all tests outside the classroom.
Solution #3
A student with Tourette's should not be in a regular classroom. There are special in service classes that he or she can be a part of or take as many classes online as possible as a solution. It is absolutely not far to all of the other students who deserve a classroom free from distractions so they may learn the standards. Sometimes the sacrifice of one for the many is the only solution.

I completely disagree with this solution. I think it is important for the student with tourettes, and the other students to see the inclusion of the child. In life everyone is different, and learning this lesson at a young age will help the students become more understanding.