I have a student who begins to cry and shuts whenever she does not understand how to do something. She is a sweet child, loves school, and does her homework. She is on an RTI for reading and math fluency. When we met with her parents we discussed how this reaction is detrimental to her learning. They have the same problem at home and we all think it is a lack of self-confidence. She is struggling but every time she puts her head down and cries I feel like she is getting further behind. I work with her in small groups in reading and math every day and tutor her during bus duty plus an hour after school once a week. I have tried encouragement, conferences, and tough love. Nothing is working. What else can I do?
Thank you for your solution. I will try that next week. It would be helpful if I could remind her she has a special treat she is working towards.
I think the incentive plan is a good solution. This gives her small goals that she can work towards. When she completes a goal she will not only be continuing her education, but also gaining self-confidence!
incentive plan sounds like a great solution to me.
I think flipping the classroom may be beneficial to this particular student. It will give her extra support and should give her a boost of confidence.