I got in trouble because of the books I have in my 2nd grade classroom library. I have been an elementary school teacher for 10 years. Recently, I completed my master's degree in education. In the master's program, I learned about the importance of teaching children about different people, different cultures, and different perspectives. Although I am not a big fan of gays and lesbians, I learned to accept them as another group of people in the society that need recognition as anyone else does. So, I decided to include in my classroom library books that included families with two moms or two dads. I have had books with single-parent families, interracial families, families with a mother and a father. So, I thought by including books depicting gay and lesbian families, I was being more inclusive and representing all family types in the society. I believe children should learn that there are families out there that are not like the families they have been seeing and children should learn to respect such families. However, I learned recently that not everyone agrees with me. I have been criticized openly by some of my colleagues. More recently, some parents sent angry letters to me and to the school principal describing their displeasure with my book collection. More specifically, they think I am trying to teach their children to become gays and lesbians. How am I going to handle all these pressures? What would you do?
I don't think it's every too early to teach children to be good people. Would you send home a letter asking parents if it were ok for you to have books featuring people of color? No. That's ridiculous. Why would it be any different for LGBT+ people? If you think students would mock people who are different from them in books, this is a sign that you should keep the books! This is a great opportunity to teach the children to be more accepting. They will not learn this when they are older unless someone teaches them.
Never shy away from doing the right think just because you face adversity.
Second grade is too early to teach children to be accepting of others? I disagree.
You can't really encourage someone to have a certain sexuality. You're not encouraging anyone to do anything by doing this. You say you don't discriminate, but that you don't think being LGBT+ is ok. That's discrimination.
Exposing children to LGBT+ lifestyles is not damaging. Being LGBT+ is more than just sex, it's about love. Comparing LGBT+ people to NAMBLA is truly offensive and means you don't understand what you're talking about. It concerns me that you think this is a problem and that you are an educator of children.