Student's medication

Mrs. Smith has a student that requires medication during the day for focus and to keep the student from becoming violent. She lives with her very young mother and they both live with a lady that is a foster parent to children. The problem is that the medication is so inconsistent, the student is failing many of her tasks. What is the best way to handle this problem?

Solution #1
I would set up an appointment with the mother, the nurse of the school and your superiors so you could discus the medication and possibly make a set schedule for the child.

It is best to get it fixed fast.

Solution #2
If the medication is prescribed the school nurse should be calling the student to the clinic at those specific times. However, if the medication is to be given prior to school then a conference should be scheduled as stated before. RTI meetings are also beneficial as they will address the students specific needs. There are many resources available to find a solution. It is important to remember how to properly communicate with the parent. The parent should not feel as if they are being attacked. Work with the parent, not against them.
Solution #3
The first step is to approach the school guidance counselor and nurse. In the meantime, while the proper people are looking into the situation a teacher needs to do her/his part in the classroom. As a preservice teacher, I would prompt the student of what we are going to do before I gave directions to the whole class. I think maybe if the student is not surprised with the things, she may react better.
Solution #4
Run the medication by the school nurse and your problem. Hold a meeting with all parties to create a system needed for the child. This way you will have a plan to have the child medicated and ready for class.
Solution #5
I would alert administration of the problem and try to set up a meeting with mom to try and resolve the problem.