Broken Arm

Ms. Sally has a student who has come to class with a broken arm on the day of their unit test. Because the arm that the student has broken is also the hand that he uses to write, it will be impossible for him to write his answers on his test. The grades for the unit test must be submitted that day, so there is no possibility for him to make the test up on another day. Ms. Sally can not use class time to personally administer the test to this student because must monitor the rest of the class while they take their test. What is Ms. Sally to do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Ms. Sally could possibly pull that student during her planning time to take the test. Being a connection/exploratory teacher, I know it can get frustrating when academic teachers pull students during our instructional time, but with a situation such as this, we usually understand. She could have the student read the test, and answer the questions orally while she documents the students responses.

I like this solution the best. It gives the students the opportunity to take the test, and it's not too much out of the way. If the student cannot use their hand an oral test seems like the only other option.

Solution #2
Ms. Sally needs to contact an administrator and make them aware of the situation. If they cannot help you administer the exam then maybe a co-teacher or teacher who has planning can assist you. What will you do for a student who is absent from school that day? I would treat the situation the same as an absent student if not other options are available.
Solution #3
The teacher could have the student take the test during her planing time or have another student to assist the student once they complete their test.
Solution #4
Grades can be amended even after a grading period has been closed. When students miss the week before winter break and miss finals, a zero is entered for the grade and students have to make the exam up when they return. If administering the test during planning does not work out, the teacher can request that parents bring the student in early and administer it early the next morning.
Solution #5
The teacher could have the student take the test electronically so that the student could use the other hand to type or select his answers. This way the teacher could still monitor the other students testing.
Solution #6
She could allow her to take the test at the same time as the other students but bring up by the teacher desk and point out her answers or tell them to the teacher.
Solution #7
Ms. Sally could ask the student to take the test with their other hand the best way that they could. If that does not work, she could get another student to assist.