Ice coffee

There is one student in your class who is wonderful. She does everything you ask and more. She is brilliant in class and very helpful. So most more you stop to get ice coffee and decide to bring this student some as well. She comes to your class early in the morning and you think most students don't recognize the frozen treat. Well one day your principal comes to speak to you about a complaint another parent complained that you were showing favoritism to one student in the class. What should be the consequences for the teacher, if any?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I do not feel that this is that serious, obviously it shows favoritism but it is not like anyone was harmed. I do not feel like the teacher should get in trouble, the principles should just let her know that it is not okay. If this happens again then yes, I do feel like the teacher should be written up.

I don't think punishment is necessary, or at least not at this time. The teacher and student should be informed that the situation may not look good to the other students and it would be better for all of them if they just stopped this activity.

I agree. I do not believe that she should be punished, but she should not that it is not okay.

I agree. I do not think that it is that harmful. Maybe the principal would just tell the teacher not to do it again.

Solution #2
I do not think there should be any action taken against the teacher. The only thing that should be done is to give an explanation and apology by the teacher to the parent. In the future, the teacher should refrain from giving an ice coffee to the student.
Solution #3
I'm torn on this one. I believe in rewarding good behavior but the teacher should reward other students who do the right thing also. The part that I do not agree with is that it is secretive about it. A reward should not be rubbed in other students' faces but it should not be hidden. I believe the teacher needs to stop ASAP and rethink her reward system.
Solution #4
I think it is important to inform the principal and the parent that they student was given this reward based on their academics and helpful behavior. However, from that point on, the teacher should develop a system where they rate and treat other students for their productiveness and not just the one.
Solution #5
Well it is obviously unfair and demonstrates favoritism. However I also feel like this is not a huge offense. I want a teacher to bring me some iced coffee too. I feel like if the teacher is going to do things like this, they should do them during lunch hour or after school, and not in the full view of the class.

Great post

Solution #6
There should not be a consequence for the teacher showing kindness. The talk from the principal should be enough of a reprimand.
Solution #7
The teacher should have a formal conversation with their direct supervisor about appropriate student relationships. The teacher should not bring in treats for students.
Solution #8
I do not think it is appropriate to bring a student an iced coffee regularly. It is one thing if it was once because she came to help early in the morning but this should not be a regular event. I also think that maybe the teacher is doing other things they might not notice that is showing favoritism to this student. I would suggest treating all students equally even if one might be more helpful than another.
Solution #9
The teacher didn't do this act to try and put this child ahead or on a pedestal, so I feel like there shouldn't be major consequences. I could see the principal telling the teacher to not do it again or the popular response of, "if you bring something for one child, you need to bring something for each child."
Solution #10
I don't think it's inappropriate. If the student is arriving early to help out, then that student deserves a treat! Maybe offer the same treat to other students if they arrive early to help.

Yes as long as other students are not getting treated differently.