Coach Lowe has several students that have asthma and often forget their asthma pump when they come to class. She has to record scores for every student for the Fitnessgram assessment. One of the tests the students must complete is the Pacer Test which measures the student's cardiovascular endurance. Three students forgot their pump on the day of the assessment. What can she do to accurately measure their cardiovascular endurance while still using the Pacer Test?
If the student does not have their inhaler on the day of the test, they need to be given an opportunity to make it up. When a student misses a day for the state standardized test, there are makeup days offered. Try this and stress the importance of this test to parents so that they make sure their child has his/ her inhaler on day of test.
a great solution. The quickest way to get help.
This is a good idea. Students who do not have their inhaler should not take the pacer test that day. They should be offered a makeup.