
Kathy overhears a male student from another class prompting a girl to send him nude pictures on his phone. She feels the suggestions were in humor. She does tell the responsible teacher that the students were being inappropriate through email, but it is one whole day before the teacher is able to get in contact with her to find out who the students involved were and the nature of the inappropriate behavior. Did Kathy handle this situation appropriately? What could she have done differently? Would it be appropriate for her to be held accountable if the situation were to escalate?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Kathy assumed it was done in fun. It was a form of sexual harassment. Kathy should have told her teacher about the incident immediately. I understand not wanting to get someone in trouble over what seemed like a joke, but the male student needs to understand that behaviors like that can have serious consequences, especially when that student is or becomes an adult.

Yes I believe these incidents should be taken seriously,

I agree that it should definitely be taken seriously.

It should've been taken more seriously and dealt with in a timely manner.

Solution #2
The student thought it was done in humor, but, she still should have been more detailed when she informed a teacher.I do not think she should be punished because even though she was not totally clear in her report to the teacher, she still came forward.The only thing that should be done is to tell Kathy that next time she should be more clear on what happened. Also, if the teacher can not handle the situation herself she should of had another teacher, counselor, or school psychologist look into it.

I do not believe that the teacher should be punished but I think these situations should be taken seriously.

I agree I enjoyed reading this idea

Solution #3
This was a case of sexual harassment and should have been reported asap. I would not ave sent an email. I would have immediately pulled the teacher aside, told her of the situation and then emailed the guidance office to make sure they know the situation just occurred, from there it is in the hands of the administration to pull the student for proper disciplinary action.
Solution #4
Kathy was completely in the right here. Even if in jest, asking for nudes from a peer ranges from unprofessional to downright sexual harassment. Kathy also can't tell if the requestee was comfortable with the request, which also greatly impacts how serious the situation is. Kathy also shouldn't be held accountable for what escalates from this, because all she did was report highly inappropriate behavior that she herself did not engage in.
Solution #5
Kathy did what was right in letting the teacher know. Kathy does not have any legal obligation to report suspected cases within a time frame that will hold her liable if she doesn't. She should be commended for taking a stand to report the incident.

This is a safe solution.

Solution #6
No, Kathy did not handle this situation correctly. Kathy will be held accountable if anything negative comes from this situation. Administration should be involved.