Little Content Knowledge

Mrs. Little found out that she was going to be teaching science a week before school started. She is unfamiliar with the content because she has never taught it before. She has not received many teacher resources because the textbook coordinator says that they are not anymore. She also has to teach social studies. How can Mrs. Little ensure that she is preparing her students for the end of year test withh more than one prep in middle school?

Solution #1
Mrs. Little needs to take advantage of any technology she has access to. She can use the state standard website to make sure that she covers all of the standards, and she can also use websites to access resources from other teachers who teach the same content area she does.
Solution #2
I would suggest looking at the curriculum map for the standards that need to be taught and following that. There are numerous websites that are standards based that offer lessons and ideas. It is extremely hard without resources, but from experience I can tell you that it is sometimes great, because it allows you to incorporate, pick, and tweak ideas. It allows you to not be so closed minded to just what the school's resources gives.

I agree with this solution. Technology is a great advancement. I would look into any resources possible.

Solution #3
The first option for Mrs. Little would be to familiarize herself with the standards that she will be teaching. Understanding the language of the standard would give her the outline of the content that she would need to focus on throughout the school year. She could research the content standards in small chunks just prior to teaching each unit to become more comfortable and knowledgeable on the content she is required to teach. Mrs. Little should also use her fellow teachers who teach the same subject for resources and guidance. There are also many preparation materials for students that Mrs. Little could request so students could practice answering sample test questions before taking the actual test at the end of the year.
Solution #4
Mrs. Little should reach out to other science teachers in her district, as well research information about her grade level science.
Solution #5
Take advantage of technology! Technology is there to help you succeed in the classroom if she can find resources that will be helpful it will definitely be useful in the long run!
Solution #6
If Mrs. Little is certified in the content then she has the content knowledge. Most likely the content needs to be refreshed so she can teach it. If she has already taught social studies then she will be more prepared for this content. Her planning time needs to focus on preparing for science.