Student Learning Objectives

SLO's will hold a significant impact on the evaluation of connection teachers. Some students tend to not show much effort on these types of assessments. What are some ways teachers can ensure that students are prepared and motivated to do well on these assessments to show proper growth?

Solution #1
Display to student's an example of a SLO so that they will have an idea of what one looks like. Allow them to attempt to complete a SLO as practice and even give them a chance to work with a partner and to review the correct answers as a class once done. Show a graph explaining how the data will be used to show growth. Also explain to the students that this assessment grade will be entered into the grade book and will count towards their report card grade.
Solution #2
Try explaining to students the purpose of SLOs. Often times if students understand the reasons behind pre and post assessments then they will be more likely to put forth better effort.

If teaching a connection subject in elementary school, these students are not used to taking written assessments in connection areas. I would try to get them used to that first by incorporating written assessments in your units. Second, for any grade level make sure you ask higher level questions for every topic you teach so students understand that there is a reason they are learning it.

Solution #3
One way that my school attempted to excite students for the CRCT was with a pep-rally. When they are excited about showing what they know, they tend to put more effort into the assessment. It is important for students to be excited about the material being presented, and want to show that they understand.
Solution #4
This may not work in all cases, but I am honest with my students and tell them I am evaluated based upon their performance. I usually have a good relationship with my students and they don't want to let me down. They will try and take it seriously in order to make me proud.
Solution #5
This has to start with how the teacher talks about the SLO. I know that when this was new to my former school, teachers talked negatively about them, even in front of the students. If the teachers don't express the value or down-play these tests, so will the students. If the classroom rituals and routines value these tests, then the students will eventually as well.