Repeating Students

Due to the number of students at Mr. Henry's school, several students take his health class multiple times per year. Those students are often taught the same materials and given the same assessments the second time they take his class. What are some ways he can challenge those students, while ensuring the other students are taught and assessed on those same materials?

Solution #1
Mr. Henry could possibly create enrichment activities for the students that have already learned and mastered the content the first go around. For example, perhaps Mr. Henry could offer a lengthy application project that these students could work on throughout the course so they are still using the content but learning to apply it in different ways.
Solution #2
Mr. Henry could utilize the students as peer tutors. When the class is broken into groups these students can be the group leaders. The students can also help move students through stations if a lesson is set up in that format.
Solution #3
Students who are taking the class for a second time could be given certain topics to "teach" before the teacher's formal lesson and they could offer a preview to the other students. They could also be given projects to complete in lieu of formal instruction again.
Solution #4
Technology is often a great resource for differentiation. I suggest allowing those students to chose a health topic that they are interested in, or that is part of a current event, and have them complete research on the topic. Then, these students can create a report, PowerPoint, display, ect. and share their knowledge with other students in the class. This would not only allow them to learn new information n a topic that they are genuinely interested in, but it would also provide them an opportunity to share their knowledge with others.
Solution #5
My school system requires a new approach to instructional practices if students do not meet the requirements for promotion and return to the teacher. For that reason, I think Mr. Henry should adjust his practice in the classroom; especially if he is having many students retake his class each year.
Solution #6
I would add new material, or different assessments.