One Retake per Semester

Students are allowed one retake per semester. A parent contacts you to request their child be given a second chance to retake an exam. How do you respond?

Solution #1
It is important to explain to the parents that there is a procedure for retakes in place, and that unfortunately they are only allowed one re-take per semester. If the parent becomes more upset, I recommend involving the administration.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #2
Ultimately, the parent wants to ensure that the student's grade is in good standing. I would reiterate the retest policy to the parent, but I would also provide additional opportunities for all students to earn points other than taking another retest, especially if I can see that many students didn't do well on the test. My students maintain a data tracking folder where they analyze their strengths and weaknesses. If students get this signed by a parent, then the students earn additional points toward a test or assessment. I have also offered one extra credit assignment per grading period where students have an opportunity to earn additional points toward their grade. Although these additional points might not impact the students as much as retaking a test, they are additional opportunities for the student to take advantage of during the semester to improve their grade.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #3
Explain to the parent that you have to be fair for all students and only allow one retake, which this student has already used. A parent teacher conference may even be necessary to further explain the policy and see why the student is needing to retest again.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #4
Explain to the parent the policy of students being allowed one retake per semester. Explain to the parent that this child has used his/her one retake with this particular exam and that retaking this time will actually be a 3rd retake. I would explain to the parent that this child needs to be remediated on the concepts taught because he/she has not mastered them yet. Set the child up for tutoring and create a different type of assessment once he or she has been remediated.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #5
This is a tough situation, because as a teacher, I appreciate when parents are involved in their child's education. I would ask that the parent come in for a parent/teacher conference and if this is a school policy, I would have an administrator sit in on the meeting. I would explain that their child has already retaken the exam once, and that as a teacher, it would be unfair to allow them to retake it again. I also would let the parent know that I would be more than happy to contact them prior to any future exams so they can make sure their child is prepared for it.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #6
The school system that I teach in requires us to give retakes on all summative assessments where students do not score in a passing grade. I would allow this to happen and would let the parent know that in this system its about mastery of the content and that the student would need to take the following steps before the retake could occur. Step One - test corrections on missed items to include pages in book and notes in which to study for reassessment Step Two - After School Detention (ASD) to discuss areas of weakness and an effective plan for studying Step Three - Retake the assessment for areas of weakness only and gain points back on original assessment grade

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #7
Although I don't necessarily agree with policy, however, if I were to explain to the parents I would kindly let them know that this is a policy set for by the school (if that is so) and explain to them why the policy is in place. And after that, I would suggest keeping them abreast of when the next exams will be so that they are able to help the student adequately prepare for the exam. I know that as a parent I would want to know when the next exam would be and study guide to coincide with the exam to be sure my child was adequately prepared.
Solution #8
I would respond by telling the parent I understand that you are concerned about your child's grades, but there is a policy set by the school that there is only one retest allowed per semester. If you have any further questions or concerns I would more than gladly refer you to an administrator.

Good insight. Thanks for your input.

Solution #9
I do not believe in one retake per semester. The purpose of a test is to check for understanding. If they fail the test, why not give them a chance to relearn and retake? If a kinder-gardener fails a test on the letter A, do we say o well and move on to the letter B without learning the letter A? No, that would be crazy. The same should be true of any subject. We want our students to learn. Some take more chances than others.
Solution #10
Respectfully explain to the parent that every student has been given the opportunity to retake one exam. For you as a teacher to permit one student special treatment and let them re take a second exam would be unfair to the rest of the class. It is not required for you as a teacher to let students retake exams and you have to be sure students are not just being given a good grade, but that it is earned.
Solution #11
I would give the parent a scenario that I use with my students. "In life there are times when we mess up and we can't undo that mistake. We can't make it go away. It is still there. There is no 2nd chance and there are no make ups. If I constantly allow a student to make up a test then what am I teaching them? That its ok if you don't study this time,because you can always make it up. That is a life lesson lesson that I would like to teach my students. So next time your student will be challenged to work and study harder, because they will understand there are no 2nd chances."

Good insight. Thanks for your input.