Not Enough Time in the Day

Mr. Johny often administers formative assessments to gain an understanding of what his students have learned and where they are in their learning processes, but can't find the time to analyze the data obtained from the assessments to effectively drive his instruction. His planning time is usually consumed with meetings and conferences. He also coaches basketball and doesn't get done with practice until 7:30. By the time he gets home, he is too tired to study data and determine where to go from that data. He feels that his planning time should be open for this. What could he do to become more effective?

Solution #1
There are actually several electronic platforms, apps, websites, etc. that Mr. Johny can use to collect data. I know that a lot of time can be spent grading and charting data, which can be extremely overwhelming. I use an app called Quick Key where students can bubble their answers on a generic sheet and the teacher can scan the sheet with an electronic device. This app will also store the data electronically by student, by question, and by class period so that teachers can effectively use the data and not spend as much time grading and formatting the data.
Solution #2
One way is to go over the material in class and have students make their own assessments. This not only eliminates the time needed to grade the papers, but it also allows students to see their mistakes. Additionally, the assessments don't have to be paper and pencil. Students can complete digital assessments or a ticket out the door activity that provides feedback without the added task of grading a paper.

I think these are good possible solutions for this situation.

Solution #3
I am actually having the exact same problem! One solution is to not rely on assessments that you have to take home and grade. Formative assessments don't have to be pencil and paper. A formative assessment could include taking a poll of this who understand, those who need additional support, and those who are completely lost. This could be done just like a "heads down, thumbs up" type game so that students won't be ashamed of responding truthfully.
Solution #4
Yes, technology is a teacher's best friend! Many companies have created free tools for teachers to use that will make our busy lives less stressful. For instance, using Google docs (forms) one can recreate assignments that students can complete using the software. Once completed, it will grade and graphs data automatically and the results upload directly to your gmail account. Also, online websites like allows you to collect data from quizzes or in-class polls. These are just a few tools you can use in your classroom that I think you will like and find easy to use.
Solution #5
Sometimes I use a calendar format and assign each student a number. Each student will be given sticky notes at the beginning of the week to write his or her response. Instead of taking time to collect the "tickets", have the students come and put their sticky notes on their numbered box. This eliminates time and effort of the teacher in collecting them and a sticky note does not have room for an essay response ;)
Solution #6
Employ a student that enjoys working on computers or working with numbers to collect and document data. Mr. Johnny could begin his day 30 minutes earlier or attempt to stay 30 minutes later and keep this time sacred and devoted solely to reviewing the information. Also, see if there are any computer software programs that the school system has purchased that he could tag onto and use for this dilemma.
Solution #7
Plickrs is a GREAT tool for formative assessments that gets students engaged and helps analyze data quickly and easily.
Solution #8
Mr. Johnny does need to have time during his planning to analyze this data. He doesn't get paid to do this once he gets home. If Mr. Johnny has an instructional coach, he or she can help analyze the data for him and discuss it with him in person or through e-mail. Mr. Johnny could also talk to his administrators. They often do not realize what all the teacher is having to do unless the teacher talks to them about it.