SPED Students and Writing

I teach 4th and 5th grade resource and I have a hard time getting my students to write a sentence. Now they are asking us to prepare our students for the GA Milestone Test by including Constructive Response questions on all assessments and at least twice weekly in each subject. Any ideas on how I can motivate my students to write more or a new approach to constructive writing???

Solution #1
I, too, am a high school Resource Teacher. I have requested a resource called Write 2 Learn. As a result of the new standards, Pearson created a inexpensive program that will allow the students to self-assess, use word prediction, vocabulary, spell check, paragraph structure, and so much more. I plan to use this program in preparation of GA Milestones, this will help them improve their writing skills and receive immediate feedback on how to correct their own work before final submission. The teacher can create writing prompts or pick from the prompt bank. Also, teach them a strategy such as R.A.C.E.S or A.C.E.S. You can Google them. I know these strategies work and students have the potential, we just have to pull it out of them.
Solution #2
Begin by reviewing the foundations of sentence formation and practice forming simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences for those students are a little ahead of others. Then begin practicing developing a constructed response and how to begin answering in complete sentences and finding the question that is being asked of them.
Solution #3
Have students select their own topics for their written pieces, or provide goofy topics that the students will find entertaining. This will increase interest and hopefully engage them to write more than usual. Also, there are multiple games online that help students identify parts of speech and create sentences, and technology is often a great resource for resistant learners.