
Mrs. X is having a hard time checking over the students homework they turn in weekly. It is not for a grade, but she wants to see if they are doing it right. Any suggestions for Mrs. X so she isn't bogged down checking homework?

Solution #1
Allow students to check homework in small groups and discuss the questions the students have gotten wrong. the teacher can also pick a certain number of questions to check to cut down on the work load.

Great idea, having students go in groups or even pairs to grade each others assignments would help the teacher out a lot.

Solution #2
One thing that I do for homework is allow students to self assess on the homework. At the beginning of each period, I project the answers, and the students check their answers. There is a space on the homework that asks students how many questions they correctly answered and what they struggled with for that night's homework. If a large number of students got one of the problems incorrectly, then we review that problem in class.
Solution #3
I found myself trying to grade every homework assignment, but I was getting bogged down with all of the grading! Now, I only grade two assignments per week. I just don't tell the students which day I am grading homework to insure that they do it each night. I utilize random questions to check and sometimes I use peer grading. We swap papers with a partner and the two students discuss the answers they got. After the students have discussed the answers, we use nonverbal cues to assess the students' understanding (thumbs up if you got this problem correct). I use a checklist to record students homework grades.
Solution #4
You could possibly implement the homework into the class by going over it. An example would be having each student answer one of the questions from the homework in class.
Solution #5
I feel that Bell Work could help with this instead of giving homework. You could walk around while students re completing their work and you can also have an open discussion when it is time to go over the solutions, that way they wont feel singled out an they'll open up about what they don't understand.
Solution #6
I have found it helpful to choose specific problems or questions from homework assignments to grade. For example, if I issue homework for addition in mathematics I would only grade a selected group of problems from the worksheet which would best show the ability of the student to correctly add.
Solution #7
This teacher could have the students switch papers with another student and go over the correct answers. Then ask how the class did, and go over further questions on the subject.
Solution #8
If the assignments are not being given a grade, post the correct answers to the homework on the board each morning and allow students to check their own work upon arrival to your class. For those questions that they get incorrect, they can address them with you or ask another student for help. Many times, just having another point of view helps. And also gives the students responsibility and value.
Solution #9
Hopefully Mrs. X is only assigning enough homework to assess standards and not doing busy work types of problems. When I grade homework, I try and pick out one or two problems that best assess the standards I was teaching and look at those. If they have those right, I know the students are on the right track.