Testing accommodations

A teachers teaches in a co-taught environment. However, the resource teacher is only in the room during CCGPS instruction and only serves students for those subjects (math and literacy). If students have testing accommodations such as reading aloud of test questions, and other students do not, how should the teacher meet the needs of the students while not infringing on their rights to privacy?

Solution #1
The teacher should test the group in a small group setting so that he or she could still provide the appropriate accommodations for the students. In order to make this possible, the teacher may have to test the students at a different time than the other students so the reading aloud of the test will not interfere with the other students' focus and attention. The teacher must provide the accommodations, whether or not if the resource teacher is present within the classroom.
Solution #2
The teacher should meet with the Sped coordinator to ensure that IEP accommodations are being provided for 100% of the time.
Solution #3
Try recording the assessments. It will also get them ready for the GA Milestone Test.
Solution #4
Teachers should read aloud to all students. It helps the general ed as well.
Solution #5
Teachers should recognize that reading aloud is a common and best practice for all students.