Motivated Readers

Mr. Berd is having trouble getting his students excited for their reading block. He wants them to be motivated to read and excited about the choice of book. What are some shays Mr. Berd can get his students excited about their reading materials.

Solution #1
Find out what their interests are and if you don't have books on those topics ask the school library or look into the local library resources. Make sure students are reading books that are not too difficult for them. It's okay for them to read "easy" books if this is general reading time. It makes sense students wouldn't be motivated to do a difficult task. Allow them to read song lyrics, or comic books, of course they have to be appropriate. Think outside the box if you are really struggling. Find magazines, anything that they will read!!!

I agree it is all about letting students read what is interesting to them. This is the only way reading will be considered important to them.

This is a great suggestion, so the kids enjoy and are interested in what they are reading.

It is always a good idea to align lessons or books with interests.

Solution #2
It is important to have a wide variety of books available to students so they can pick what they want to read. He could have the students write down their hobbies or things that they enjoy, and have them look for books about them in the library.

I like this suggestion, allowing student to pick what they read or at least have a vote.

Solution #3
Sometimes the texts are selected for the students during whole group reading, which doesn't provide a lot of student choice. But if the students do get independent reading time during the reading block, have them pick the books they want to read. Kids are a lot more likely to read something they picked out themselves :)
Solution #4
A great way to find out what the students are interested in is to give them an interest test. Once that is completed pick about three books and summarize or read the back of the book to the class to see which one they would like to read. Also incorporating fun activities with reading is also a great way to build student's understanding and makes them interested.
Solution #5
First he needs to find out what their interest are and that way they will be more inclined to read. Have them writing down some of their favorite things during their next writing period and get books based on their responses.
Solution #6
I would have your class take an interest inventory. If you find out that you have several children interested in robots, then make sure to procure some. Other than that, perhaps try having books in different formats. For younger kids, interactive books such as Leap Frog, or pop up books. Also consider using technology to get kids motivated to read such as an I-Pad or Kindle.
Solution #7
I find that the more excited I am about a topic the more motivated my own students are. Show interest in the book and relate it to other areas in their life. Maybe show pictures of a related topic or a short video that explains an idea further. Show the students that you care and they tend to as well!
Solution #8
At the beginning of the year the teacher should ask parents for the names of a few books their kids like. throughout the year these books should be incorporated into the lessons. Anything can be tied in somehow if you want to.