Mao is a first grade student from Laos. He arrived here a year ago with his sister and two cousins. He is in the same class as one of his cousins. When they arrived, he and his cousin were at a low level of English Language Acquisition, and a low reading level. His cousin has advanced quickly, and is now on grade level, and speaks fluently. However, Mao is not. He has trouble reading, but his difficult is puzzling. He will often look at a word and swap it for a synonym. For example, when reading the book "Tall, Small, Tall", Mao looked at the title and read it, "Tall, Little, Tall." It is obvious that he knows the meaning of the word, but he consistently reads them differently than what the word says. The ESOL teacher and the classroom teacher have discussed his situation, and they both feel that he needs to be tested for placement into ESE services. However, administration does not want to do this because he is receiving language services. What should they do?
I agree that is shows Mao's understanding of the idea, which is important. Considering all options for this student, not just ESE placement is most appropriate.
I agree with you and will utilize solution in my classroom if I am ever in this situation.