I have a student in my internship class who is in 7th grade for the 3rd time. His parents are divorced, he lives with dad. He has no interest in doing the work and has no issues telling the teachers that he is not going to do the assignment. He is not really a behavior problem. Dad is aware that he is on track to fail, again. His response was to the tune of, I guess he will be in 7th grade again. This boy will be 16 in a grade with 12 year old classmates.
This is a good suggestion.
This is something to ponder.
This is a good idea, to get the student motivated.
I enjoyed reading this idea.
I agree there needs to be a family conference that not just involves the teacher, student and parent. The administration should be involved at this point too.
That is a very sad situation. I would try to have him sit down with another teacher or administrator.