Job Interview Focus

I feel putting the ego aside is beneficial. The hiring committee can review a resume and ask questions accordingly. Personally I would be honest and stress that every aspect of being an educator is about meeting the needs of the students. As and ESE teacher, it is my responsibility to give 100% to my students. I would save the flowery prose and self accolades for a different setting, and focus on the obligations of being a teacher.

Solution #1
While I can understand why you might want to take the approach of being a flexible blank slate, I personally disagree. While yes we are all equals, an interview is an opportunity for you to sell yourself, people will not instantly know of your experience or qualifications, they won't know about your volunteer experience, or your experience as a parent. I think confidence is the most important thing to show. With confidence come competence. They are hand in hand. Someone who comes in without a clear vision or sense of excitement is not likely to be someone who I would call back.

I 100% agree with you! Confidence is key!

Solution #2
I am not sure that I 100% agree. I believe that it is good to have self confidence in yourself and to occasionally brag about yourself. I would still be honest about meeting the needs of the student though.
Solution #3
I think its important to be confident and honest in your interview.