I am in a secondary classroom right now for my internship. One of my students was absent for about three weeks at the beginning of the semester because of disciplinary reasons. He genuinely cares about his grades and checks his Focus account at least 3 times a day. However, because he was out of classes for so long, he believes that there is no way for him to catch up--he has virtually given up on this grading period. Because of this, whenever he comes to class he is always on his phone, never stops talking, and causes others to get off task. As an intern, I am at a loss at what I can do to get him to realize that it is never too late. My CT, likewise, cannot get him to pick up a pencil. Any suggestions?
Excellent suggestion!
awesome suggestion
This is a great suggestion.
Excellent suggestion!
I think this is a good suggestion, I would also make a schedule for him with a missed assignment each day that way he can see how it is possible to catch up.
Excellent suggestion!
This suggestion is helpful, I think helping the student throughout the school day or after school will make a difference.
Excellent suggestion!