I have a student in my 1st grade class who is very sweet and willing to learn. He is an ESOL student who has not even been in the United States for a year. The teacher I am working with has had an issue with this student crossing the lines with many rules (getting up out of his seat without asking, running in line, etc.) because every other adult at the school doesn't feel they should correct him because he "won't understand." This is not the case. However, because this little boy has been able to get away with so much, he has now taken to getting a little too friendly with some of the young ladies in the classroom--nothing inappropriate, but we will often find him petting their hair while we are sitting on the carpet, he will hug them, and he gets very close to their face when he says hello to them in the morning. Some of these girls do not welcome this affection. Any suggestions on steps that should be taken?
This is a good suggestion but it doesn't help with people correcting him when he misbehaves in other ways.
This is a good suggestion, I agree that it might originate from his culture.