Students on iPad

I am having a hard time integrating actual teaching into the classroom due to the fact that my students use Edgenuity. This is an online education program. I in my internship,however, have to be sure to teach these students. When I try to teach a lesson though (TEBD students) my students get mad and do not want to listen. Edgenuity allows students to have a lot of freedom and in class instruction does not. What am I to do? I am discouraged to teach my students.

Solution #1
I would do engaging activities that involve hand-on participation. This is something that cannot be done on the computer and will more likely grasp their attention. If you wanted to incorporate the technology element with the lesson, you could have the enter data or write a response on a class blog about the activity. Science activities may be the best to use to start engaging students with.

Excellent suggestion!

This is a good idea, I would definitely use it in my classroom.

That is a great idea. I love incorporating blogs into the activity.

This is a great suggestion. Having hands on activities allow the students to get up and move around.

Solution #2
That is tough. I would try adding a decent amount of technology to your lesson, in an attempt to give them at freedom to a degree, but keep you as the primary instructor. I would suggest a kahoot! (they can all participate on their computers. Its essentially a short quiz that you make up. Students link up, and are awarded points based on getting the right answer, and answering the question quickly) You could also try virtual tours of places that again, they could explore on their computers with say, Google Earth while you are teaching. I hope this helps!

Excellent suggestion!

This is a good idea but, I wouldn't want students only using technology in the classroom. It might be too much.

Excellant suggestion!

Great suggestion. Only allow so much time on technology if they do A, B, or C.

Solution #3
In general, it can be a challenge to move from teacher led instruction towards student led learning. The goal is to keep "teacher talk" to a minimum and allow the students to explore on their own and draw some of their own conclusions. There is a time a place for "explanation" but if you engage the students first and allow them to explore on their own, than they will be eager to hear what you have to say.
Solution #4
You should encourage students that it will help learning too if they are learning from a teacher in their classroom. You could create a lesson that would be very fun for the students to get them more interested.
Solution #5
Use a reward system. Explain to them in the beginning of the lesson what your expectations are, and try to make your lessons hands on and engaging.

Excellent suggestion!

The rewards system is a good idea, this will keep the attention of the students.

Solution #6
I would try to keep the activities in the classroom hands on and interactive. I would give fun rewards when the students behave and stay on task, and punish them appropriately when they act out.
Solution #7
I would try my hardest to make the material interesting. This is a difficult thing to do with students that are used to working with a lot of technology, but it is still important to engage them. Also, if the students feel that the lesson is relevant to them, there are more likely to actively participate in classroom instruction.

Excellent suggestion!

I think this is helpful, make sure the information is relevant to the students.

Solution #8
This sounds very challenging. Maybe you could have stations in your classroom during class instruction so it still allows for some freedom and you could walk around to each station to help students who need help. You could also designate time for iPad use and in class instruction so that there is no other option. Good luck!

Excellent suggestion!