I work with a small group of students everyday. These students on their own are not too problematic, but together can be very challenging. Due to my obligations and feelings of my CT, I must keep the group as it is. They are constantly off-task during my instruction, making rude comments to each other, etc. I have tried both offering rewards for good behavior and the appropriate punishments for not behaving (I've done both a phone call home and given a few lunch detentions) What would you suggest to help correct their behavior?
Excellent suggestion!
This suggestions seems like it would help, make sure the kids aren't sitting together and that they know they have work to do.
Yes great suggestion. Would be very beneficial in small group activities.
This is a great suggestion
Great suggestion!
Great suggestion.
Excellent suggestion!
This is a good suggestion, it is important to keep you cool in front of the students.
This suggestion doesn't seem to help because she said that the students couldn't be changed because of the request by her CT.
The group is final.
First, I am wondering what grade level you are working with as this can influence the way that you handle this situation. One strategy that may be helpful is having the students teach each other. You simply facilitate. Giving the students the "teacher" role is very empowering. The other students are assured that they will get a turn and tend to listen so that the others listen when it is their turn. I have used this successfully with a kindergarten class.