I have two students, both girls, who have started to become friends. One, Amelia, is a genuinely good student, tries her best, and always listens. Or, until recently. The other is Amanda. Amanda is a new student, and has been a constant disruption to the class since her arrival. Shes quite the class clown, is nearly always off tasks, and talks back to me. Amelia became friends with her and since then, the two have been engaging in these off task behaviors together. So I decided to inform them I was going to call home. Amelia starts sobbing and screaming "No! Please don't call home, I don't want my Dad to hear, please!" I can understand the child being upset, but she was.. beside herself. I let her off the first time and told her she would instead lose half of recess (I did the same for Amanda too) and they would both write a reflection on their behavior. Their behavior started to deteriorate again, so again I mentioned calling home and got the same reaction. Obviously I cannot let the behavior continue, but I've never seen a child so terrified of a teacher calling home. How should I handle this?
Excellent suggestion!
This sounds like a great way to go about this situation, I would follow these steps in my classroom.
I enjoyed reading this idea.
I think that it is important to talk to the student to make sure there is no abuse at home with her dad. I agree.
Hebehu's advice is 👌 on point
Nice Suggestion.