Homework Help

A girl in the class I am observing never does her homework. When asked about this, she says it's because no one is there to help her in the home. What can be done about this from an intern's perspective?

Solution #1
I would ask to see if she can stay after class so that you or the teacher can help her. I come from a background of my parents not being educated enough to help me. That could be the case, but be there to help her because that is your job.

Excellent suggestion!

I think this is a great idea, the student could even get help during lunch or an independent reading time.

Solution #2
Give her opportunities to complete homework during the school day. She may not have parents available to help her after school. She may also simply need to build her self confidence. Some students do not attempt to figure things out on their own because they are too dependent on the teacher or another adult. Perhaps some instruction in problem solving and strategic thinking could help.
Solution #3
Give her opportunities to complete homework during the school day. She may not have parents available to help her after school. She may also simply need to build her self confidence. Some students do not attempt to figure things out on their own because they are too dependent on the teacher or another adult. Perhaps some instruction in problem solving and strategic thinking could help.

I will utilize this information once I become a teacher.

Solution #4
I would ask the teacher to try and call the parent and first check the validity of the story. If true not nor true, try offering extra help before or after school. Maybe to get the process rolling you can let her get help during lunch with you sometime.
Solution #5
I think it is important to have a schedule time during school to where the student could do her homework so that if she has any questions can ask. I would even have the parents come in and try to talk with them about the concern of their little girl and her homework. I would suggest a tutoring program or if the school has one encourage the girl to go to it.
Solution #6
As an intern I would talk to the teacher about different services that the schools provided for students for example tutoring or see if the teacher themselves have tutoring. I would then relay the information to the student or suggest the student creating and having a before or after study group to work on homework or other class work.
Solution #7
I would hold a conference with the parents/guardian of the student with your supervising teacher. If they cannot come into school for the conference you can do it over the phone. Check to see if are able to help with homework and assure them that homework is essential to school success. If the parents work or are not able to help out offer to stay with the student either before or after school on set days for homework help. Additionally you could speak with your supervising teacher about allowing time during the day to work one homework.
Solution #8
From an interns perspective I think you should give a little extra time with the student after class or sometime during class to help them with their homework. Maybe mention to the teacher you are interning for that you would like to help this student or attempt to have a parent conference.
Solution #9
I would have a very blunt discussion with her. We have this same issue at our school, mainly in our math classes. Students never doing their homework give the same excuse. However, these students have notes and resources (given to them by teachers) that can help them. While students might not be able to always complete homework independently, or even correctly, they should always be attempting it with the resources they have in their possession like notes or other classwork.