Inappropriate Material

Jon is a great student in seventh grade who does all of his work and gets good grades. One day during silent reading you find that he is reading a book that contains inappropriate content. You ask him to put away his book and choose another from the classroom book shelf. He does as he is asked but you get a call from him mother a few days later regarding the fact that you had her son stop reading the book the was interested in during class. How should you respond to Jon's mother and is this a problem of ethics?

Solution #1
I think it would be best if you explained simply to his mother that the content of the book was not something you saw as being appropriate for your class. You don't have to go into details, just simply put it that way. You should also make sure you mention that you were not trying to punish him, as Jon is a wonderful student. Highlight the students achievements and what a wonderful student he is to try and ease the upset parent.
Solution #2
As a teacher I would talk to the parents and discuss the fact that you are glad he is interested in reading. I would also explain the classroom rules, tell her if she would like he can read this book at home. In class we cannot have books like this because of other students. Do not make the parent or student feel bad/guilty just remind them not to bring it to school.
Solution #3
I would discuss with the parent why you felt that book was inappropriate for school.The parent might be unaware of exactly what type of book her child is reading. I would give suggestions for books that are similar in topic but are more appropriate.
Solution #4
It would be best to respond to his mother and explain that you did not find the content to be appropriate for the classroom, and explain why. I believe that as a teacher it is not your place to ban students from reading this material themselves, but you may step in if they try to share the material that you deem inappropriate with classmates. This is especially true if the parent of the student knows and accepts that the child is allowed to read this material.
Solution #5
I would check with another teacher to make sure that the rules in the school with stories brought from home to school are. I would then tell the parents that according to school polices the story the student brought to school was not appropriate. I would then tell the parents that the best method of action would be to receive a list of genres aloud and not aloud.
Solution #6
I think that it depends on the type of inappropriate material that the student was reading. Was it inappropriate for school completely? Such as pornographic or violent, or was it religious. If it was inappropriate and not allowed in the school system, I would explain to the mother that it is not allowed in school and it should be kept at home for him to read.
Solution #7
If you tell the mother what was in the book and the fact that it was not for school i think she will be understanding. I also think you need to say that the student is free to read the book just not in class
Solution #8
Books are not censored in schools so this is a difficult situation. Maybe allow the student to take the book home with them so they can read it in private and the parents won't be as upset.
Solution #9
I would highlight the fact that I did not condone the use of this book. I would calmly explain to her that I did not give him the book and that I did take it away when I found out that it had inappropriate content. I would also suggest that we work together to take care of the issue.

I guess it depends on the content, but I would probably speak in person with Jon's mother, and/or just let Jon & his mom know that he can read it at home, & not within the classroom. I'd also check with the handbook/school guidelines to see what it says in regard to the material he was reading, so you have something to back you up, instead of just your professional opinion.

As someone already suggested, depending on the content. You wouldn't want a grade school student read magazines or books that pertained profanity, suggest themes, etc. You should speak to Jon's mother and inform her that what you did was justified as you deemed the content as inappropriate.