Letter Sounds

Miss Conoly has a student that is classified as an EL and SPED student. The student receives accommodations throughout the day in all classes. Miss Conoly will pull the student during ELA time each day to work on language deficits and grammar. Letter sounds are reviewed each day. The student knows the letter sounds on the flashcards but struggles with applying the sounds while reading words. What does Miss Conoly did to do to help the student apply letter sounds correctly?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Miss Conoly could possibly using modeling and technology to help the student. Sitting down with the student modeling how to blend words together would be a good place to start. There are several computer games that repeats blending for students as well. Also when modeling for the students it is also important to have the student repeat after her.

good idea

Good idea.

Solution #2
Miss Conoly might consider focusing on one letter a day for 26 sessions. She could start with the flash card to review the letter sound. After reviewing the letter sound, she could work with alliteration activities that focus on that letter sound so that the student can get used to using it. If this starts to work, the teacher might start working on two or more letters in order to begin mixing them together.

Thank you for your suggestion! I am struggling with a student who has already been retained and is not retaining information pertaining to this subject.

If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this

Solution #3
In my classroom, I created funny letter names for each letter. For example, Alligator A, Elephant E, and Jumping J are funny letter names that my students use to practice their letters. This technique helps the students remember the letter names and helps the students learn what beginning sounds the letters make.

great idea

Solution #4
I would suggest maybe working on one letter for a couple of days before moving on to the next letter, and maybe having a review of all the letters the student has learned so far at the end of the week so that they could have a refresher.