Co-Teacher vs Paraprofessional

Mr B is an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher. He has two "General Ed/Special Ed" classes. In those classes, he has a "Co-Teacher" in the room. Their official titles are Paraprofessional.

Should he expect these parapros to teach like a Co-teacher would or allow them to monitor the students behaviors and help the "special education" students they are assigned to?

Solution #1
A paraprofessional does not have the same type of training and credentials as a co-teacher. A co-teacher actually has a higher education with a background in learning how to be a co-teacher. A co-teacher's role is to assist the teacher, while a parapro is simply there for behavioral support and to read test aloud to special needs students. From my experience, a co-teacher gets paid more than a parapro; therefore, their job requires more knowledge and work.

Thanks for sharing

Solution #2
I would clarify with the special education coordinator whether the class is expected to be run as a true co-teaching situation. The students in the room may require the support of a co-teacher, however, due to circumstances in the county the co-teaching position is filled with a paraprofessional. If it is expected to be a co-teaching situation, then I would work with the parapro to set up opportunities for them to assist in the classroom. Either way, I would treat the parapro as an equal in the classroom, so the students respect both teachers equally.

Thanks for sharing

Solution #3
Parapros do not have the training on differentiation in the classroom that special education co-teacher do. They do not have the training in instructional methods or the content knowledge to be effective in the actual role of a co-teacher. Parapros should definitely be utilized to make the classroom process move much more smoothly. They should make sure disruptions are at a minimum and that any administrative duties that they can relieve the main teacher of are done.

Thanks for sharing

Solution #4
A parapro isn't suppose to have the same duties as a teacher. Their role is more to help and assit with students not be expected to teach.
Solution #5
Since parapros do not necessarily have the same training or certification as a certified teacher, it is inappropriate to expect them to function as co-teachers. Parapros are a great asset to the classroom, and they can monitor student behavior and help students when they're working individually or in small groups.

I like how you differentiate the difference in expectations.

Solution #6
I think the para-pro should be used to monitor student progress and assist his/ her students to meet their needs. A para-pro doesn't always have the background knowledge on how to teach a class or gets paid to take on the responsibilty to of teaching a class. I have both and I expect my co-teacher to have more responsibility because she is a certified teacher. I love my para-pro but am very mindful of her limitations and responsibilites.
Solution #7
He should not expect the paraprofessionals to share the teaching responsibilities because the are not certified teachers. Since they lack certification, the have not been trained and prepared for classroom teaching like certified staff members have been. I would advise him to use his paraprofessionals to help manage classroom behavior and assist with the students that they have been assigned. Also, as the teacher in the classroom, I would encourage Mr. B to check behind the paraprofessional to make sure all duties are being covered; not because he/she cannot fulfill their duties, but because, as the certified teacher in the classroom, ALL of the students are his responsibility.
Solution #8
I would not expect a paraprofessional to model any type of co-teaching methods because they are not certified staff and normally lack the knowledge of appropriate strategies to implement for a co-teacher. At my school, para professionals do not attend professional learning, deal with the parents, and rarely attend faculty meetings so they do not even associate themselves with the classroom. From my experience, they assist with certain students and help out on different tasks.