I have a very intelligent student that is a huge behavior issue. He does not complete his work, he distracts other students, and talks over me during class. I have exhausted all of the behavior management options I know. I have discussed behavior with him, I have sent him to silent lunch and taken recess, I have had conferences with mom, we made a behavior contract so that he could work for a reward of his choosing, he has been written up, I have spoken to him individually in both sweet and authoritative tones, I have even tried giving him different assignments to challenge him more, but nothing keeps him working. I really could ignore this behavior, except that it distracts and bothers my other students. I need help. Does anyone have a new suggestion on how to handle my unruly behaved student?
What about doing large group instruction? I teach first grade
I have a student like this right now! I have found that when I acknowledge the misbehavior, it gets worse and disrupts the entire class. I have been mostly ignoring it until he gets loud. I give him a look from across the room and make eye contact with him. I shake my head now and he usually smiles at defiantly. I have contacted the Drop Out Prevention teacher (high school) and she has spoken to him. I am finding that the less attention I give his misbehavior, the less often it happens.