In one of my classes, on average, about 20 out of the 30 students never complete their homework. Though I feel homework is crucial for students to demonstrate what they have learned during class, I do not give it every night; only about 3 nights per week and when I do assign it, it is never more than ten problems (usually 5-8). I'll even give a student a 70 if they turn it in the next day as a late grade. I have had discussions with students both individually and as a whole group, sent home notice of concerns to parents to notify them that their students are not completing assignments. Still, halfway through the semester and nothing is changing. Is there anything different I can do on my part? Should I offer rewards even though homework is expected to be done? These are 10th graders... is there something else I could try?
I appreciate your idea! I will definitely try that and see if something changes. Maybe for each homework complete, I will add 2 points to their next test. That way, it is significant enough for some of them to consider changing their habits. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing
I like your idea of random rewards. This causes the students to do all of their homework so they can be eligible for the reward.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing