
I have students who never dress out or participate for P.E. I have tried everything under the sun to try and get them to participate. I have even told them they did not have to dress out, as long as they walked during class, I would give them credit (because they were being physically active). These students have been removed from the class and put in another class. I received an email that both students, both average below a 20%, that their grade will be modified to a 60% going into their new class. In my opinion, this is teaching the kids that they do not have to do anything and will just be given a higher average. How do you approach this situation?

Solution #1
I completely agree! I once taught at a school where no student scored below a 60%. Personally, I feel that if a student produces an assignment with only 20% then they have earned that particular grade. Students are going to have a rude awakening in the real world and college when they find out that it works completely different outside on grade school. Have you tried calling parents? Hopefully the parents care enough to make their child dress out. If not, you could always provide an alternate assignment or administer consequences not dealing with their grade.

Thanks for sharing

I agree with this solution. hopefully the parents can help

Solution #2
I love this post!!!!!!!! I teach a performance based music class. So I run into this type of situation all the time! If students don't have their method book or instrument, how on earth can I grade them if they aren't performing?? And then you have parents complain because their kid is failing! I had a sit-down with my administration during my first year here and basically told them that I would not hesitate to drop a child from my program if they aren't participating. There is simply no way to grade them if they aren't actively involved in rehearsals. Meet with your administration and counselors. There's no excuse not to participate unless you have physical restrictions in P.E. class.

Thanks for sharing

This is a great and accurate post!

Solution #3
At my school we are not allowed to give lower than a 60 on a report card. I agree that by giving the students a 60 rather than the grade they actually earned is not teaching them anything. I think that a conference with the parents is a necessity. I also think that there should be a conference with the students and the administration to try and explain to these students the importance of grades and participation.

Thanks for sharing

Solution #4
My school used to not assign scores lower than a 60, but we have since changed our policy. What you get is what you get. In this case, I think that the kids should have to do something to earn the points back. I don't have too much of a problem giving the students a chance to get a passing grade in the new class, but they must do something to earn it. Otherwise, we are sending the students the message that they can get something for nothing.

Thanks for sharing

Solution #5
I teach at a school where students get the grade they earn. I know schools down the road that give students nothing below a 50 for missing or incomplete assignments. I think that giving students the grades they earn is the right way to go about handing out grades. This approach helps to get students involved in their own education. Also, their parents should be notified about the grade change and the student shouldn't be placed back into PE because of their lack of participation.