EIP teacher

I have a EIP teacher who is supposed to service two of my students in math. Every day she comes in late and then leaves my class early. The students should have that service for 1 hour yet they only get 20 minutes at the most. When I try to talk to her about this issue, she tells me that my class is so low in numbers (18 students) that I am also considered an EIP teacher and that it is fine. She has been teaching at my school for 20 years and I am a first year teacher yet I do not agree with her. What should I do? I don't want to rock the boat but my students are not receiving the services that they need.

Solution #1
I would suggest that you sit down with the teacher to "collaboratively plan". My guess is that you are co-teaching, so you should be planning together. If you develop a plan, and she is not fulfilling her obligations, then I think you should speak with an administrator. I know you do not want to rock the boat, but you also do not want your students to be under served.

Thanks for sharing

Solution #2
I would discuss your concerns with the EIP teacher and let them know that you do not feel the students are receiving the accommodations and support they should be. You can offer a suggested plan to help correct the situation. IF this doesn't work, I would bring your concerns to your supervisor.

Thanks for sharing

Solution #3
I would request a meeting with the EIP teacher. The discussion should include the legal responsibility of both teachers in providing the required services for the students and also the students deserve the best services possible. I would also suggest planning together and incorporate teacher's roles in the plan. If the teacher continues to neglect her role, then you are within your rights to request a meeting with the teacher and a supervisor.

Thanks for sharing

Solution #4
If you have not already had a formal conversation concerning this issue with the teacher, I would start there. Otherwise, if you have, I would have to express my concern with an administrator because by law it is not legal and by fairness it is not fair to the student nor yourself.