Parents that act like their child

I have many young parents that act similar to their children that I am usually calling home about due to some behavior. I have a child who never does homework or returns signed papers. When calling his mother, she said I would need to mail her everything in order to get it back because her son doesn't give her anything. How absurd is this comment? How should I communicate with this parent? Half of the time the phone has been disconnected.

Solution #1
Document, document, document! This will be your best friend when it comes time for any thing that may endanger the child of failing. Ask previous teachers what they have done for this child and their parent, perhaps they found a way to get papers to the parent in a more efficient way. Does the parent have email? Could you take a picture of any papers and then email them to the parent?

Emailing or even faxing them to her at work could be a great option as well!

Solution #2
This happens all the time where I work. The best thing you can do would be to mail important papers, such as grade reports, and other paperwork that must be signed. Usually, if I have trouble getting in touch with a parent, I will contact an administrator and they usually have better luck somehow.

Having an administrative reach out is a good idea. I had not considered that before.

Solution #3
In today's world, parents are younger and younger. And, unfortunately, when speaking with those young parents, I see where much of my student behavior is modeled from. In addition to possibly mailing the papers that you wish to have signed, I would scan a copy and email the papers. In my school, I can scan on the copy machine and it will send a PDF file of the scan to my computer. I email the parents of my students regularly. I feel that I get more feedback and am better able to communicate with them through this format than any other. Additionally, because the younger and older generation are so connected with cellular devices, I would use a service like to send homework reminders to parents. You may see an increase in the number of assignments your students turn in by keeping the parents connected using this platform.
Solution #4
I would try to have a digital communication with the parent. Email is a teacher's best friend when it comes to communicating with the parents about the students
Solution #5
Is electronic communication a possibility? Important documents that are necessary to be filled out can be posted online or emailed. Mailing important documents, such as report cards, may be necessary.
Solution #6
I know you send things home also, so at my school the next step would be for the vice principal to make a home visit. This can shake things up a bit. It is very frustrating when dealing with these parents. Our school is made up of these types of parents also.