Attendance issues

Ms. Smith has a student that only attends school on an average once or twice a week. The attendance has been turned in to the truancy officer and meetings have been called with parents. The lack of attendance is causing a drop in grades. The intervention teacher cannot collect enough data to move the student up or down a tier. What should Ms. Smith do next?

Solution #1
I would notify the school social worker. The truancy officer will be able to combat the issue at one angle, and the school social worker can actually make a home visit to evaluate the living conditions-- there is a probable cause. The teacher should keep a documentation book for her classes. She can record all of the attempts to call home, and she can record/print the progress reports for the student. Any correspondence with the principal, counselor, truancy officer, parents, and school social worker should be printed and placed in this documentation book as well.
Solution #2
The teacher should collect data when the student is present. The fact that the student is not there to receive the intervention speaks to the issue itself. In the meantime, the teacher should let the truancy officer handle the attendance issues.
Solution #3
This is an unfortunate situation but I think this is something that the teacher should ask for help on with other people within the school, such as the guidance counselor, social worker, etc. I also think the teacher should collect data in term of recording when the student is present at school and when the student isn't.
Solution #4
Social workers need to be notified so they can do a home visit and evaluate the situation, I have the same situation and turned out the student was homeless and had to take a bus 40 minutes to school and missed it due to circumstances. They have allowed the missed days and help the student when they come.
Solution #5
Definitely do not approach this alone. Make sure that guidance, social worker, and truancy officer are all aware of the situation. They can help establish a resolution.
Solution #6
Mrs. Smith should definitely keep all documentation of her attempts to correct this issue. However, the guidance office needs to handle the next step in processing this type of situation.
Solution #7
This is an issue that is difficult because you as a teacher cannot force children to come to school. Often I find that it is not the students fault. I would do my best to collect data when the student was present, and make sure to send the student home with enough work, so if they do not attend they still have work to complete.